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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Episode: "New Year's Eve"

Jax and Carly can't deny their attraction to one another; Luke closes the Haunted Star early to be alone with Tracy.

Ooh I like this one better than the other one that said Luke wins Tracy over? So much of their good stuff takes place at teh Haunted Star!!

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From LLC interview on Ryan's radio show ITZ tonight...She is the one who plays olivia...

She of course, like everyone else, loves JE (she was on the City with her as Jocelyn)

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inthezoner ... ero-Olivia

She said TR came walking up to her at the Christmas Party she put her hands in her face and could not look or talk to him. She said he is so handsome. She wrote a fan letter to him when she was 7 yrs old. She said she was so embarrassed. She said she could not believe it was him

She said TG also she was nervous and could not act very good. She said when she walked on the set she started saying dumb stuff and being a loser. She said shepromised next scene with TG she would get over her star struckness. She said TG could not be nicer and he kept saying Oh stop it!

She also said she loves Jane E.

She loves Jane and they get along famously.

She mentioned Ralph Manstooth (sp?) and Jane. She said she loved working with them the most. Jane's a hoot and whatnot. Bella did a better recap.

Edited by hookedongh
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Jax's holiday plans surprise Kate - and Carly gets her own shock.

Claudia and Ric give in to their passion.

Spinelli helps Santa save Christmas.

Can't Miss: Monday, Dec. 22 - Sonny is reunited with Morgan.

Next Week: Carly struggles to deal with Michael's birthday. Luke tries to win over Tracy. Johnny crosses the law. Claudia fights to keep from being exposed. (29th week)

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I like what Lulu says to Luke

Luke: Look, daughter, I know that faking a massive coronary might seem like extreme measures.

Lulu: You think?

Luke: Well, you know, ever since tracy's threatened to divorce me, I've been begging her on hand and knee to take me back.

Lulu: Well, a little begging might be good for you.

Luke: No, it isn't good for me. It isn't good for any man. You need to be respected by your life's partner. She's just been putting me down too long. It stops right here in this hospital bed.

Lulu: You know what? I kind of get why tracy is so upset.

Luke: Well, I don't get it. I love her. I want to be married to her. What more does she want?

Lulu: To come first. If you can't say it to her and mean it, I get why she wants to leave. It's got to be awful coming second to someone else.

Luke: She doesn't come second.

Lulu: Then what is she? You got to be honest with yourself, dad? You owe that to tracy.

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Can I just say I'm loving grown-up Lulu. She is so supportive of Tracy. I adore her.

And all of these people - Lulu, Nicholas, Lucky, Alexis, Epiphany, Jax, Olivia and Sonny - have been hearing the same thing from Luke and telling him to cut the crap and show Tracy he means it. I wonder what the crescendo will be....

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Today's Recaps (Thursday, December 18th; same day Nex)


Vets: Luke, Monica, Tracy


Appearance: same as yesterday, looking good

Stories: Tracy and Tracy call each other's bluff; Sam in pit - Lucky looking for her; JoLu/Spixie Xmas tree drama; Aunt Raylene's will; Sam's dream/nightmare begins

Line of the Day: can't quote it all, but Claudia reminds Johnny of Noah's story - "Up to his deck with animals and crap..." Certainly geek humour.; "Clef-chin Keeper of the Peace" - Spinelli's new nick-name for Lucky Spencer

Sc. 1 - Luke tells Monica to back off, he has things to tell to Tracy. Monica says there isn't time, and tells Leyla to sedate him. Luke says no way, he's got to talk to his wife. Monica says you mean ex-wife, and she has no business even being here. Again Monica tells Leyla to sedate him and Luke says if you touch me I'll punch you, I need to talk to my wife. Smugly Tracy asks why?

Sc. 2 - Luke says no offense, but last time Monica tried to operate on him she nearly got him killed. Monica says last time she was grieving her husband and she doesn't want Tracy to do the same. Luke continues to protest - he's got to tell Tracy he loves her. Monica says they haven't time to waste. Luke says "Tracy is the light of my life". And she's going to be wearing black if they don't get to the operation, Monica replies. Monica says the tests point it out. Luke says the tests, the monitors are all fake, it's a set-up. Monica and Leyla look surprised (not sure if they are pretending). Tracy smirks at Monica and says "Told you".

