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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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tnl, no worries. And I'm sorry to hear that about your stepdad. My thoughts are with your family.

About the video...I tried watching, and I see it's in Windows Movie Maker format (that must be why YouTube wasn't accepting it). To save it so that we can view it...

1) Open it up in Windows Movie Maker

2) Go to File, "Save Movie File"

3) Choose "My Computer"

4) Enter a name, and choose a place

5) Here, you can choose "Best Quality" OR "Best Fit to File Size" (Note: "Best Quality" is good if your Display size - bottom left - reads 320 X 240. If it it's higher than that, go to "Best Fit to File Size" and click the down arrow until it reaches that size).

6) Click Next, and wait for it to download.

Then you can post it on YouTube or SendSpace using the steps in the message I sent you. :D

Good luck!

remos, what a nice story!

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Nice vid, tracynluke make me miss Lukey (and Tracy) for that matter. Sigh. They are so good together.

I'm off for some more unpacking. Hope to take a break at some point.

remos: congrats to the Diva. That's so awesome. I can't believe those jerks ruining her water glasses. Good for her she showed them! She's strong and smart, just like her mom. :)

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And just in case you didn't get my feelings on the matter...

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: ...

Now that 'revelation' I can't wait to see! Wonder who tells her, Lulu or Tracy?

(Oh, and thanks for the article. Everyone is pretty on board with this - just wish we could get to the point where the ewcbo didn't have to be mentioned when they talk about how good LuNacy is.)

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Ms. Q, Funny, and anyone else who was in the BR last nite... Carrie lost her internet connection. Her cable modem stuff conked out (Carrrie don't kill me if I get this wrong), and she cannot get online. So she called and asked me to let you all know that if she is not online she's okay, just stuck without online access.

Must run off to work, see you all later.

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Woo hoo internet is back. It was one of our four routers or some such thing. I was about to have a heart attack if I couldn't get online.

TnL---IF that is true about Laura finding out about Tracy, how could that happen if it is only short term. I would actually think it could be a great storyline. I would love to see her find out, to see Laura pissed off or wanting to be alone for a while and get her life back, to see Tracy go back to scheming with Scotty or something to make sure LnL don't reunite, etc... IT could be a great ansty story for Luke to go through, etc.

However, if it is short term, then I don't see all that happening at all. Hmmm...could that spoiler be wrong? Guess we will find out more. All I know is hopefully JE will get some good material.

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From the gossip thread at Soapdish--major grain of salt...

If you're wondering why Laura is being brought back when Luke isn't there, the answer is simple.

The chill between both stars has grown to glacier proportions.The only way they could have Laura return was during Luke's absence. Which suits both performers just fine.

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He's bargaining for a new contract this year. He HAS that much weight. Besides, the gossip for years has been that they are very close and each others favourite co-star. We know that isn't true since he is pouring his love on Jane Elliot. HOWEVER, it might make the LnL crowd back off for awhile and realize it ain't gonna happen. I don't think the 'Angel' is an angel at all.


Saw this on Suds Report by Nelson Branco

Now aside from the fact that his faith is sadly misplaced, this could be interesting. Tracy's there.... Laura's there.... Lukey is gone! So what do we deduce? LnL won't be happening, LuNacy is safe and sound, and TQ might get the opportunity to tell the interloper that she is merely the former and it was all a lie. THAT would be worth watching and perhaps that is the 'arc' we were promised.


Oh, and this Scooby snack:

Edited by remos
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