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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Savannah, ohmigawd girl! That is one crazy long list! haha

As for fire drills etc.... we don't have ones at the end of the day or before school starts ot anything weird like that. Instead we have kids actually setting the school on fire (throwing cigarettes in the trash still lit) and pulling the alarm. Heathens.

Woohoo Tracy's on today!

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Recaps, Thursday February 26th


Vets: Luke, Tracy, Edward

Kisses: none that I saw

Appearance: Looking good - we've seen the mediapic

Other Stories: CarJax trying to find their couple mojo; Sonny dealing with regaining his old organization; AZ has Claudia at Kate's; JaSam still looking for ZaCrazy; why is Liz still in the hospital?; more Lucky/Rebecca bonding with Edward being OTT;

Line of the Day:

Sc. 1 - ? missed it

Sc. 2 - ? apparently there was LuNacy, but I missed it

Sc. 3 - Tracy arguing with Sheriff about wanting to see an accounting of every cent. Luke saying it's time she showed up and he's surprised it took her so long. Tracy says she was thinking the same thing and if he was looking for her he should have called. Ethan interrupts that they didn't want to inconvenience her (Me: I've been on the phone this whole scene with my bank, so I've probably missed something. I think Luke says he's glad to see her, but I can't swear to it.)

Sc. 4 - no LuNacy; Edward happy to see Rebecca and starts saying it's unacceptable for her to work at Kelly's.

Sc. 5 - Edward offering the Q home and resources to Rebecca and saying Kelly's isn't acceptable. Rebecca isn't interested. Meanwhile at the jail Tracy is telling Luke what happened and that Jax saved them all. Luke walks away and Tracy wonders why he's so disinterested. Luke says everyone seems okay and if anyone connected to him was in danger someone would have told him. Tracy just stares him down and says his DIL is still in the hospital and Tracy's been released after 24 hours having been exposed to both the biotoxin and the fire, and his daughter never left her side. Luke is shocked and upset but Tracy's having none of it saying it's phony. Luke tells her he does care and Ethan keeps interupting saying Luke talked about her all the time and that he (Ethan) was responsible for Luke being there and not with his family. Tracy is pretty angry and when the Sheriff brings the bill she says she'll cover everything for Ethan but not Luke.

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; Ethan says Tracy wouldn't leave him, and Luke says Tracy won't have any problem leaving him to rot. Apparently Ethan played the innocent with Tracy saying Luke lead him astray (so there was Tracy earlier). Ethan says he'll work Tracy and Luke says not to, that Tracy's out of Ethan's league. Then Ethan says he'll go back to the cassino and bail him out, and Luke says no to that as well because Ethan still owes him money. Ethan says they should call it even because he will get Luke out of there. Meanwhile Edward goes to the hospital and blasts Nicholas for scaring Rebecca, saying she will be pulled into the Q fold. Elizabeth and Nicholas are dumbstruck.

Sc. 7 - Luke tells Tracy they need to talk, and she says that was quite a bill he ran up. Ethan says it's also his fault but Tracy says not to defend Luke. The Sheriff opens the cell and Tracy says she'll take the young one. Luke still hopes Tracy will change her mind but the Sheriff lets Ethan out and Ethan turns his charm on Tracy, asking if he can call her by her first name. Tracy says if he must, then Ethan says he should be going but Luke grabs him by the jacket and pulls him against the bars. Then he looks at Tracy and tells her to look in her purse. Tracy is confused then Luke tells her again to look in her purse. As she's rummaging through she realizes Ethan has picked her wallet and taken all her money. Then Luke tells her to look through the pockets of the 'one he led astray', and Tracy squares Ethan with one of her looks.

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Yay for Tracy today. Maybe she will come around to Luke tomorrow. SHe has a right to be pissed, even if Luke didn't know--I would be pissed off too for a while if my husband didn't show and I was almost dead. It would take a while for me to "cool down".

At least we know they are on tomorrow. Did luke do the whole spanky whatever routine?

PS--Thanks for the recaps BTW!

Edited by hookedongh
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He called her "Wife" at one point, but mostly it was Tracy - when he found out she had been sick from the biotoxin he was completely serious. And we all know what it means when he only calls her by her name - honestly and intimacy (although not sexual at the moment...drat).

