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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hmmm I didn't have this reaction and I still don't. I AM watching it on YT and going back over their scenes and it gives me a thrill. There wasn't much there for dialogue anyway, good, bad or indifferent, and once again they were interrupted. We were actually talking about it in the BR last night that Luke kept stroking Tracy's leg even though JoLu were there, and for her part Lulu didn't have any reaction at all - and you can't convince me she wasn't seeing them. So that must be a fairly regular encounter for the young thing. There certainly hasn't been enough LuNacy this calendar year (although there has been lots of Luke and Tracy on our screens) but what they have had has been great. We have that scene in January, the bail out, pulling Luke to observe the Rebecily thing and now this. But each of them has shown the connectedness between LuNacy and their obvious sexual attraction. It's interesting that an LnL hardliner has been saying that s/he now sees Luke's attraction to Tracy and that today was the 1st time s/he's seen the sexual chemistry. I liked it. I want more, but I liked what we got.

How do the rest of you feel - I get the sense that since NYE we are seeing a very different LuNacy... they've taken it to the next level. They are more sexual and committed somehow. It just feels like something deeper, more solid. Perhaps it's because the 'what if' has been answered. Ewcbo did return and Tracy still has the ring and the name. We all know the way soap operas work - the rollarcoaster ride. But after almost a complete calendar year fighting about their potential divorce, I'm really feeling the bedrock of LuNacy. While I would love for them to stay in their sexy bubble for awhile longer, I actually am ready for their next big challenge.

BTW, in watching their last scene, did anyone else her a kiss after Luke told Tracy they should take this conversation elsewhere and the camera was on a confused Lulu? I've been replaying it and I swear it sounds like lip smacking.

Edited by remos
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Oh, Remos, I am going to have to listen again for the "kiss" sound.

I loved yesterday because Luke and Tracy just seemed so natural together. Not only did I LOVE LOVE LOVE that he stroked her leg, and gave innuendo, but LOVED that he did it in front of Lulu. And I LOVED that Lulu paid it no mind as if it were a regular, normal, every day occurrence.

I agree Remos, from yesterday, it is more apparent that what they have is deeper, more natural, more open. And it's SEXY AS HELL!

And I noticed too, on SOC there were some LnL fans that admitted that it was the first time they saw sparks between LuNacy. And it was good. :)

Edited by TracyLuv
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Today, Friday March 13th.

No Tracy...

LuRe (Lucky and Rebecca) are fabulous flirting and heading out for the evening

Nicholas can't stand it but can't say anything either, so he vents with Liz

CarJax bedroom action

ClauSon living room action (after planning a party to show who's in charge of the mob in Port Chuck)

Scrubs continuing drama - Robin lied boldface to Patrick about her day, then drives out of town while Patrick expects to take her to dinner

But the best of all is Spixie - Maxie finally tells Spinelli she loves him. Squee (that's from the Diva, btw). Very sweet... lots of tears and kissing

So what's next for the B*tch on Wheels? Any dates/expectations around next week?

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You know what I'm thinking remos don't you when I read this? :P---The part in bold.

I also heard the kissing sound as well. What the hell? Why are they cutting Lunacy kissing. We need to see all the kissing we can get. But loved yesterday's epi.

Edited by funny1
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Mmmm, I guess we are to add bad editing to the list of complaints against GH. I realize Lulu is supposed to be caught in the trap of stupid, but I'd much rather see some LuNacy action than Lulu's look of confusion again.

Oh well, I guess we should be happy knowing LuNacy got some action! They are putting on the sexy with these two and it is wonderful to see. What a difference a year makes, eh?

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rofl.... that is a great name for him. Honestly, if anyone should be removed from that generation TC is the one to go. His occasionally good scenes are with TG - and all they talk about is how screwed up his love life is. We can do without that. Isn't his ass supposed to get deported anyway?

I'd love to know how things are behind the scenes with TG/JE and their stories with JMB, NP and whomever. The rest is old news.

Hopefully the backlash to Lucky's treatment the other day and the news of GV loosing his contract will get some better story for Lucky. He can be such a vital character if TPTB would just see past their SaSon fixation.

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Interesting tidbit I saw on SN...

"General Hospital": Week in Review

Funniest Moment: Tracy Quartermaine is often the source of some of the better comedy on this show, and things were no different at the Haunted Star this week. When Lucky showed up and saw his dad fawning all over his con-artist protegee Ethan, there was some good old-fashioned chest-bumping on Lucky's part and a whole lot of father-son angst with Luke. Enter Tracy. It's not so much of a surprise that she'd side against Lucky -- they've always been prickly with each other, and she's taken a shine to Ethan besides. But when Lucky started unloading on Luke's crappy paternal record, Tracy stood up for her hubby too, snapping, "Did it ever occur to you if you'd been a better son, Luke would've been a better father?" HA! Wow, that is soooo Tracy: mean, outrageous, and completely self-serving. Bonus points for the fact that we can totally see her using that same argument on her (absent) son Dillon.

I guess beauty is in the eyes of the recapper.

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There was a drop this morning that Emma Samms pulled out of her GH gig cause she got a deal with a BBC show. Not sure if that is true or not.

Also TR posted on his Twitter last night that "robert has no more family units" meaning ethan is not his kid and he is not coming back.

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