Sc. 3 - Tracy saying not only did he commit fraud, he diverted valuable hospital resources and admitted to it in front of the Chief of Staff. Then Tracy turns to Monica and tells her to call the police to have Luke charged. Monica replies that she would love to turn Luke into the cops, but Tracy has made their lives miserable since your break up and it would be worse if he was in jail, so she's turning a blind eye. Tracy says that's it? Monica says if he ever tries that again she will press charges, but Tracy has been making the family miserable. Just admit that you love him and take him back so the family can live in peace again. Then Monica leaves and Tracy challenges Luke with his continued scams. Tracy gets annoyed at him for trying to play her. Luke says she's been playing him too. Tracy says she isn't and doesn't know what he's talking about. Yes you do, Wife, Luke replies. I am not your wife, she says. Oh yes you are, Luke chuckles as he smiles at her. Tracy looks caught.

Sc. 4 - no LuNacy

Sc. 5 - no LuNacy

Sc. 6 - Luke walks to the Nurse's hub to apologize to Piph. She's not amused and she doesn't get it. Luke says he's a man in love. Not you, Piph says, then points over to Tracy. "Personally, I would have drop-kicked you into the next county, and if you ever drag me into one of my schemes again I will" Piph tells him. Luke smiles at the sight of Tracy and walks over to her sitting in the waiting area. "Any chance you're waiting for me?" Tracy says she is. She's happy he tried that stunt, she's happy he made the effort. Luke says he'd go further for her. Tracy says until Laura shows up and she's got a mackrel in the face again. Luke says that won't happen, she's not second. Fine, Tracy says, she's not second - but she certainly isn't first. Luke looks helpless.

Sc. 7 - Luke leads Tracy to the sofa, saying he wishes he could pretend his life started in this moment. He wishes he could pretend Laura was never a part of his life but he can't. Tracy says she's not talking about the past. Luke says she is. When Laura got sick he figured the rest of his life would be a long list of industrial drinking broken up with a few meaningless hookups. Tracy says she was just one of them. Luke agrees that in the beginning he wanted into her bed and into her bank account, and he never imagined he would want a life with her, but that's all he wants now. Tracy says until Laura returns. Luke says he can't go back, it's not going to happen with Laura. Tracy says what if Laura called and needed him? Luke says Laura is the mother of his children, he loved her half of his life, she's got a terrible disease, he's be one cold bastard if he didn't do what he could to help her. Tracy says fine, what happens if Laura calls him and says she loves him and wants him back, then what. Luke says that's not going to happen. Tracy challenges him to answer the question. Luke looks frustrated and annoyed that she has created this overblown scenario that's not going to happen, and honestly he doesn't know what would happen if Laura ever did that. Tracy says she knows - he and Laura would walk hand and hand into the sunset, and she's not going to stick around to watch. With that Tracy gets up from the couch and walks away. Luke sinks back into the couchins exasperated, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes.

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National Enquirer Spoilers - Week of 12/29

Luke wins Tracy over.

Claudia scrambles to cover her tracks.

Johnny finds himself on the wrong side of the law.

Nikolas and Nadine make a surprising discovery.


Not sure where these come from, but we've seen this format before:

Monday December 22:

Carly and Jax end up under the mistletoe at the same time.

Sam's time is running out quickly.

Robert and Luke recall some of their glory days.

Tuesday December 23:

Robin's Christmas wish comes true.

Santa delivers the goods thanks to Maxie and Spinelli.

Tracy sadly looks over Luke from a distance.

Wednesday December 24:

(Encore episode from 12/24/07!)

Jason longs for the family he can't have.

Sonny is miserable without Kate.

Luke pays a visit to his own personal Heaven.

Thursday December 25:

ABC will pre-empt today's show for the Christmas holiday.

Friday December 26:

Robin and Patrick get married!

Jason goes to Sonny with a request.

Sam and Lucky come to a decision about their relationship.

Edited by remos
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Aww Remos! That sounds like a good lunacy day--what else can lukey say or do! Tracy just needs to suck it up! LOL

There is just a little too much talk about laura going on and walking hand and hand into the sunset for my taste, and what if she comes back. Hopefully her life being in danger will cement the deal for Luke.

And very good on the spoiler ho duties I must say! I was coming to post that! I must go pack...my husband has now invited both my MIL and our friend (guy) and his daugther to come with us as well and they ARE! Grrrr on the MIL part!

Anyway...I have to go pack. I am a fish out of water in 0 degree weather--HELP!!!!

I leave in the morning so I will check back tonight. Maybe we can chat a tiny bit!

Thanks Nex for the clips as always!

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I just watched todays show on You Tube, and I have to say that I liked the seriousness of their conversation, but I totally understand Tracys unwillingness to take him back. He cannot tell her what he would do if Laura were to come back and tell him that she wants the two of them to try again. Luke gets props for telling Tracy over and over that she isn't second but Tracy was right she isn't first, or at least she does not feel first.

I don't think I would want to be with someone who couldn't tell me that if his ex were to want him back, that he would tell them straight up, NO!

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