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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I'm in there with technical difficulties lol.

Didn't get to watch GH cuz of a final today willl watch on soapnet tonight lol.

ITA with you MS. Q on wishing it was sooner for Monica to be on our screens.

Carrie it says entering but god only knows how long it'll bebefore my screen pops up so I'm getting a quick shower i'll return and hopefully be in the BR soo sorry.

Edited by IluvAandM
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Hey, remos and addie. Just wanted you to know that I didn't abandon you at SOC. I couldn't find you. Maybe it's getting too late for my brain cells to process properly. Yeah, it's not computing anymore for me tonight. Think I'll call it a night. It's a night! Talk to you tomorrow. :)

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Hey guys. Nothing new today except a spoiler that Tracy is jealous of Luke/Anna (nothing new).

Here is my thought for the morning....perhaps we should try to write a letter for Tracy now--to ask for some storyline for her while Luke is gone. Maybe if Guza gets some letters about that, it will maybe help give her a little more airtime.

I think we should include that we would like to see her interact with other characters, or have some corporate story (yeah right). Hell even Lulu propping is better than nothing. I would like to see her and Sam have some interaction if Sam is running the HS this summer. Maybe some Tracy/Monica.

Just a thought! But it couldn't hurt. Also a quick letter to Jane to help her mail counts!

Robert Guza

c/o General Hospital

ABC Daytime

4151 Prospect Avenue

Hollywood, CA 90027

Jane Elliot "Tracy"

c/o General Hospital


4151 Prospect Ave.

Hollywood, CA 90027

Jill Farren Phelps

Executive Producer

General Hospital


4151 Prospect Ave

Hollywood CA 90027

Brian Frons

President of ABC Daytime

2300 Riverside

Burbank, CA 91506

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Am so dreading Tracy's role in the Anna/Luke mini-plot. The jealous, nagging wife role does NOT suit her.

TnL, nice job. I can't wait to read the next part.

remos, we need your little scenes on GH. Love the humor in the story, especially about Luke using up his quota. :lol: And SQUEE to all the ways he loves her. :wub:

Nice work on the other site, everyone. I was prompted to check ABC.com after that, and it lists Lucky as a friend to Tracy. Too cute. Lulu is a foe. But then it says Emily is a friend too, so I don't know. LOL. And of course, the act of tricking an inebriated woman into marriage is a BAD/UGLY thing, but... the events that followed weren't so bad... And on the topic of BAD/UGLY, why wasn't the rape mentioned, or are we supposed to forget that?

EDIT: Episode Count Thread: http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/index.php?showtopic=25974

Last year, as of May 1st, Jane Elliot was in 12 more episodes than this year. She's just been in 27 out of 86 episodes so far. Ick.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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My sister set this up for everyone:


I'm going to put all of my Tracy/Jane Elliot clips in here. You'll also be able to view the clips before you download and be able to download all of the clips. Yay!

Had fun in the BR last night, and messing with those LnL folks over at SOC. Some of those people just need to learn to get over it

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Opening trailer is opening credits, right?

GH updated it semi-recently, and I noticed Edward is right before Luke. As it stands, LOGAN - TRACY - MICHAEL makes about oh, I don't ZERO sense. :angry: But it's kind of neat how the remaining Q's are at the end, not mixed in the middle - end like before, where they can be easily forgotten.

And it is to stupid to wonder why GH changed the opening but kept Natalia in? Glad that Stuart is there too, even though he hasn't been on contract in forever.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Okay I just finally watched yesterday's episode.

I must disagree with just the "ah so so" reviews from yesterday. I thought actually that the first scene they shared yesterday was probably one of the most honest and revealing Tracy has ever had with Luke. I thought that it also was one of the most honest looks at their relationship workings that the audience has been given. She revealed how much it meant to her that she knows he loves her and that she knows how hard it was for him to say that. Also, she said again how she loves him back. I loved the "favorite mistake" and him saying it was a match made in hell, but a "glorious match". I liked how he said glorious. She also explained to him as well as the audience how she she tries her hardest to accept him for who he is, and that there are a hundred reasons why she could divorce him, but she sticks with him and hangs tough. As well as her making it known that to outsiders, they might not understand it, but the two of them know better why they are still married.

I really do think this scene was included to explain why Luke will vanish once again this summer, and why Tracy won't divorce him. Clearly they are setting up the mob disappearance.

As much as it was annoying that Sonny was interrupting them, I did like that he told Luke that his wife was right. It took me a sec to realize that what Tracy said to him was that they should take out a life insurance policy cause she dind't want to throw money into his grave after his dead body. From the recaps I thought she was just throwing around her $ to control him again. That wasn't what she was saying at all.

The Anna scenes I really feel are going to be no big deal. I am sure Tracy is going to look like a jealous wife, but then again Robin is going to be really pissed off too. Anna and luke are going to be acting like fools. We already know Tracy isn't going to divorce him over infidelity....

Besides, FH is only on for another couple episodes. And I really think the luke stuff is only going to be maybe end fo today and Monday.

Let's just think of it this way, nothing has ever been as bad as we think it is going to be. I am sure this is Guza's idea of playing something for laughs. At least we know Luke tries to turn on the charm to Tracy the following week.

Granted the bakc and forth crap is annoying, but let's get real---there is no happy couple for long in a soap. Lunacy is going on 3 years--almost unheard of in soapworld--especially in GH world!!!

Addie--Thanks so much for doing that. It is wonderful we can have access to your library of tracy files!!!

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From what I understand, if they are contractually still on the show they will remain in the credits. I think neither DC or NL contract is up yet. It is easier to edit one shot out (hence the michael alone I believe). I don't know why SD is still in there. Strange time to update the opening for sure.

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I will leave the recapping up to remos, but other than a cute line in the near-beginning "let's make love - not war," the LuNacy has consisted of Tracy nagging, and Luke wanting to live life how he wants, 'cause clearly, we haven't done enough of that.

We're at the half-way point. A lot of Luke with Anthony, Lulu, a little bit of Logan, and then 2 scenes of LuNacy. 1 of them alone. And 1 of them with Anna.

After minimal interaction with Luke and Anna, Tracy leaves in disgust, saying she will be home LATE. Anna notices that Tracy is mad. Luke says she's always mad, but that's one of her charms. Anna tells Luke why she's there, and they get the roulette table ready. <shrug>

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Okay so...so far that doesn't seem so horrible. Tracy is going to be home late. So maybe when she gets home and sees he isn't there, she goes to Robin on Monday?

You know---I know the nagging is getting old, but at least Luke is not ragging on her. Not cutting her down to Anna.

And you know...bottom line---THEY ARE ON! And Tracy has been on four days in a row this week. When is the last time we can say that happened? I think for sure not since when---I can't even remember. I think the most during the Heart attack storyline was 3 days. Maybe one week before thanksgiving maybe ? Even then I dont' think so. And we know she is on Monday. I am at least looking forward to the Tracy/Robin/Patrick being in a scene together and then with Anna/Luke. I think I am just easy at this point.

Okay so...

Remos--Loved confessions the 17th!!!

Tracynluke--I like Tracy getting grabbed in your fic and can't wait to see where you take it.

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