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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm wanting to know what happens outside of the fact that Tracy is sick and Luke is her hero. Scrubs practically have their dialogue spelled out, and we can't get anything more than that? How is Luke her hero? How sick does she get? Does it get to the life/death level? Is she conscious? Do they know about Lulu? How does that impact Luke and Tracy? How does he get to her? Why aren't they together in the first place?

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Recaps, Friday, January 9th - TRACY'S ON

Spencers: Luke and Sonny talk about power shift in PC and what happens after Sonny has it all, when the real trouble begins; Luke asks Sonny to get Johnny out of jail; Lulu realizes something hinkey is going on between Johnny/Claudia; Sonny says he owes Johnny for roughing him up last year so he'll do it; an officer comes in to tell Johnny he's released which makes Lulu say she has the best father in the world. Claudia hopes Luke covered his ass, b/c AZ is going to be livid; Tracy comes into the HS and Luke says he's overwhelmed by the vision of loveliness. Tracy says she was very interested in continuing their affectionate reconciliation until she say who was leaving the HS. Luke jokes and says darn, he should have told that stripper to go out the back door. Tracy says she might have prefered that... actually no, she wouldn't have. She saw Sonny and is very concerned. Luke says he's over joyed that she's agreed to let bygones be bygones, but if she starts monitoring his actions it's going to be the shortest reconciliation on record.

Others: Spin realizes Maxie used him; Winnie feeling guilty but knows her job; Nadine testifies; Claudia doesn't interfere with Johnny's situation; CarJax talk about their divorce settlement (Diane and Alexis are making it as difficult as possible); Spixie have a huge fight and both are left distraught; Claus tells Sonny he's just created problems with AZ; Maxie knows she made a huge mistake and goes after Spin to make it right; Jason blows up Sonny's shipment; Spinelli is arrested just as Maxie finds him

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Wow that was a surprise that we got a scene today and it wasn't even the scene that someone told me about that Tracy compares Johnny to Luke.

Hope that wasn't setting up for another fight today. Was it towards the end to where it might be continued?

Somehow this all seems like a set up for something to happen to lulu/Tracy by AZ. There was some spoiler a while ago for the first two weeks in January about someone watching Tracy/Luke...not sure if it was true or not...but I guess we will see.

Perhaps we will get another day next week--I'm on it to find out! :)

Halee- hope your day gets better. I am heading out of town for the weekend...be back sunday night. I am sure I will check in if I can!

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I'm hoping, Hooked - that was definitely a question that needed an answer. And honestly it could go either way, but I think she will tell him that she's not going to police his life, but it does worry her. It was in there with Spinelli's arrest and Sonny's ship blowing up, so those will definitely be carried over on Monday.

I like the hair - sue me. The jacket on the other hand.... no liking it. But then I was spoiled to have NYE in my favourite jacket - everything else is substandard.

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What a difference a year and a haircut makes....same outfit--one year ago--same week--10 years younger looking!




Catch you guys sunday. From the list of things happening on Monday, doesn't seem like there is a continuation of this. Maybe it will be another day. I will let you know if I find out.


No mentions at all of Luke or Tracy next week. I guess there could be a random scene--but nothing plot point worthy or breakdown worthy I guess.

Guess we will have to wait and see if they are on in any capacity the week where they do the flashbacks fo people getting ready to go to the gala or whatever.

Edited by hookedongh
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Now hold on, maybe we have it wrong.... I don't think it looks shorter, I think it just has no oomph at all and someone went a little hairgel-happy, but I don't think it was cut yet. Maybe we're still on the right side of this hair thing!

PS, hooked. I'm so glad you posted that picture b/c I was going to say that I loved it last year (and seem to recall more liking the jacket then too, but maybe I'm wrong) but it is just so horrible now. The hair makes a huge difference... age-wise, style and outfit wise, the whole deal. Everything looks better with her hair longer.

OT: I applied for a ton of jobs over the last few days b/c I need something that pays worth a damn. Money is not everything but having enough to pay for more than only my loan would be nice. I heard back from one on a text (of all things, when did businesses start doing that?) so I have to see what it's about. It is something to do with some international thing but I don't know what b/c it didn't have a title. I applied to too many at once cuz I haven't a clue what it is. Oh well!

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