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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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TL--you need to add in that other lunacy kiss (the one from my avatar), Actully there were two from that day right?

Oh and coming to NY to see my mamas sounds like a great plan!!!

You crack me up with your come to mama, mama!!!


So for those of you listening to my rant tongiht...he just came in and popped his head in and said "i'm going to bed. Sorry if I upset you today"

I am like WHATEVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was so heartfelt! Buh bye!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Hooked, sorry I abandoned you in the br for so long. It took much longer than expected. Olivia ended up coming and then it took her and "Jack" (aka her imaginary friend) forever to decide what "they" wanted, and then as we were leaving, my mother called and was like oh yeah get me some booze, so im sorry about that.

Im excited about the Tracy spoilers for the summer! Yay

Edited by AdelaideCate007
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No hooked, you didn't miss last weeks clips, I was just about to post that I decided to make Wed-Fri's clips all in one file, but since Monday is a continuation of last week I was going to add them all together. I will post last Tuesday's 5 second clip and the rest of the weeks clips tomorrow after they are posted. :)

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Hey guys... sorry I couldn't come into the BR last night. My back was hurting too much. It's better this morning but still not great. I'm saving myself for the recaps and some serious Tracy today - don't know if we'll see her again before next Tuesday after today.

I like that bit about her being around more this summer. If they are doing more with her - and she was usually on once a week last year - I'm just doing the math and thinking we might get 2-3 days per week of her. That would work! At least it's been recognized she has disappeared the last few summers. That's always a good start.

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Well I wouldn't be counting on her being on 2-3 days a week, but maybe a day or so! Maybe they meant for her to be around to tape at least one day a week--sometimes one day of taping can be spread over two episodes. I would think she would have to have some fall out from luke leaving.

The fact that they are having her run the HS is good. Even if it is sort of out of character for Tracy who is a corporate CEO. But it shows that they at least value JE a bit to keep her in the loop of the mob new central hangout the HS.

I really think now is a great time for us to write to her, Guza and Frons asking for more airtime this summer to reiterate that people like Tracy, even without luke!

From SD IL..not sure of the source, but it seems to reiterate what we have already heard...always a good thing!

Luke is arrested for money-laundering and jumps bail with Tracy's blessing,

(TG goes on his annual summer vacation)

Tracy keeps the Haunted Star afloat.

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Another insider this morning named monopoly who confirmed some things...


Have you heard that Tracy will be used this summer a bit more than in the past? Nothing major I know but is she going to be running the HS?

Yes she will. She'll run the HS while Luke is away.


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"Non-voluntary" vacation for the last couple of years, huh? The term kind of reminds me of that Friends episode when Ross went nuts after someone ate his sandwich, and they sent him on that sabbatical... :lol:

Anyway, if it's true that JE will be on a little bit more than in the past, that is great. Tracy running the HS should be good, as long as the HS continues to play a role on GH and not just disappear. I am cautiously optimistic, though. :)

halee, just want to say I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. You'll be in my thoughts.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I am going to try to recap based on what I remember so far...

Scene 1: NO TRACY. Luke and Anna open the show. There is a rope hanging. Luke is sucking on a lime. They are singing again, Anna is taking off her shirt and is sleeveless; Luke is taking off his pants to reveal his boxers.

Scene 2: Anna is swinging from a rope swing. Luke is pouring a drink into her mouth and says she is very talented. Enter Robin/Patrick/Luke. Patrick: All right! Anna: Mother! Tracy has this look on her face like she wants to crack up... (might be more Jane than Tracy).

Scene 3: Luke invites them to join. Patrick wants to; it looks like fun. Robin and Tracy are disgusted. Robin wants Anna to get down. She is going to hurt herself. Anna is happy; she's the only grandmother in the world who can do this. Tracy wants Luke to pull up his pants. Anna, still swinging, goes to help him but hurts her back.

Note: Scene 1 has been the longest. 2 and 3 were very quick.

