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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OMG..Just finally got to watch yesterday! Sooooo awesome, even though they got interrupted. Their little exchange, suggestiveness and dance were 1000x more sexy than nasty limo sex or carjax sex.

And Stace--I totally agree that JE looked awesome yesterday. Hair great, outfit great! Make up/lighting great, and yes, I do think it was the first day where there was no underlying angst between them or her being worried or pissed and that is why that flirtiness/happiness shone through so much!

And--I watched and listened carefully and there is definitely the sound of Luke kissing the side of her cheek during that dance...I heard it I swear, so although we didn't get to "see it" I heard it! LOL!!!

What was up with that cocktail straw--perhaps because later on they had that exchange at the police station where Mac said "luke you have ordered 5 million swivel sticks" and Luke said "I serve a lot of drinks.

Remos I could totally see NLG and JE trying to keep a straight face there.

Loved her little Treavor exchange too. Love when she has her bitch on!!!

Hope today is good. Just came home for a bit to let the dog out...now I need to run and get this mri test done.

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Yesterday was one of the best days they've had in a while. Can I reiterate how much I hate that it is still all about Luke, however? For instance, we'll get Luke goodbye scenes....but I betcha we won't get a Tracy/Edward one. :(


I hope today's Lacy stuff is even better than yesterday. WE deserve it !

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Today's recaps...

Nex: 1,2,4,6&7 have LuNacy; 3 & 5 have Lulu, Lucky and Luke with the two.

Kisses: 2 in scene 7

1. Alexis releases Luke while Ric and Mac don't believe her. Alexis says she doesn't consider him a flight risk, as Tracy looks at the ceiling. When Ric pulls Alexis off to talk, Luke tells Tracy "it's nice to have friends in high places", to which she responds "with friends like yours, who needs enemies".

2. Alexis tells Ric that Luke won't run because he has Tracy, and he's got a heart condition. Ric can't believe she's being that careless with her career. Meanwhile Luke asks Tracy if she's disappointed he's not in jail. Tracy laughs and says a jail wouldn't hold him. She's just wondering what he did to AZ. Luke has no idea but intends to find out. "Of course you do, because getting arrested isn't enough, you want to get yourself killed." That won't happen, Luke assure her.

3. Lulu/Lucky exchange at HS re: Luke leaving

4. Alexis releases Luke. She cautions him not to leave town and he salutes her. Then turns to Tracy with a cheshire cat grin.

5. Johnny tells Luke he had nothing to do with it. Luke believes him and tells him to take better care of Lulu. Lulu says goodbye and Luke tells her he loves her twice (it's very sweet). Then says goodbye to Lucky - he's glad Lucky isn't letting his job get in the way of his common sense.

6. Luke is having a drink at the bar when Tracy walks in, and says "I see you found me". She says "it wasn't hard, a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime." Then she wants to know if he would have gone looking for her. What do you think, he asks. With a catch in her voice she says she doesn't want to know the answer to that. She's brought him money for his trip. He thanks her but says it wasn't necessary, then gets the briefcase full of money out from behind a seat and opens it. She asks and he confirms that it's Zacchara money - liberated. He says there's enough for him and a travel companion. She asks if he's taking the flexible Anna Devane with him. He says no, his only travel companion of choice is her.

7. Luke continues to ask her to leave with him and have the "ride of their lives". She says like that, just pick up and go? He says yes, just pick up and go. Tracy turns and walks out on him and he gets upset saying "you're just going to leave?" She quickly returns with two packed suitcases and Luke is overjoyed. He pulls her into a kiss, then another. She laughs at him and asks if he's just going to stand there looking stunned or are they going to get out of Dodge? He takes one of the suitcases from her and yells "Yes", as they walk out of the HS together.

Edited by remos
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AWWWWW!!! Two kisses and they walk out together! What more can we ask? Is there an ILY?

Thanks Remos! Just one big---awww...we have waited for a payoff like this for so long!!!! Did mama look as pretty today as yesterday!!!


Did luke give lulu something or overhear a secret before he left town or was that BS too?

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only to Lulu, which I thought was sweet and appropriate

You're welcome (and my kids are already talking about how they now get to watch Ben10 at 3:30 since 'Tracy' has left.

