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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sc. 5 - Tracy asks it how it's working and Luke says it's fine. She says not you, then turns to Ethan and asks again. Ethan says it's fine and he likes her hair. Tracy thanks him and turns to Luke saying at least someone noticed. Luke tries to assure her he was getting there, and compliments her on her good judgement for suggesting Ethan. More Luke/Tracy/Ethan love-in (it's funny and I can't do it justice), so Lucky decides to leave. Luke stops him and goes to Ethan saying to give Lucky back his wallet. Ethan plays dumb while Tracy tries not to smile. Luke keeps pushing Ethan until finally Ethan shows Luke looks haunted and says "No, no it's good he went off like that. And if there's a battle here it's between me and my kid - I don't want you involved." (it was said with love - he doesn't want her hurt in the middle of a no-win fight - not in anger).

This is probably the most telling line today--because I think this is what Tracy is gonna get here--we don't want you involved!

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It really wasn't bad, and TG truly conveyed Luke's pain at all of it. Tracy understood that she overstepped, but Luke certainly wasn't angry at her. Luke looked so haunted and Tracy wished she had the power to fix it. It was a very sour ending to a day that started with so much fun and banter. I just wanted to shake Lucky - first lurking to eavesdrop then passed judgement on Luke's antics and finally hitting Luke where he and Tracy knew it was going to hurt.

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I felt uncomfortable today when Tracy confronted Lucky... I didn't feel like it was her place. On another note, Robin continues to annoy the crap out of me. That little girl is adorable and it broke my heart to see her all alone! (I know, it's a show, but that part was very moving...)

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Thanks for the recaps Remos.

I just saw the scene, I have to say I agree with Ms Q.

I think Luke and especially Tracy came off as looking sort of like the heavy.

I actually felt a little sorry for Lucky.

I hated it that Luke basically told Tracy to keep out of it after she defended him!

Gosh I hate Guza.

I wonder if Tracy will play a big part in this Ethan/Luke storyline?

I wish I knew what was going to happen when ES returns.

I really think Luke and Holly are Ethan's parents, ohh LnL fans will be so upset. LOL

I wonder if Tracy will be jealous of Holly like last time.

Anyone know how long ES will stick around?

I'm sure it's not permanent.

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I think it's safe to say:

A - Tracy will be jealous of Holly

B - the LnL fans will be in an uproar

C - Tracy won't play as big a role as we want

ES is expected to be here for 3 weeks - May sweeps basically

I felt sorry for all of them - Lucky, Luke and Tracy. Tracy's part of the family and yet she isn't. Lucky is part of the mix and yet he isn't. Luke is the father in the family and yet he isn't. None of them was without blame today, but Luke still got the most of my sympathy. When Lucky swings it's with a big axe to inflict as much damage as possible (remember Lulu "murdered" her child).

Luke told Tracy to stay out, but her certainly didn't tell her to butt out. Luke wasn't angry at her intervention. So much is understood between them without words - she didn't appear chastized at all.

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Ick... Yuck... Blech. I HATED today. Remos, I don't agree that Luke said what he said to Tracy "with love." He just said it. I'm tired of him using her as an emotional punching bag. Yeah, she's tough.. but she LOVES him. He needs to be more freakin' sensitive, especially when she's DEFENDING him. I hope Ethan is Holly and Luke's kid. I really do. There will be some nice sparks between Tracy and Holly.. and then Holly will be gone. As a bonus, Laura fans will be pissed! That's always nice.

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I thought Tracy was totally out of character today trying to put it on Lucky on his not so great relationship with Luke. Since when does Tracy defend Luke as a father. That was BS. And it was done to make Lucky look the fool and the dupe, only I think it will backfire and the sympathy went to GV.

Where does she get off telling Lucky if he were a better son maybe he would have a better relationship with Luke. Tracy is a lousy mother, Luke is a lousy father--something they have in common, but at least they own it. Today was totally a day where if I didn't love Tracy, I would hate Tracy and want to slap her and tell her to butt out.

