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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey, hooked. October might be right after all. In SID (or was it SOD?), TG said that they asked him to take all of his vacation at once this time.

And this is from TG in his Entertainment Weekly interview several months ago:

Well, I work 31 weeks a year. That's my contractual situation.

So, that leaves 21 weeks for vacation. Guess it depends on whether his time off for knee surgery counts or not. That was less than a month, wasn't it? Other than that, he was off only in January. Let's hope that was part of his previous contract year.

Me, too! Even if she's not a major player, it still gives Tracy a chance to interact with others. You never know when that might plant the seed for a future storyline, especially with so many castmembers wanting to work with Jane!

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I come home bearing a cable guide spoiler..Seems like we at least get Tracy on 9/3...so two weeks from yesterday. I doubt she is on before that. At least we have a return date.


Episode: "Jax and Carly"

Jax moves back in with Carly; Tracy visits a recovering Lulu; Jason and Spinelli try to calm a nervous Maxie, who's just been summoned to court.

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Not sure whether or not to believe this from the dish or not, but it was part of a much larger post of info on the show..this person has posted several times in the past few weeks asking about "the little sharks" at soapdish...this is the person who said Bob Guza likes Luke/Tracy and likes the JE/TG vibe

If you guys still want more Q's keep calling in, as Wally was approached THIS WEEK about a possible return, and you are hearing it here first.

Maybe this goes along with the rena soffer being approached rumor...

All I know is we all need to call the comment lines asking and begging for more Qs!

I KNOW ME AND NEX will be calling! Any Q returning is great news!

Edited by hookedongh
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When Luke was holding Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star, what kind of candy did he bring her? beats me I wasn't watching at the time, but he did give her burbon filled bonbons for Valentines Day a week late ;) hee.

When Luke first call Tracy "amazing?" After Justus' funeral on the patio when he said, Lila was an amazing woman, not unlike yourself. right?

After Lulu brought a snowmobile with the money she stole from Tracy, where did Luke have Lulu work? The metrocourt

How did Luke say Tracy dressed when he was teaching her how to be a hostess of the casino? I don't remember him saying how she dressed. Her nose scrunch is just the most memorable moment about that scene for me. :D

When did Luke call Tracy his Passion Flower? He called her his passion flower? when?

What did Luke give Tracy after dealing with his grief of Laura? (January 2007). He gave her the power. ;)

Why wasn't Luke there for Tracy immediately upon learning of Alan's death? Because he was an idiot.

How did Luke find out Tracy was seeing Ghost!Alan? Um because she started yelling at Alan after she spotted him during the grope hug from her hubba.

What was Tracy's deal with Scotty around the time of Laura's guardianship trial, and how did Luke find out about it? Geez, I watched this scene but I don't remember.

During the black and white ball, what did Tracy think was up with Luke as Scott and Logan dragged him in? She thought he was drunk. LOL!

Thanks Ms. Q!

Welcome to the TQ (LuNacy) Lovefest LisaQ!

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Glad you enjoyed, TL. :)

These are the ones that still need to be answered if anyone is up for it. :D

When Luke was holding Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star, what kind of candy did he bring her?

When Luke first call Tracy "amazing?" (patio was the 2nd time... and probably the last time... <_<)

How did Luke say Tracy dressed when he was teaching her how to be a hostess of the casino?

When did Luke call Tracy his Passion Flower?

Why wasn't Luke there for Tracy immediately upon learning of Alan's death? (Yes, he was an idiot, LOL, but do we have another reason?)

What was Tracy's deal with Scotty around the time of Laura's guardianship trial, and how did Luke find out about it?


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Here is an exchange about Laura and Lulu--llooks like nobody has scenes with her but lulu this go round

That part is still unclear though. Is that Lulu imagining Laura saying that or is it Laura actually saying that. They don't make it clear in the scripts because no one but Lulu has scenes with her

There was an interview in SID with Genie -- she said that Laura has been awake and hasn't told anyone because she is afraid she will become catatonic again. Lulu is the only one that knows.

I am telling you it isn't that clear in the scripts. That is what Laura tells Lulu but Lulu is the only one who ever talks to her.

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When Luke was holding Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star, what kind of candy did he bring her?He brought her some bon bons or truffles!

When Luke first call Tracy "amazing?"on the patio after justus' memorial!

After Lulu brought a snowmobile with the money she stole from Tracy, where did Luke have Lulu work?Was it the haunted star??

How did Luke say Tracy dressed when he was teaching her how to be a hostess of the casino?To wear a dress the showed some leg and cleavage!When did Luke call Tracy his Passion Flower?IDK!