And you're welcome. :)

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Tomorrow the soaps.com spoiler is about Tracy telling Luke to hire him at the HS. Hopefully they will get several scenes if she "takes a shine to him" or he "charms her"

BTW--it has been a really long time no chat for me...anyone around tonight for an earliesh chat say around 8pm central time (I promised I would watch American Idol wiht my kids first).

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here lies kristin's comment/confusion... Ethan: know your mark, man! isn't that the first rule of conning or something?! This is also where the writers drive me nuts with Tracy. First of all, that was ammature hour for cons at that jail cell. He did the telling her what she wanted to hear bit, but isn't that just lying? He should have know (and I know he really wouldn't, but he could take advantage of luke -and I do say this having only watched the minutes that tracy is on so I've only gotten snippets otherwise- he could guess i about tracy) he should be able to at least infer that she does know for a fact that he does not spend his time talking about nothing other than tracy, in which case that whole bit was crap and should have been quick for her to find out. Come on writers- you underdevelope the characters you want to be cool, underwrite the characters that are still cool no matter what you do to kill that and you underestimate your audience. STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

and my little addition to the list



I don't have a third ( have plenty, but...) that hasn't been used yet

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He called her spankybuns when she first walked in, twice I believe but I could've been hearing things. It's been known to happen. haha

In the beginning when she first got there, Ethan was sucking up saying how Luke talked about her and how she's so much lovelier in person. Tracy just gave him one of her looks like "sure, right kid."

Overall I was pleased, not thrilled, but still she was on which is a major improvement. I loved how heated things got as well.

Wow, today was actually a really good day for me. Well, now I have to go write a sonnet. yay.

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Honestly Luv, they weren't their best but they weren't their worst either. Luke showed real concern when he realized Tracy was sick and had been in danger and he STILL doesn't know she almost died. Tracy wasn't having any of it so he didn't push it, but if there hadn't been bars between them at the moment I think he would have grabbed her to him.

It's a two-parter with tomorrow the follow-up to Luke showing Tracy how untrustworthy Ethan is. I'm wondering how they are going to get Tracy to suggest Luke hire the boy that quickly stoled her money, rather than her throwing him right back in jail. I'd watch - especially since our LuNacy needs are so great. But one thing that did stand out for me is how fiercely he told Tracy to look in her purse as he held Ethan's coat. Even behind bars Luke was trying to protect her. He might 'borrow' from his wife, but he certainly wasn't about to let anyone else do it.

BTW, I did rewatch and saw the scene I missed (by seconds, it would appear). Luke called her Spanky Buns at least once and was very happy to see her. I think he also called her Gumdrop or something similar when he said the boy's name. And the looks on both of their faces when Ethan called her Mrs. Lucas Spencer was great - that's one name she's never gone by. :P

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We've seen these before but... (and my tivo is broken so yesterday didn't record...I caught up to the BJ/Maxie episode on Tuesday only to find Wed. and TH didn't record. Will have to try soapnet marathon this weekend.

Monday March 2:

Jason faces a difficult dilemma.

Sonny races against time to try and rescue Claudia.

Nikolas tries to get closer to Rebecca.

Tuesday March 3:

Johnny tries to persuade Claudia to distance herself from Sonny.

Jason confides in Sam.

Rebecca sees Nikolas in a new light.

Wednesday March 4:

Nadine calls it quits with Nikolas.

Spinelli takes matters into his own hands.

Lulu has a bad feeling about Ethan.

Thursday March 5:

Tracy doesn’t take Rebecca at face value like the rest of the Quartermaines do.

Patrick is frustrated by Robin’s behavior.

Claudia is full of surprises.

Friday March 6:

Claudia makes a slip in front of Sonny.

Spinelli and Winifred go on the run together.

Luke advises Rebecca to walk away from Nikolas.

