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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey guys! Im back! Sorry I've been absent lately, I've been moving to my new family-free apartment (yay!) and enjoying the first alone time, since well, forever lol! and Ive been so caught up in the awesomeness that is OLTL that I've barely watched GH.

Yay for Tracy being on tomorrow!


Edited by AdelaideCate007
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I dunno. I wouldn't leave you hanging (at least not long).

Ya know, we are only one month in to a four month break. We've made it this far but if we don't shake it up a touch The Annals are going to get very boring. There's only so much intimacy I can write about a couple that's in two different countries.

Can't promise I won't distress you again (could happen - but nothing is in the plan at the moment), but I will never end us there. I have a happy LuNacy world where they reunite, he sweeps her off her feet and they walk into an Irish cottage and make love for weeks straight. That's my ultimate ending. Whaddaya think?


Okay, well I can't stay awake. I leave tomorrow for Guide camp and I've been so focused on The Annals I haven't done anything for that. Tomorrow will be a lot of running around so I suspect I won't see you until Sunday evening (if I'm even still awake by then).

Lainey - you've got a PM and I expect an answer

Funny - you're leaving me hanging and I'm not amused

Addie - how are you babygirl? Missed you. Glad you're on your own.

QT - I know you have my back and I'm grateful for that

Hooked - isn't it time you were coming home?

And the rest of you, I'll see you when I return.

Edited by remos
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Ms. Q, LOVE LOVE LOVE your latest vid! C'est tres magnifique ;)

and thanks for the Tracy scoop :)

Nex, Thanks for the clips!

Remos, haven't read the Annals in a while and need to catch up this weekend

Funny, Have my late nite fix? :D

Anyone for late-nite BR?


Edited by TracyLuv
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So, far 3 segments and 3 scenes of our girl. How long can this last?!

These first couple of scene descriptions might be missing detail, but here goes:

Segment 1: MetroCourt. Tracy reminds Carly of what happened in the boathouse 2 years go. Tracy is not going to stand aside and watch Lulu get pregnant again. Luke would kill her (Tracy).

Segment 2: Still at Metrocourt. Tracy is worried about Lulu getting involved with the Zacharra's. Carly reminds him that Luke got involved with them. Tracy says but Luke knows how to cover his tracks. Carly says Tracy is desperate. Tracy agrees. She cares about Lulu. She wants Carly to tell Lulu not to make the same choices she (Carly) made. Carly says something that Lulu won't listen. She has to walk away on her own. Carly can't do it for her.

Segment 3: Outside the boathouse. Lulu and Johnny are getting close. They are interrupted by an obnoxious continuous coughing sound. It's Tracy.

Segment 4: None.

Segment 5: In the boathouse. Tracy is not going to watch Lulu get into bed the mob and make the same mistakes as she did. Alan pops up from behind. He says if she keeps this up, Lulu and Johnny are going to elope, and she will have Johnny Z as as a son-in-law. Tracy corrects him: STEP son-in-law. Johnny makes note that her brother is back. Lulu says this happens when Tracy has a crisis of conscious. Lulu says Alan must think Tracy is being ridiculous. Tracy is all, "Do you think I can't hear you?" Lulu said they listened to what she had to say, but what they do is their business. Tracy is willing to back off if Johnny can promise her that Lulu is in no danger.

Segment 6: Johnny tells Tracy that he never lied about what he's involved in. Lulu knows the life is dangerous and made the choice to be with him, anyway. Lulu and Johnny walk out. Alan tells Tracy that gossip didn't work and asks what else she's got. Tracy wants him to go away. Alan says to give Johnny some credit, that he has a backbone, and that Lulu could do worse. Tracy doesn't remember Alan acting like this when Emily ran off with Zander or when Jason ran off to do Sonny's bidding. Alan says his heart broke for his kids. He handled it all wrong like Tracy is now. Alan tells her that she said her peace. Maybe it will have impact. Just them them think about for a little while. Tracy looks a bit sad but says "Okay." She walks out. Lulu tells Tracy "bye," but it's actually sincere.

Segment 7: None.

Previews: None.

Overall comments: In terms of screentime, much better than what we've been getting. In terms of story, well, it's more of the "I don't approve of who you are sleeping with" garbage that seems to be Tracy's usual summer story...but we did get a sweet (though short) Alan and Tracy out of it. For what it was, I enjoyed her role in today's show. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Have a good weekend, remos!

If you guys haven't seen the latest of what Addie posted on YouTube, check it out. I always wondered why ABC didn't do this this after the Lila Quartermaine/Anna Lee memorial episodes, but I guess SoapTalk took care of it. Thanks Addie for posting! And good to see you back on the thread. :D


Basically, much of the cast talks about Anna Lee, shares stories, etc. It's very sweet, and some of it's funny too. I had to laugh at Steve Burton. "She practically killed Leslie [with her wheelchair]." :lol: For those wondering what Jane said, I'll let you watch. However, the first time she spoke was more about production/acting than about Anna.

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OMG ! Thank you so much Ms.Q, for posting that You Tube link and to Addie for putting it up! I totally teared up at my desk while watching it.

A big thank you again to Ms.Q, for posting today's recaps. I have to say, I don't know if it is the slow day I am having here at work or not but I actually enjoyed the entire episode. I even thought Jason and Sonny were likeable and for me, that NEVER happens. It was nice to see the lighter side of GH instead of the killing and mob war stuff. I was actually laughing out loud during some of the show. :lol:


Hope everybody has a great weekend!

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