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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I think it's too soon to say that Tracy won't be on this week - they are showing more characters and Alexis wasn't expected today but there she was.

Sorry, hit post before I was finished...

I didn't get the sense on Friday that they were talking men. So perhaps Lulu returns to Tracy and tells her about JoMax and Lulu not liking what she saw. Then they would both be contributing to a conversation, talking about Luke and Johnny. That seems more in keeping with what they are doing with TraLu, and preparing for Ethan/Luke next week and the week after.

Edited by remos
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And the thing is he actually took the ball in his bare hand to do it, while everyone else puts on a hazmet gear he can hold it in his hand. There aren't enough airbournes to get get rid of that virius he just handed. Gh is a joke, just give me real lunacy love. The rest besides the Q's is moronic. :angry:

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The thing was so freaking stupid was it isn't a virus--how many times did they say it was a biotoxin! Like that wouldn't have caused a huge cloud of poisonous vapors, etc.

Yeah superjason doesn't need a hazmat suit!

And another ridiculous thing that was lost in the cutting short of this storyline was the whole Patrick interrogation stuff with the single tear freaking about Robin and Emma? Never happened. All the people who were "clues" who winnie was talking about missing or unaccounted for--um..didn't happen...cut...winnie was in the hospital, how could she be doing that stuff.

The list goes on and on...but at least we got the Qs and some Tracy/LUlu bonding.

I seriously can't believe that Luke/Ethan will be in jail til next TH when Tracy comes to bail them out. I mean come on--and I didn't really love the Luke trashing Lucky today so much....I mean I know he was doing his cop schtick--but a real soap would have cut to scenes of LUcky rescuing someone or doing something brave to counterbalance that nonsense....I hope Lucky comes to bail Luke out tomorrow or this week. Ironic that Luke is ragging on lucky being a cop, but sure was happy to drop his name in there to try to get out! LOL

And Maxie running in in four inch heels to save Spinelli going up the same staircase Carly and Sonny coming down and never run into each other--and maxie getting rescued by Johnny today?

Lulu had to have something that was supposed to happen to her that was cut. She had no purpose for being there during the crisis...I think a ton of stuff was cut.

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I honestly have to say the first part of this 'crisis' was very entertaining. Tracy getting sick, killer sarcasm, cast integration....

But today was just dumb. That building is on a slow burn, Spinelli would be dead from smoke inhalation by now. How can the stairs work for some but not for others. And JaSam..... don't even get me started on how much I hate them together.

I'm ready for this to be over and the next stage to begin. And get LuNacy back on my screen NOW. By the time they meet up next week it will be 7 weeks apart. Not that it's been all bad, because Tracy has actually been well shown and part of a story outside Luke, but enough is enough.

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ICAM remos!

Personally I'm very happy that I got to see Tracy in a sweeps sl and that it was one that involved the hospital, but honestly...nothing happened that will be of much use to this show. I mean, no one (besides JE and LC) is even acting sick anymore! They killed off two characters and burned the hospital (at the speed of a freaking slug). Was the biotoxin really even necessary? No, of course not. But it was entertaining to see the Qs outside the mansion for a change!

btw, YouTube and I are going through a mutual hatred at the moment. For some reason, it won't let me upload a vid. I keep getting this error thing. This displeases Tiffany. (to the point that she's speaking in 3rd person)

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The whole storyline had so many inconsitancies it made my head explode. The whole "toxin in the fire" thing was the icing on the cake. Its nice that St. Jason can hold the ball in his Blessed hand with no side effects but one whiff of the stuff was probably what made Trevor go batsh!t crazy in 10 seconds flat. (BTW - I am in mourning for Trevor...sniffles...please bear with me)

And where were Bobbie and Mike? I would think that as Mikey's grandparents, they should have been at the hospital benefit.

On to the next storyline...please!!

Edited by LisaQ
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I agree lainey. I think that the tracy/lulu scenes were add ins and were moved up to last week .I don't think there are going to be more of them either. I don't think we will see Tracy and LUke til she bails ethan out of jail.

I hated Luke today ragging on Lucky. But this is all still the same FREAKING long day. Can it end already????

The whole story fell apart. There is no plan. They are totally flying by the seat of their pants now! Honestly, I think they don't even know who ethan is. I woudln't be surprised to see the Tracy/Ethan stuff changed either.

The whole crisis was cut short by a week I think or so. I am not expecting things to be accurate now with CGS and magazine stuff even.