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Recaps, Friday February 27th (10th appearance this month, that's 50% of the shows this month)


Vets: Luke, Tracy

Kisses: one quick kiss immediately after he gets out of the cell

Appearance: same as yesterday (I'm waiting for that wonderful smile)

Other Stories: SaSon trying to get Claudia back while AZ holds her hostage; CarJax dealing with the reality of the SaSon mob; Spin/Lulu crazy about JoMax and Spin threatens Kate (who's now "Glacial One" and not "Fashionista") while JoMax themselves are liking the arrangement for publicity/money respectively;

Line of the Day: Spin to Kate "I will be forced to crash your systems both personally and professionally" (trying to convince Kate to stop the JoMax dating thing)

Sc. 1 - Luke telling her Ethan stoled her money but Traacy doesn't believe him. She tells Ethan to leave, but pat's him down at Luke's assistance anyway. All the while Tracy is saying Luke corrupted this 'fine young man' but stops talking as soon as she finds the money in his pocket (ME: Tracy carries that much cash around? Wow.... I need her as my friend!) Then Tracy looks at Luke and says he framed Ethan. Luke looks incredulous.

Sc. 2 - Luke asks Tracy why she believes Ethan over Luke. Tracy says he's stolen too many times from her that she'd believe anything. LuNacy argues about it and Ethan (like a lost little boy) yells "Don't fight". Then he sings a sob story to Tracy about how Luke is right - he did steal from her. It started when he was a boy and stoled shiny things. Luke shakes his head not believing that Ethan is 'selling' and Tracy is 'buying', then calls the Sheriff for a shovel. Tracy tells Luke to be quiet and listens to Ethan, acknowledging that it's better to steal then starve.

Sc. 3 - Ethan says he takes full responsibility but Luke doesn't buy it, saying Ethan should promise not to steal again. Ethan says he can't - he's got to get by somehow. Tracy is understanding and Luke can't believe she's so gullible. Then Luke tells Tracy he'd known Ethan for two hours and took $500 from him, and tells Ethan he still owes him another $600. Tracy is amused and tells Ethan that he can pay her the money and she will put it against Luke's debt to her - which should take about 1000 years to pay off. Luke says "Sweetheart, we're married. You already have everything I own." Tracy doesn't look amused and asks Luke if he's seeing himself years ago with much more hair. Luke says that hurts. Tracy turns back to listen to Ethan while Luke bangs his head on the cell bars.

Sc. 4 - Luke wonders what is going on - she never forgives anyone anything. Tracy says she's making an exception for this fine young man. Luke doesn't believe what he's seeing, and says he doesn't deserve this and Ethan agrees. Luke tells Ethan to be quiet, then speaks to Tracy telling her he really does love her and she knows that. How can she be sure, she asks. Luke says because he always regails his bunkmates in prison with stories of his love for his wonderful wife. Ethan says it's true, he obviously loves you Mrs. Spencer, Ethan says. Luke tells Ethan he doesn't need him but Tracy assures Luke he does, that Ethan is the reason he's not being left in jail. Then Tracy walks off to get the Sheriff while Ethan looks like he's gloating.

Sc. 5 - Luke tells Ethan Tracy isn't a patsy, if she's not on to him today she'll figure it out soon enough. Tracy comes back and says Luke's free to go. Luke is happy and get can't out of the cell quickly enough to get to Tracy and kisses her (not passionate, but it's a kiss and she doesn't stop him - face touching). Then Luke pats Ethan down again and finds his flask and die in his jacket pocket. Ethan claims the die as his but Luke say's he'll roll Ethan for them. The roll is "snake-eyes" as Luke takes a drink out of his flask, and Tracy agrees saying they are Luke's die - they are loaded just like he is. Luke grabs Tracy by the arm and says "Come on Baby, lets get out of here", then pulls her towards the door. Tracy goes but asks what will happen to Ethan. Luke says not to worry about him, and Ethan agrees telling Tracy he'll manage. Luke looks at Ethan's face and say "oh, not the puppy dog eyes" then pulls Tracy in front of him and out the door.

Sc. 6 - Luke driving says he's amazed at Tracy, that she's turned into a piller of mush. Tracy is sitting in the back seat with Ethan, who is still flattering her. Tracy says she has the perfect sollution, Ethan could be a bartender. Ethan says he's very good at that, which has Luke in agreement - the MC will appreciate him. Tracy says no, he will work at the HS. Luke balks but Tracy explains her thinking. Ethan is attractive, and will draw the women. They squabble about payment with Luke saying Ethan will skim off the till. Ethan says he won't, but Luke doesn't believe him. Tracy tells Luke he doesn't have a choice, Ethan is hired. And if Ethan is half the annoyance to Luke that he is to Tracy, it's a bargan. Luke tries to smile but the smile doesn't go to his eyes.

Sc. 7 - no LuNacy

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