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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I know some of you don't understand what Ethan is saying, and others have said as much, but I understand every word. IKD, perhaps it's because where I grew up British/Scottish/Irish accents were the norm. *shrugs* I have no problem following him. Even when I wrote that last fic, Ethan's was the next easiest 'voice' for me to write after Tracy.

And I don't see a 'gravy-train' regression. Luke has shown himself to be very protective of the Q's, even telling Ethan not to touch anything but that phone - all of which was a complete plot-point to have Tracy see the similarities between Luke and Ethan, and didn't go any further. Luke is currently talking the talk Ethan understands: 'this is my turf' means back off, you don't touch anything, 'get your own gravy-train' means Ethan is not going to be allowed to steal from Tracy. It's the same as Sonny saying someone is 'under his protection' - it tells the other person where the boundaries are.

I can see that Ethan amuses Luke to no end, but Luke hasn't once yet allowed him to steal from anyone Luke cares about - Ethan can only steal from Luke. I also don't think Luke trusts him as far as he can throw him, so Luke is sticking very close to see where the lad slips up. The scenes coming up in a couple of weeks where Tracy tells Luke her suspicious will be very telling. There are a lot of different agendas at work here: Tracy's to protect her family, Luke's possibly to see what this kid is up to, Ethan's is as yet unknown, Lulu's is the same as Tracy's. To take the surface of anything right now it missing the greater story, IMO.

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I have to side with Remos on this one- I don't have a problem with understanding Ethan either. I think the problem most people have is that if they aren't use to listening to people with Australian/British/Irish accents, its hard for them to understand sometimes I guess, especially when they aren't talking in a supposedly "generic" British/Australian accent like most celebrities (like Nicole Kidman or Cate Blanchett for example) have and alot of them are easier to understand because they've picked up some American speech habits over the years. I know I sometimes I have a hard time understanding what some Americans, especially people from the South, are saying, and I lived in America for awhile. and speaking of Ethan, i saw this guy in the car park at the Red Rooster who looked like Ethan, and he was even rather dodgy as well lol.

what about you TracyQartermaine? Do you have a hard time understanding what he's saying?

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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Was this the first time we got Tracy in Lulu's apartment?

I floved the tralu today -- better than the traspin, which was pretty hilarious.

I like that Lulu called Tracy on her sh!t when Tracy insisted any man who cheats should be kicked to the curb. Loved Tracy's come back, "Johnny is no Luke." He's not, but the defense is weak.

I especially like that Tracy has brought Lulu into her plan to trap Ethan... I like the co-conspirator aspect to it. We've got Luke/Ethan and now Tracy/Lulu. HATE Luthan, but I FLOVE Tralu.

Still..... Tralu will NOT be enough to hold me. They need to offer up some hot LuNacy lovin' soon... or I'm hitting the door. The show is getting dull as dishwater.

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See, for me this last while has been more interesting than all of last year. I'm loving TraLu, I'm looking forward to Luthan, I'm expecting LuNacy to be on the same page throughout (although they might play is different if that's needed to reel Ethan in), and I can't wait to see what his agenda is and to whom he's connected.

It's all setting itself up beautifully, and I'm enjoying that all the stories now are about family and their interconnectedness. Ethan-Luke-Helena-Rebecca-Nicholas-Alexis, Rebecca-Monica-Edward-Tracy, Ethan-Tracy-Lulu-Luke-Holly, and it just keeps going. Even the mobbies aren't bad (although I could do without as much ClauSon abusive-sex.... Sonny is such a pig).

And Tracy was on fire this week. I loved it. She nailed Ethan, Rebecca, Nicolas and Lulu, looked co-conspiratory with Lucky and Edward, and it involved with Spin again. As she definiately had the best lines of the week.

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What a fabulous TQ week! I have always loved TraLu and it's actually beating Lunacy for me right now. And of course my two favorites, Tracy and Spinelli, in the same room together is awesome! Remos, thanks for the recaps. I like to watch the scenes all in a row, thanks to Nex! I can't believe she's been on so much. And of course I'm going away next week, right when it's getting good!

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Tracy is only on Tuesday supposedly that we know of which I am guessing are the medianet pics with Luke/lucky/ethan. However, I am really surprised that she would not be at the hospital opening on Monday or Tuesday even if just in the background.

I'm looking forward to the Luke/helena moment. Alexis is on a few days this week tool NLG looks amazing in high def. I think JE looked fabulous in the medianet pic...too in high def. Maybe the new makeup techinques they are using of air brushing makeup on is doing them justice!

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Hey all I just thought that I would give you a list of what I am planing to do in the way and what I have compleated okay here goes:


1. "Please Don't Leave Me" by Pink - LuNacy

2. "Close To You" by The Capenters - Trillon (Mothers Day)

3. "Goodbye My Lover" by James Blunt - LuNacy

In Process:

4. "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson - LuNacy

5. "Mad World" by Gary Jules - Bio-Toxin Storyline

6. "Listen to Your Heart" by DHT - LuNacy (With some Paul ewww Paul)

7. "Looking Throught the Eyes of Love" by Melissa Manchester - LuNacy (yes a little cheeseybut I loved Ice Castels)

8. "Something Stupid" by Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman (woo hoo Aussies) - LuNacy

9. "As Long as You're Mine" by Idina Menzel - LuNacy (I fell in LOVE with Wicked when I saw it in Melborne and had to do a video)

10 "When You're Gone" by Avril Lavigne - LuNacy

11. "Once Before I Go" by Hugh Jackman (Yay really good Looking Australians areeba) - A Tracy Edward Video (is there an abbreviation for that ?)

12. "Dark Lady" by Cher (yes I FLOVE Cher I saw her live twice, geez I must be the strangest 15 year old on the planet) - LuNacy

13. "If I Could Turn Back Time" by Cher (yet again and if you look at my channel I already have one) - LuNacy

Well That is the List

I will do these whilest also compleating grade 11, working at McDonalds, doing work experiance at a funeral home (okay that just adds to the strangeness), watching GH religiously, trying to have a life, looking after mu two dogs Theo and Sweeney (I wanted to name Sweeney, Dillon or Edward but mum wouldn't let me, arg mothers what are you going to do with them), playing in the St. Hildas (My School, Private and All GIRLS) Big Band, Rhythm and Blues Band, Senior Concert Band, Singning in the St. Hildas Senior Chior and Sennza Regartzi (It's Like a show Chior), Being Miss Mudgeeraba Show Princess (Hopefully) and Winning the Minus 60 Video Competition.

If Anyone wants to add anything to the list please do I am always in need of new inspiration.



Oh, and I almost forgot


Edited by TracyQartermaine
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Happy Easter everyone. And TracyQuartermaine that bunny looks possesed.

Got another Webking this morning. The Diva decided he looked evil and promptly named him "Ethan" and had a fit when Rusty too "Ethan" to play with "Lulu". I thought you'd appreciate the humour.

So, after almost 18 months of computer trouble, I finally sucked it up and paid to have the entire box wiped and rebuilt. Now I need all my websites again - SD, Wubs, etc. Would one of you darlings give me all those URLs please?

Hooked, thanks for those reviews - they are a riot (especially the hair bit). TQ-S was fabulous this past week. I hope they keep this up and she brings Luke's game up to her level again.

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