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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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From the dish...

Nikolas seeks guardianship over Lulu. Lucky protests and goes to the Q's for help.

Nikolas is clear that with Lucky that he will do whatever it takes to help Lulu, even if it means letting her see Johnny.

Tracy comes back and wants Lucky to have guardianship.

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IN case anyone is interested...

SOW Interview w/ Genie Francis On Laura's Return:

Laura wakes up and responds to Lulu when she visits Laura to talk.

Lulu is lamenting killing Logan and her fear of going crazy like her mother did. The story is really about the psychic connection between mother and child. Laura's love for her daughter is stronger than her illness. GF says GH has gone on and on about how alike Lulu and Laura are, and they are, but it gives Laura the opportunity to tell Lulu how they are different and why. GF says it's nice to be able to inject a little history into the character.

SOW asks how they are different and GF says she's not sure if today's audience will even know Laura was born to Lesley but given to Barbra Vining. So Laura has basic abandonment issues and confusion about who she is and when things get tough, she just goes inside herself and blanks out. Laura has the ability to just flip a switch on her memory because it's too painful to deal with. That's not the case with Lulu. She always knew who her mother was and was raised with her.

SOW asks how Lulu reacts to her mother suddenly waking again.

GF says she is ecstatic because she's yearning for her mother. This isn't something Laura says, but in an odd way Lulu going crazy is a way to be close to her mother and a way to hang on to her and be like her. GH hasn't had her actually say that but if she were Lulu's mother, she'd be saying that! It's written in a way that it's really Lulu's story and she's there to support it. She's coming undone and Laura is there to help her through it.

SOW notes that Laura reveals she's been drifting in and out of normalcy but forbade the doctors from telling her family. Why?

GF say that Laura tells Lulu she didn't want to put anyone through it if it's only temporary. She doesn't want to get their hopes up just to have them crash down.

SOW asks if Lulu wants to tell the rest of the family that she's awake.

GF says that she does but Laura asks her not to because she doesn't want to disappoint them. She's extremely secretive about not wanting to see anyone else.

SOW asks if Laura asks for status reports on Luke, Lucky and Nikolas. GF says no.

They want to know if Laura is able to put Lulu's mind at ease. GF says she starts to mother Lulu right away and reassure her that they're going to get better. They share a couple of embraces.

SOW says it's not a one way street and wants to know how Laura feels when Lulu explains that it was actually Scott who killed Rick Webber.

GF says Laura is relieved but disappointed to hear that it was Scotty. Why wouldn't he come forward? Why would he let her think she was a killer?

SOW says Lulu still feels guilty about Logan and wonders if Laura is surprised to hear that she killed Logan?

GF says she's shocked. Lulu explains what happened and Laura points out to her that it was self-defense and she doesn't have to feel guilty. It was an accident. Laura is trying to get Lulu to forgive herself and move forward.

SOW finds that interesting considering that Laura's catatonia resulted from her inability to forgive herself.

GF says correct, but she still has a physical issue now that she's dealing with. The issue of drifting in and out. It's not like she just remembers she didn't do it and is cured. It doesn't happen like that at all.

SOW asks if if her waking up is some residual affect of the experimental drug she was given. GF says it's not. The way they wrote it the last time was that what started as an emotional issue became a neurological issue. The way she's approached it is that her love for her daughter is stronger than her illness.

SOW asks if she has a sense of how long this run will last.

GF says she doesn't. She's committed to working at GH for the entire month of August but she's also supposed to do a couple of weeks in October.

SOW asks if TPTB are planning on having her work with TG after he returns from vacation in September.

GF says she can't imagine that they wouldn't be working together but stranger things have happened.

SOW asks if there's been any discussion about anything beyond the fall. GF says no.

SOW asks if she would be interest if GH raised the possibility.

GF says yes she would be interested in a fair deal. She's been interested in that for a long time now. She thinks they really have issues of losing the audience and not having enough money. Their creative vision was to carry on without Laura and at some point she has to accept that. She's grateful for the time she's gotten this time around and it's always nice to go home and visit.

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For TL...

When Luke was holding Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star, what kind of candy did he bring her?

When Luke first call Tracy "amazing?"

After Lulu brought a snowmobile with the money she stole from Tracy, where did Luke have Lulu work?

How did Luke say Tracy dressed when he was teaching her how to be a hostess of the casino?

When did Luke call Tracy his Passion Flower?

What did Luke give Tracy after dealing with his grief of Laura? (January 2007)

Why wasn't Luke there for Tracy immediately upon learning of Alan's death?

How did Luke find out Tracy was seeing Ghost!Alan?

What was Tracy's deal with Scotty around the time of Laura's guardianship trial, and how did Luke find out about it?

During the black and white ball, what did Tracy think was up with Luke as Scott and Logan dragged him in?

(I so should be in bed... :().

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