Scene 4: Robin wants to know if Anna is okay. Anna says they will be leaving. Tracy says, "Don't let the door hit you on the ass." She takes a drink. Luke says that Ms. "Divine" and he will continue. Anna says it's been fantastic, but she doesn't want to upset Robin. Plus, she threw her back out. The three of them leave. Luke asks his Spankybuns if he can offer her a ride on the "trying frapreeze?" She just looks at him, not very happily.

Note: Another super short scene.


Note: I think Tracy's had 2 lines so far. I don't know if I can wait 'til next week 'til she's on again!!! All the scenes in the Segment 5 are SO long...Except the Anna/Robin one, which was pretty short, or at least short compared to the rest of 'em.

Scene 6: NO TRACY. Luke has some coffee. Tracy is gone. "Ohhhh man." Sonny comes in. He needs a drink. He is talking to Luke about when Lucky was in a coma. They talk about Michael's condition. Sonny is realizing that his son is not going to wake up. Luke is sorry. Sonny is telling Luke about Jax and the facility and Carly's opinion on all of this. Carly says it's like letting Michael die. Sonny is starting to agree. Luke just listens.

Note: WTH?! Where did she go? Why must we see how Luke spends the rest of his day, but not Tracy? Is it 'cause TG is lead and JE is not, and JE is just TG's appendage?! On the bright side (see, I can do bright side) - When Tracy isn't onscreen, she can't nag.

I think Patrick is coming to the HS in the next scene as a "cliffhanger." Tomorrow is when he gets advice from Luke. Why would you get advice from Luke on women, I do not know...

Scene 7: NO TRACY. Well, Luke/Patrick don't have the cliffhanger for their scenes. Anna/Patrick/Robin do. Anna to Patrick: "When are you going to marry my daughter?" Meanwhile Luke/Sonny are discussing quality of life. Is it fair to make Michael spend the next 20 years with a feeding tube? Luke asks if he can breathe. Sonny says he is in perfect health; just can't wait up. Luke that's tough/rough (can't remember). He shares Lucky's story, where he couldn't do anything on his own. He talks about Laura, spending the rest of her life in a chair, but she believed in miracles, and Luke has to honor that. That's how Carly thinks (re: miracles). Claudia enters: We need to talk about my father. We don't know if she's means Luke or Sonny. End show.

Note: I wonder if there was a reason for minimizing Tracy's role in today's episode to like nothing... Still hate that Luke is getting scenes with a whole bunch of others, and Tracy is MIA. Hopefully, that'll change this summer.

Previews: NO TRACY. Sonny is screaming at Claudia on the Haunted Star. You shot my son!!! Claudia says he brought it on himself. The Spinelli/Jason/Maxie stuff looks good though...

Note: Is it May 13th yet?

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Thanks. Ms. Q. You saved me some painful minutes at the keyboard. In brief.

Nex: scenes 1-4; first up in each scene. Anna/Luke only in 1, but you need the context.

Sonny and Luke: history acknowledgement, finally they are remember that Luke went through this too.

Yeah, might not have much Tracy, but it's worth the watch just to see JE almost lose it repeatedly. She can't keep a stern look to save her soul.

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Bummer--several people on SD said it looked like they cut out a scene today where Tracy was going to let Luke have it. That stinks. My only hope is they show her getting plastered with Coleman tomorrow or something. I really hope we don't have to wait til the 13th to see her again. It seems like a lot has to happen in the next two weeks before Luke leaves.

i am hoping some of the other tracy info wasn't BS cause they said the crimson party is at teh HS and luke leaves after the party. SOD came out today and people are now saying there is maybe no party. Who knows?

Big to do over at SD meltdowns cause the mag. said today that sonny and carly sleep togeher in the limo on the way home from taking michael to the facility.

I love when other fan bases meltdown and I could care less ya know? I mean who cares about Sonny/carly!

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