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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No worries, Nex. You had a lot to edit this week.

Okay - look at Ethan's face in the first picture. Doesn't that look like he's calling her bluff? I think he does know her and doesn't fear her. Then the second picture she's reminding him not to toy with her.

The second Luke/Helena one looks interesting too. Either he's just heard something he doesn't like or he's about to. That's his "You better not be messing with me" look.

As for the first one - he and Tracy do a lot of face touching, but that's certainly not the loving embrace he has for her. His hands look a little too big around her throat. Helena's not sure what he's going to do either.

Oh.... I can't wait to see these folks mixing it up. Scrubs spoilers say Tracy battens down the hatches when she realizes her 'old friend' is back in town, so a Helena/Tracy/Luke interaction is going to be good.

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Recaps, Tuesday April 14th


Vets: Monica, Bobbie, Luke, Alexis, Tracy, Edward, Helena

Kisses: one very cute kiss, great smiles on both of them

Appearance: Hair is sculpted (sorry, I still like it even without the oomph); black - shell, jacket/shirt, pants. Slight frill on each side of jacket, but it's short and fits her (yay!!!) Hair has a red tint again.

Other Stories: Reb/Nic stalking continues which doesn't amuse Alexis; Sonny is suspicious of Claudia and wants Carly's opinion of who she trust more - Ric or Claudia (without telling her why); Scrubs crankiness; hospital staff getting settled into their new digs; Carly/Olivia with potential pregnancy drama; Ric threatens Claudia, again; opening of GH - Monica and Nicholas cut the ribbon together, certainly not a gala but lots of folks there including Edward and Alexis (to be fair, there was no spoiler of a Gala but it wasn't cheesy either. short and simple); Sonny prevents Claudia from moving out

Line of the Day: Oliva to Carly "Carly Jax, lying to your mother... that's 10 Hail Marys where I come from"

Sc. 1 - no LuNacy; New day on GH; Monica/Epiphany/Patrick getting back in place at GH; Bobbie with Carly at MC talking about the hospital re-opening, Carly feels faint and Bobbie asks if she's okay

Sc. 2 - no Tracy; Luke post-hangover and Ethan trying to 'cure' him with the Hair of the Dingo. They talk shop and how the H.S. did well last evening and thanks him for not asking too many questions about what he was doing the previous night. Ethan assures Luke he just took the cream off the till. Lucky comes into the H.S and blast Luke for not stepping up to the plate for Lulu. He wants them all to be there for Lulu and isn't happy that Luke can only say Lulu can take care of herself. Ethan blasts Lucky after he insults Luke and tells Lucky some people would be proud to call Luke their father.

Sc. 3 - Tracy arrives at the apartment and wants to know what Lulu knows about Ethan. Lulu sarcastically says she's fine, thanks for asking. Tracy says it's good to see that she's still broken up with Johnny. She's a real Spencer and is attracted to the dark side. Lulu needs a distraction Meanwhile, Ethan talks down to Lucky about how it could have had a better father - a drunk who beat him and his mother regularly or the perfect business man who slips of his wedding ring regularly to have fun. Then Ethan tells Lucky how proud Luke is of him that he crossed the country when he was 11. Luke sits quietly and listened. Lucky then looks at Luke and says he sold Ethan the line - the great Luke Spencer who can do everything but be there for his family. Lucky then leaves and Luke tells Ethan he appreciates him having Luke's back, but he's like an old piano and doesn't appreciate being played. The father stuff Ethan was spouting cuts a little too close to the bone. Ethan says he's sorry, but he meant every word. Luke ponders.

Sc. 4 - Lulu tells Tracy she found the hotel on the highway which doesn't make sense because Luke would have let him live on the boat - Tracy agrees. Lulu says he pulled her into the room and didn't seem to want to be seen with him. Tracy asks if he hurt her and Lulu says he didn't but he got really angry that she was there. Tracy agrees that he got very aggressive when she started pushing him as well. Lulu says there's no point in pursuing it, but Tracy disagrees saying Ethan has an agenda and is after Luke. Lulu asks Tracy why she's so sure but Tracy puts her off. Then Lulu says Tracy doesn't know Luke, that they will both play the game until Ethan bests Luke then he will leave. Tracy asks why she says that and Lulu says because that's what Luke would do. Meanwhile Luke tells Ethan to take the day off and cut Lucky some slack - Lucky knows things about Luke that Ethan doesn't. Ethan says the past should stay there and Luke asks Ethan if there's nothing in the past that makes him angry. Ethan says sure there is.

Sc. 5/6 (lost count of the scenes, sorry) - Lulu/Ethan encounter at her apartment. Meanwhile Tracy walks into the Star and sees Edward. Eddie says he was looking for Luke, but Luke didn't come home last night. Tracy tells him to lay off. Edward then asks when she's going to give Luke the news, but Tracy points out she doesn't have any news just a picture. Edward says she's got enough evidence and wants to see Luke take responsibility for his actions and he's wanted payback for Luke for ages for taking so much from the Quartermaines. Tracy reminds Edward of the last time Luke left because he had to deal with things and how it's not a good idea to say anything because there's nothing to tell yet. Luke enters and sees Tracy/Edward and says he doesn't like the looks of that. Edward tells him to pour a drink, because Tracy has something to tell him. Tracy tells Edward goodbye and he leaves. She turns back to the bar and Luke asks her "is there anything you want to tell your old man, Baby, or should I just pour the martinis and we coast through the afternoon". They smiles at each other and lean in for a kiss.

Sc. 7 - no LuNacy; Edward blusters about poor construction on GH since the power went out. Then power comes back with Helena threatening Nicholas. (Everyone leaves the scene except Monica, Edward, Nicholas and Rebecca who stand in the nurse's hub.)

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Honestly, it's hard to call that one. Last year I would have said no hope at all because it was a nice, almost 'concluding' moment for the two of them. They were happy and kissing - they weren't in the middle of anything that needed continuing. BUT this is now 2009 and Tracy has been very front and center with this Ethan thing. Luthan certainly feels like it will continue tomorrow and given how much they are juxtapositioning LuNacy/Luthan, we could very well have a continuation. There was certainly more that could happen. And given that dates/spoilers haven't been accurate, I'm going with 50/50 for tomorrow.

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Okay good thanks angel--cause that means that they are going to have a conversation becaus ethe martinis are now poured a shaker is out and ethan is in the pics. Seems like it should continue probably tomorrow. Cause the pics of Alexis and Luke are for this week too and luke is in the HS in the same jacket. So maybe she comes by tomorrow to tell them about Helena and Ethan returns to the HS

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Sorry Hooked, r/l got in the way of my soap gab.

I didn't even think of the media pics or their dates, so I guess my assuption increases to 90-10 that they will indeed continue tomorrow. The only LuNacy we had today (in weeks, when you actually think about it) was Tracy turning to Luke, him asking her what Edward thought he needed to know, him calling her Baby (love it when he does that), and a genine smiles between them then the kiss. Tracy didn't look like she was caught, she just looked happy to be with him.

I've liked the Lulu/Luke/Ethan cards and stolen money stuff. I've loved the Tracy/Edward/Ethan/Lulu myster of Ethan's past stuff. But I missed my LuNacy pookies. So glad to see them happy today.

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