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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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This looks like the best way to go...Main page for Tracy & Luke's Excellent Adventures on the tracyluke site that prominently links to the blog itself. The blog would, in turn, link back to the tracyluke site. That should be good for traffic including search engine traffic.

I've looked at blogger, blogspot, and others, but now I'm thinking livejournal's blog option might be the one to go with. Let's toss this around in the breakroom tonight. I'll post more in the meantime if I have anything.

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hooked, sorry about the PE thing. That's so unfair. Along the lines of what missjane said, in elementary school, I also had P/F for gym. I wonder if your son's school has something similar, perhaps??? In high school, I could opt to take P/F for choir as well. Gym and Choir are kind of similar classes (I mean, not the traditional math, science, language arts, etc), right?

Why are there " " in the possible upcoming spoilers?

I told my Tracy loving aunt about TG and JE's vacation. She was like, "Oooh, I wonder if they're a real life couple now." :lol:

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From AIG on soapdish (reliable totally) who is also Winking Jizzer and I believe formerly Scene Insider

I'd also like to add that there is no Liason on Wed. No Liason on Friday. Just wanted to make that clear.

The scenes are loving and heartbreaking at the same time. Typical Liason.

Also the small surprise I spoke about last week - is a nod to their history.

-And yes, I did mistake the cabin for the SH. As I thought they were one in the same.

J-Lex fans will love Jerry telling Lexi that he likes her too much to give up and backs his words up with a kiss. Which Lexi can't help but give in to.

Carjax fans will have one last goodbye as they make love. However, after Carly returns home Jax is gone and all that's left is a simple note.

Scrubbies you have lots of crazy, sweet moments coming. Gifts for the babe (Pat), support and thanks (Robin) and dueling blogs (both) which lead to a kiss (initiated by Patrick).

Nik fans interested in he and Claudia will enjoy their scenes. She is truly vulnerable with him and he with her. In an odd way they become intimate and connect. From what I saw, it works well for them.

Tracy leaves with Luke after he convinces her with his words of love and devotion. Unbeknowst to him, he had her at ILY.

Robin/Jason scenes are brief. They share two quick scenes. A few words are exchanged and then she leaves. There is no breakdown.

Lusam fans I didn't forget about you but I don't have much on them. Lucky is on a few days next week and a few more the next. Mostly dealing with police work and Lulu. Sam is not on at all this week. She is geting more of a story but I don't have much coming up for them as a couple. A few random scenes as of now. That could change. I will let you know more as soon as I do.

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No [!@#$%^&*] BSG!!! So sounds like we at least get a schmoopy hit the road scene. It is going to be a long, lonely summer with no Lunacy or Tracy for a while.


From AIG also

Tracyfan - I am not sure if Jane returns before Tony but the plan always was for her to leave with him. I'll look into it for you.

So it wasn't some last minute change.

Nancy guess our mixed up person got that JE was leaving in May and that Lunacy were gone for the summer. I am confidant that JE will return earlier than Tony, but I guess late July could be true. We will have to see if we can all hold on til then!

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Hi everyone...

Hooked, that sounds great. Surely they will give us something worth savouring before they hit the road. I'm still excited that they are going together, and now knowing that it was part of the plan all along gives me a warm fuzzy.

I see from SOC that everyone will be on a GH vacation - hope someone will be around to mind the store so they can tell us when to return.

I couldn't stay awake last night. So what was decided about the Blog?

Totally OT and following Hooked's lastest issue with her son and the school - why are they giving letter grades for PE? Honestly. Sport along with Music are not one of the 3 essential subjects and excelling at them comes from hard work but also talent. It's unfair to put that kind of pressure on a child who doesn't have talent in those areas or sports the class doesn't cover. Would they letter grade yoga or rock climbing? The system is so backward.

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True, true, true. It's not that I want the lack of LuNacy or Tracy on my screen. But how many times last summer did we say we were sick of Luke's freaking disappearing act and why the heck couldn't he take Tracy with him? TG's vacay schedule is a given. It sucks that we can't see the Luke and Tracy adventure on screen, but Luke taking Tracy on one of his adventures is a huge step for them as a couple. So I'm happier with them hitting the road for a while rather than having Tracy unceremoniously left behind again.

Besides we have Luke and Tracy's Excellent Summer Adventure to look forward to.

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You win the positivity crown this morning BSG.

You know my spoiler ho duties will be coming to a much needed hiatus after Wed. when they leave, but you know I won't let you guys down with my persistent quest to find a return date for our girl

Someone this morning called "Off to the ballgame" from SD

If you are still around, I am taking a poll, trying to get an answer...do you have any idea of when Tracy will be back this summer or if she will indeed come back?

She is coming back in July.

Off to the ballgame...

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They might, if they were done as units. I had to do those in gym class (but as a "fun-day" with regards to rock-climbing and a weekly thing, if that, with regards to yoga). Other than participation, I don't believe I got a letter grade. But, anyway, if the class specifically had a 3 week unit or whatever related to rock climbing, they might give a letter grade. Half of it for participation/dress. Another half for skill. Not sure, though.

hooked, thanks for the scoops!

BSG, look at you and your positivity. I need some of that, LOL.

~ For your viewing pleasure (It's a video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZinBJ4hbnCo ~

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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We're counting on you, Hooked.

Okay... now the real question. Tracy is expected back in July, or JANE is expected back in July? There is a difference.


I know this isn't new...but I just like the was it's worded. From SZ:

Luke faces prison time for money laundering. He decides to take Tracy and give the authorities the bum’s rush.

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Just saw this on SD...

The nurses at GH will get a kick out of Robin's baby blog but Patrick will not be amused

Luke and Tracy spend a night together

Claudia and Nic will have a truthful conversation

Spinelli gets the upper hand

Trevor has a uninvited guest show up with revenege in mind

Lucky and Sam have an exchange

Morgan asks about Michael which makes Sonny crack

Since the rest has been confirmed by other spoilers/insiders, I'm wondering how involved this will actually get. This might just make up for the cut scene - maybe this is when he asks her to leave with him..

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