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I'm wondering what is going on behind the scenes. I don't know what to believe with spoilers or any of it - but we are getting unexpected Tracy gold so I'm going to keep the complaining to a minimum. The Lulu/blanket thing - meh.... her coat was left in the hospital and it is winter. The blanket was about all she actually had. My spidey sense tells me we will be having more TraLu before the week is out. Edward/Monica are obviously getting involved in one story, Tracy in another. It's disorganized, it's chaotic, it's far from the Magnum Opus Guza had been bragging about (perhaps his "never been seen before" meant all his ideas thrown into one pile), but at least Tracy is part of it.

They are obviously splitting JoLu and playing with JoMax. I won't be surprised if JoMax walks away in the opposite direction tomorrow totally unaware that Lulu was standing there, and then Lulu returns to Tracy. The whole "Luke/Ethan up to their old tricks" was misleading. Today was perhaps the most depth we've had with them. The trashing Lucky thing I think is an overreaction - but then Guza is as subtle as an anvil when it comes to hints where a story might go. They are obviously setting Ethan up as 'the son I wish I still had'. My Lucky Love is being sorely tested by LnL2 anyway, so I'm not feeling much sympathy for the character these days.

I just remember that last time they 'fixed' a problem, Tracy was practically MIA and when she was present she was only fighting with Luke. Sounds like this time it will be different. I can feel a great difference between 2008 and this - now if they can get themselves out of the biotoxin story (at this point the exit is going to be sloppy anyway, so just suck it up and move on), and get on to the other stories they have been lining up: Rebecily, Who's Ethan, PPD, Claudia's Choice, SORASed Youngun's, Bring Down the Feds.... then I'm good. They seem to have gotten the word that vets are wanted: Rebecily includes Monica/Edward, Ethan/Lulu includes Tracy/Luke, PPD includes Mac, and the SORASing and Feds will include Alexis. I think Bobbie and Mike will continue to be a no-show considering they aren't contract players, and I doubt we'll be seeing Ghost Alan again for awhile.

I just saw this on SD....

The last Zacchara standing will be Claudia

Look for Johnny to self destruct when Michael reawakens

Fast cars can be so dangerous

Who will be with him when he crashes and burns?

I've been thinking Johnny would be the next sacrifice, and this pretty much says it. I wondered why they didn't have the 'big revelation' from Trevor to someone about his favourite son. We had that hanging "Know your brother was loved and wanted more than you" but no identification as to whom that brother is. They are going with Spixie and Luthan, Johnny and Winnie will take a powder (hopefully one of them will leave is something other than a casket). AZ is going sooner than expected. There's certainly a sense of 'cleaning the house'. Kate is in the process of self-destructing but not before bringing Ric into her plan. With AZ/Trevor gone, Claudia now about Sonny and Alexis occupied with the girls, I wouldn't be surprised if Ric leaves too - he hasn't really had a purpose since the scabs.

I feel we're in for the deluge before the soap-seas are calm again. Batten down the hatches and be grateful this time Tracy/LuNacy are part of the show - TG's contract/story assures that at least.

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New medianet pics from this week


Tons of luke/ethan in jail (not sure if those were from yesterday or not)

Two of Tracy/lulu. She has her green sweater on. Did she have it on when she was with tracy on Friday or was she wearing a sleevelss thing without the jacket?

Trying to figure out if they are new or old.

On a happier note...

TWO MORE DAYS TIL BSG COMES TO VISIT AND STAY WITH ME! WOO HOO!!!! Getting the room ready as we speak! Can't wait!

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Those mediapics of TraLu haven't been shown - all their scenes were darker and from a different angle, and Tracy wasn't gesturing. As for the Luke/Ethan however, those don't look new.

So for today, no Tracy but we did get a Tracy shout-out from Lulu. She was sick of listening to Maxie wax poetic about Johnny's heroics so she told Maxie she was going back to Mercy to check on Tracy.

Otherwise, Mac was the Vet of the Day...

Claudia almost tells Sonny about Michael but stops and later tells Johnny about Kate

Nic's obsessing about Rebecily is really ticking her off and she wants nothing to do with him

JaSam still looking for Spinelli, who's crawling around the airducts

Lulu talks to JoMax who are acting weird, then later listens while Maxie goes on and on about Johnny's heroics

Patrick being interogated by Rayner then later reunites with Robin/Emma at home

The room Spinelli's in explodes as Maxie watches from the ground

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I know Tracy wasn't gesturing (as remos mentioned) in the scenes we saw, but sometimes, those pics include things that are cut from what actually airs, or they are shot at different angles than what we actually see, so it can be tricky. But, anyway, since we got that comment from Lulu today, I guess those pics ARE new.

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