What did Luke give Tracy after dealing with his grief of Laura? (January 2007)For her to have control over their marriage!

Why wasn't Luke there for Tracy immediately upon learning of Alan's death? Oh .. he was trying to get Lulu out of the metro court

How did Luke find out Tracy was seeing Ghost!Alan? SHe stared yelling at Alan in front of him!

What was Tracy's deal with Scotty around the time of Laura's guardianship trial, and how did Luke find out about it?To stay away from Laura, She told him!

During the black and white ball, what did Tracy think was up with Luke as Scott and Logan dragged him in?She thought he was drunk! :D

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In case anyone is interested...this is what SOW says about Tony's return

"Antony Geary returns from his annual summer vacation in September and GH spokesperson promises Luke will be back onscreen "sometime this fall". When that happens, Luke just might meet up with the other half of soapdom's premier couple. Genie Francis reveals that she will be back to film additional scenes in October. When asked if sheh might work with Geary, Francis says, "I would think so because he will be home."

That is vague! Sometime this fall?

Let's all call in for the Qs and Lunacy!!! Especially if that drop was even a tiny bit true about Wally coming back. Tracy so needs one of her sons back in town!!

Jane Elliot

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Okay here is the Q spoilers in the Fall previews from SOD...

"Monica will deal with her newfound sobriety while Edward tries to shirk jury duty. He has the gall to cite financial difficulty. He'll have a prominent role in the trial."

No mention of Tracy...

Here is my version of what word's guza left out in his lies...

"Monica will deal with her newfound sobriety (offscreen) , while Edward tries to shirk jury duty. He has the gall to cite financial difficulty. He'll have a promient role in the trial, that will last two episodes."

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Where to start... where to start...


Most of us are old enough to be someone's mother. The rest are old enough to be someone's daughter. I'm just liking that there are more maternal ones around here. You bring it to 4, LisaQ (and you're the only Grannie, I believe)


What happened to your somewhat improved outlook? Elsewhere it also says Edward will NOT be getting out of jury duty and is quite involved with the trial. It's obvious TPTB are bowing to fan pressure after flouting it for so long. Scrubs and Liz sightings are proof of that.


Yes it's vague, which means the rags really don't know - but anyone who can count (which we have been doing) can tell you it's been 13 weeks since Luke was on screen, add another 3 because they film that many weeks ahead, and that give us 16. TG will be returning soon, if not already here. Last year he showed up October 10th, but hadn't left the screen until the end of June. This year he left in May. September is less than 2 weeks away and I wouldn't be surprised that he's back in the country, or at the very least packing up his summer home.


This is conjecture and speculation, and an interesting use of quotes. I read the article. Not someone's reprinting of it, but the actual article itself. GF was asked about working with TG (which always seems to happen to these two, 'cause ya know, they've never done ANYTHING else - well maybe she hasn't...), and she says she assumes she will but hasn't been told it will happen. It might not, as she said "stranger things have happened". There is a push by mags and fans to relive the LnL glory days, but nothing says the writers will bow to that pressure. There is also a push from TG not to relive those said days. I'm betting their paths will cross, but it won't be the reunion LnL hardliners are expecting.


Oh Yes!!! Always a great idea. Especially now with confirmation that TPTB are open to more Q involvement, and seeing how Scrubs and BH got an increase in maturity and time respectively, now is the time to keep doing it. Letters are $1 a pop for me so I'm not doing that often, but I am phoning the comment line. Do I get a star, Hooked?


The interview actually has GF saying Laura has been in and out for awhile but doesn't want the family to know. She's drugged most of the time and she doesn't know what's real and what isn't. Lulu's crisis snaps her out of it. Lulu tells her about Rick Webber and Scott, and Laura makes Lulu promise not to tell anyone that she's awake. That's where they leave it going into the fall.


Given the players this rings very true - and it's very exciting! I really hope WK returns. There's rumoured to be a death in Nov. Sweeps and SR has apparently asked to be let out of his contract (he's not amused by his lack of story). If FauxJerry bites it, Lex might just need Ned to help her heal.


Thank you


Patience child. Just ask nicely... with whipped cream and a cherry on top :D .

Now I'm off to sweep the floor from the kids' crumbs. Sometimes you just have to start the day with chocolate cake!

Edited by remos
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Man I love my kids...

Rusty is in the bedroom playing with Playmobil. He just showed me his family: the little boy has two Dads, "no Moms just Dads".

Two days ago he heard the Diva and I discussing sexuality and that not everyone is heterosexual. I love what kids pick up and work through in their play.

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