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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From this lil sharks poster on soapdish

Hey little sharks, (did you know sharks are born with a full set of teeth and the ability to swim? they can hunt you down and eat you at birth.....just like posters here)

Not much to tell you (though some have been leading you astray) Sweeps info is a closely guarded secret.

SB was heard saying to GV in the gym, that he can't see himself staying. He is ready for change. GV agreed but said that he was happy and with kids, daytime was as steady a paycheck a working actor could get. Does that mean SB won't resign? I think he will but who knows.

KMc is very happy. I tell you yet again they, Scrubs, are the safest couple in daytime, until spring 2009. KMc is also getting things offered to her right now that are where she wants to be in five years...directing. She is a smart cookie.

I told you guys 2 weeks ago that shortly you would see a few bones tossed your way, more Q's, more Vets (JJY) and add in scenes for a certain actress. I said you would see them shortly, and now you are. If you want something, do not believe anyone here who tells you writing and calling in won't get it for you. Just be smart about it. Clear concise calls with your information and what you want is what started all this. Prior to that, many of our calls consisted of "I hate ____" and then hangups. Believe it as you will but true nonetheless.

KM is getting what she wants. BF laid down the law for this character. He likes her, he likes the character. B. G. feels the same about SJB, but the lack of ratings increases make her much less viable than BF's favorite.

Oh and for the drama here today, I told you Sam and Jerry come to an uneasy truce. That is still true, there is nothing romantic or sexual other than two players trying to see what the other is doing. That is it. Nothing more. They both claim to love Alexis and one is really going to show it.

Johnny and Lulu are still B.G.'s summer love that continues, with no sign of ending.

Spin, Maxie and Matt are still where I told you they were and nothing has changed there, along with Nadine, Nik and Claudia. They are still where I told you they would be.

Liz's story coming up, not what has been laid out here, is a direct result of Lizff call in campaign.

Wally was approached about a permanent return, he still might but not until Spring 2009. Do expect to see other Q's returning for short stints.Bye

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So far no tracy today. Hope that person wasn't lying to me who said she was on three days this week. I am sure it will be a blip of a scene, but I will be pissed if they are not on.

Lainey/LisaQ, anyone else who likes DIane...this is a funny interview with CH--Lainey you will like it


Okay like one 5 second scene..



Edited by hookedongh
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Yup, 5 seconds, perhaps 15. Alan asks Tracy is the death penalty is what she wanted for Johnny and she says something to the effect of getting what he deserves, but no that wasn't what she had in mind. She tells Alan to shut up and the judge or one of the jury look at her as if she's insane. That's it. Not even other sightings of her in the courtroom.

But honestly, Trevors and AZ were shown a few times and had even less to say/do.

Ric's in his element. Someone had better blast Scotty out of the water.

While I was watching I was envisioning a Luke/Scotty scene for when it was all out in the open (Rick and Logan's deaths) and there was no way Lulu could be prosecuted.

Luke: (to Scott) Well, you took her Mother away and now my little Cupcake has taken your son away. Seems about even to me.

Oh... and I saw it out of the corner of my eye so I could be mistaken, but it looked like Edward got a little flirty action with the older woman on the jury - the one who died on NSI last year.

Edited by remos
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Woo hoo for page 800! You win a toaster or something...I forgot what the prize was years ago!

So I will comment on a few things today for the whole 15 seconds of Tracy--

1) She was on today--at least that wasn't a lie.

2) Her hair is looking chic

3) She was on for a millisecond in at least three other scenes I caught a glance of her looking totally bored out of her mind (probably Jane thinking "I came to work for this...at least I can do some knitting!"

4) What a wasted opportunity...AZ/Trevor on one side of the court and Tracy alone on the other--could have been at least one exchange of snarky comments--so much for a chem test. Interestingly enough--Tracy is the only person representing the Spencers on that side of the court or like on the side to getting Johnny prosecuted and away from Lulu.

5) At least she is on tomorrow too

Nex--Thanks for the clips--you may want to wait and add tomorrow onto today's and put them all in one file. I have a feeling she won't get all that much tomorrow either being that she is only on with Alan in court again I think.

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Well, don't look now but that's 3 straight days of Alan and 3 straight days of Edward along with the Tracy days. I really hope this is a sign that TPTB saw their gaff. I know it isn't a story, but they've already got a lot on the canvas. Let's get the drug storyline finished and Who is Matt Hunter (and why do we care). Scrubs has to have their baby, Skate gets their wedding and the Mobulars take out the new kid on the block. THEN we will have room for an actual story that involves the Quartermaines/Spencermaines/Spencers.

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Thank you for the link! Great article!

I liked this part: Carolyn talking about Diane and Luke hooking up:

"Luke and Diane would bring down the wrath of Luke-Laura and Luke-Tracy fans. Even Diane fans do not want to see that happen, but it would be a tremendous coupling if I do say so myself!"

Damn skippy the LuNacy fans would have a fit! I love Diane but not with Luke. Only with Max. They suit each other.

I have to agree. When they took that break, I was hoping AZ would roll over to Tracy and say something so she could snark back at him, with Alan encouraging her from the sidelines.


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hooked, Thanks for posting the pics! haha Obviously JE wore it best, but then again CH had it covered by her jacket. But yeah...anyway....

OT but, the other day I watched that new 90210 just for giggles and it kinda sucked but I will continue to watch cuz Jessica Walter is amazingly funny!

Tabitha:My computer froze again.

Harry: What did you spill on it this time?

Tabitha: Scotch.


Oh and guess who got youtube to like her again!! I'm just waiting for it to process...

Here it is.....


Edited by angel2devil
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