She was beautiful, as ever. I would have liked the last scene to be longer, but it did it's job and they left very happy.

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TL--For your collection of kisses!!!










Can we last til mid-Sept????

Also..you know if Lunacy were to both leave the show...that is how I would have liked to see them written out (but with a lot more scenes)

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I loved the ending scences with them kissing-yes and finally. And believe it or not my coworkers weren't in the room to pester or distract me from watching. Thank the lord. I don't know if we can last hooked. you need to get writing.

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Ok, here is the story of my day, so feel free to skip the venting. I'm needlessly, though extremely, pissed off.....

One of my bosses, the middle of the road lady really made me mad today. I know it is just in the way I took it more-so than what was said, but still. It came completely out of nowhere. She kids all the time so I know she wasn't serious but she is also one of the times who, though she's my mother's age, thinks she is 16 and it drives me crazy. She always needs attention and if we didn't hear a joke she made or laugh or not laugh or whatever reaction she was expecting she say the same thing 5 times till she gets it, or she will call your name so you see her make a joke or do something stupid. It's all in fun but it drives me nuts. Just a lead in to the erking me today. I think it is the biggest reason I am so annoyed. She stood up at her desk and looked over at us, there was only me and another guy who where there and heard her, but she said You guys are gonna think about me later tonight, to which I said no. I was dead serious but I did say it kidding (and yes she did know I was kidding so it isn't that she took it the wrong way). She said she was mad and that I was being fresh and mouthy. It would have been fine if she stopped right there but she had to go on about how mean and fresh I was being and that she din't like me anymore for another good 10-15 minutes. Every damned thing she said. I probably shouldn't have answered her, I should have taken the fifth which is what I doing from now on, but come on!!! Grow the hell up!!!!!!! If she was really hurt by it fine, than tell me and I won't say it again. If she wasn't than cut the sh-t, grow up, let it the hell go and stop making the new girl look like a jerk just for sh-ts and giggles!! And I'm sorry, but my dad taught me not to lie. I may not say something but if you aren't going to be happy with the answer don't ask the question is my philosophy. All I said was no, I don't think about people from work when I'm at home. I go home, draw for hours,a nd am withj my family so I'm sorry if she doesn't take up every minute of my day!!!! Didn't say the last part but the rest of it I did b/c... yes... she had to ask me why. Again I say don't ask the question.

She just pissed me off to no end today. I have to say, I think usually it takes a lot for me to get truly pissed and I should have just let this slide but she hit every last button and then pushed them over and over like a kid on an elevator. AAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok, I'm done now.

Onto a happier note: I LOVED yesterdays epi!! Couldn't be happier (well maybe if they had some more of their really great romantic stuff and a kiss or two, but beggars can't be chosers) loved it so much. I can't wait for today! I want to go to sleep but I will tough it out to watch my girl's last epi for a while. Only good thing about it is that I don't have to go crazy all day wondering if she's on a or if I can get home early enough to check the thread and be able to set up my vcr. Weak, I know, but I needed an upside somewhere

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From SD...who knows...but sounds hopeful right?

I heard a rumor about all of this and I don't know how accurate it is but it comes from the same person who told me that Tracey was going to have a big part this summer, and after I shared that it was announced that she was going away and I was like OOPS! and now it appears she is coming back and will be involved in story for most of the summer, so take this for what it is.

I heard that Maxie and Spin share an intimate moment and that she kind of freaks out because she's Maxie. She's alive because of BJ's heart and now she's falling for the guy Georgie loved. So she goes into her whole NOT WORTHY mode and goes out partying. So she picks up a guy in a bar, spends the night with him and runs into him at the hospital next day(Somewhat reminiscent of the way Mer and Der met on Grey's Anatomy.)

Hey were you the lacy insider who posted that to me a while back! I was so excited! So have you heard that she is coming back for sure and will have a role this summer?

I understand that things change on a dime, so I won't hold you to it, but just curious if it is the latest you have heard!!! Thanks!

From Happy Tracyfan!!!

Yeah I'm the one who told you and I felt so bad when it was announced that she was leaving with AG because I thought I was giving good info. But it appears she will be back for most of the summer, at least that's what I've heard recently, so its all still good.

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