Edited by hookedongh
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Hi all. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Real life is taking over and it sucks.

Speaking of sucks, I hated today's show. It sucked. Didn't like Luke, wasn't very fond of Tracy (and that's saying alot) and my heart went out to Lucky. And Ethan is on my last working nerve.

I really don't know what else to say....maybe it was all a dream and I'll wake up tomorrow to some romantic LuNacy scenes....one can only hope.

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Hi fellow Tracy Q fans

I wanted to comment on today's show in light of all the anti-Lacy, anti-Tracy, anti-Luke stuff out on the net. First off: I agree with those that saw Lucky as the good guy today. Tracy lashed out at him for acting disdainful toward his father. But frankly, since Greg Vaughan took over the role I've NEVER thought of Lucky as a self-righteous, judgmental jerk. (Well, except when Lucky was a drug addict and called Lulu a baby killer.) Ironically, I think the far superior Lucky, Jonathan Jackson, FREQUENTLY seemed like a self-righteous, disdainful ass toward his father. Hell, he could be downright contemptuous toward Luke. But GV's Lucky? Not at all. In fact, I think GV's Lucky often appears more interested in getting his Dad's love and approval than judging him.

Here's where I disagree with many posters (both here and on other sites):

I didn't see Luke and Tracy as villians. At least not entirely. I think Luke in particular acted like a real jackass to Lucky. However, Luke seemed geniunely upset when Lucky lashed out at him. Not upset for himself as much as upset that he'd hurt his son. Maybe it's my hardcore Luke/Lucky fandom coloring my viewing, but I really got the impression Luke regretted hurting his son the way he did.

Another disagreement I have is regarding whether it was out of character for Tracy to lash out at Lucky. I don't think Tracy's behavior was out of character. I saw it as example of Tracy's powerful sense of loyalty when she loves someone. Tracy can be horrible to her loved ones. lol. But she's also the greatest ally they could possibly have. She'll defend them even when they don't deserve it. THAT'S how I interpreted her behavior today - as a manifestation of her fierce loyalty to her husband.

RE: Tracy defending Luke as a father.

The truth is Luke WAS a good father to Lucky. Luke was a shitty, neglectful Dad to his daughter - not his son. However, there is such a weird needy vibe among the actors (Geary and Vaughan) that you almost get the impression Luke has been emotionally abusing Lucky and treating him contemptuously his entire life. Not true. Luke practically worshipped JJ's Lucky. Their estrangement began when teen Lucky rejected LUKE after finding out about the rape. (Now I see Luke as almost wary of his own son - afraid his son will emotionally knife him again.) I'm not saying Luke's attitude about Lucky's career choice is OK. In fact, I think it's pretty crappy. (Particularly when it leads him to implictly pick a conman over his own child.) However, I almost wonder if Luke sees it as another example of Lucky's rejection. It's almost like after he found out about the rape Lucky made it his mission to be the anti-Luke in every way possible. He went from being a Luke mini-me to being his polar opposite.

Lastly, I don't think Luke treated Tracy like an emotional punching bag. He very gently told her he didn't want her involved in his conflict with Lucky. He wasn't harsh. He didn't say butt out, your opinion doesn't matter. He used a soft tone. I only wish he'd told her "I appreciate you defending me." I guess we'll see if I'm right tomorrow.

So anyway, I saw Luke as the biggest jerk today, but in the end a very remorseful jerk. I saw Tracy as a very fierce and loyal wife that kind of over stepped her bounds. I saw Lucky as the hurt, rejected outsider that was only looking out for his Dad. And I saw Ethan as the REAL outsider (in the end Luke's concern was with his own son, not Ethan. He snapped at the kid.) Maybe I'm nuts but I actually LIKED today and still like all three characters (Luke, Tracy and Lucky.)

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