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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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The biggest travesty is that GH got a nom for best show, best writing and best directing. That alone makes me want to puke (the writing one anyway).

I bet Tony submitted his big rape monologue to Lulu.

I was joking on SD tht Tony probably submitted a blank tape and every just robo-voted for him without even watching it.

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The good news is, today we got:


Alexis/Diane (as co-counsels. squeeee!)

and even a little SpinMax for those of you who indulge.

Would be great if not for the fact that Tracy/Luke are so rarely written for these days that the writers forget what they have had the characters say in the past. Case in point: Luke has already told Tracy he loves her (more than once). Yeah, Yeah, they probably adlibbed all the I love yous, but the writers are paid to watch their product too, not just write it. Pathetic.

To those of us who know and love these two today was nothing "new." Yeah, her facial expressions were GREAT.. but been there, done that. Oy.

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Okay... you have to hang on to the very end, but it's SOOOO worth it.

Nex: Scenes 1,2,4,5,6 and 7 Nothing in previews

1. Luke on empty HS, receiving another money transfer from JZ. Tracy walks in and says "well look who's hand got caught in the cookie jar". Luke looks over at her and smiles.

2. Tracy is not happy. Luke says money laundering is easy and he could do it in his sleep. Lucky comes in and asks what's happening, as Luke hides the box with his body. Tracy says "Daddy's getting in trouble again". Lucky says he isn't here as a cop, he's here to warn Luke that AZ's trial is starting and there is a good chance he will be freed. Lucky says as much as he hates it when Luke runs, now might be a really good time to leave town. Tracy looks on.

4. Tracy says things must be bad when his own son is telling him to leave town. Luke basically says he laughs in the face of danger, and Tracy tells him she's not interested in being the Merry Widow. She points out that he isn't as fleet of foot as he once. Luke accuses her of wanting to shut the HS down again (?) so he's totally dependent on her. Frustrated Tracy tells him it's not always about him. Sam comes in at this point and offers her services to Luke. Tracy is not amused.

5. Sam campaigns for a job with Luke, telling him she knows all the games and can be a Shiller (?). Tracy throws insulting comments at Sam, which Sam ignores. Luke tells Tracy that this is a business deal and deals should be mutually beneficial. He tells her she can start as soon as the Star opens again.

6. Tracy is spinning the Roulette wheel and accues Luke of being a hedonist and thinking he's immortal. Luke says he doesn't want to live forever, but he wants to enjoy what he has. Tracy says she gives up and won't nag any longer. He should just paint a bullseye on his back. But DON'T expect her to come to his funeral. Then she walks away.

7. Tracy is at the bar pouring herself a drink, saying that Luke doesn't care what happens to her or Lulu. Luke says Lulu is making her choices, sticking around JZ and will have to grow up and figure this out on her own. As to Tracy and the Star, she doesn't care about the Star, she just wants to keep him financially dependent. Tracy looks at him and smiles, and says that is incredibly insulting. Why doesn't he just go away and not come back? Luke tells her she just thinnks he comes back to drink her father's booze, live in luxery and eat Cook's blueberry pancakes. Tracy says he's never denied that. (Their music starts...squee...) He tells her he can live without the pancakes and he's lived in tents and the back of a car. He doesn't need any of that stuff. Then he walks away from her shaking his head and saying she just doesn't get it, she really doesn't get it. He turns back to her and walks towards her saying "I love you, Tracy.... I - LOVE - YOU". She is stunned.

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Yeah but Lainey, what was said was before he skipped town on her in January. That broke major trust for her. She's been playing the role of wife but still hasn't accepted him back fully. They had fun together on opening night, but it was sexual play - something she has said they do well regardless. Today was more of a meat-n-potato discussion about what really matters for them. She doesn't believe he truly loves her - she's settled and can't really believe anyone would want her. She's got 60 years of proof that she's not lovable. The joy was in how he said it today. Although we know it, and TG and JE know it... Tracy is a lot harder to convence.

Edited by remos
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The LuNacy: This will probably be unpopular around here, but I didn't really like today's LuNacy until the end, and even that wasn't as spectacular as I had hoped. I don't know. It came off rather repetitve. I also didn't get Luke's line about Tracy only being interested in keeping Luke financially dependent. It all confused me. Anyone want to explain the whole scene to me like I am 5? I know remos clarified it a bit below with regards to the ILY, but I still don't get the financially dependent line and the irony of it all. Will have to re-watch...

For a lovely post on the LuNacy (which you might want to read after having just read me complain), go here. :D

The Wardrobe/Hair: Nice to see a new outfit, and it was spring-like too! Not a long wintry jacket. It even had like 3/4 sleeves, which we never see. So yay on that front! Don't know what it up with the hair, though. hooked, we might have to accept the fact that oomphy hair may no longer be a part of Tracy Quartermaine's life. I think I might go into mourning... Or at the very least take out the "Bring Back The Oomph" banner... Heh.

The Acting: This was good. Awesome expressions. Tears in the eyes. Perfect delivery by TG. Real soapy goodness. None of that over-the-top dramatic !@#$ we sometimes see on this show. Not that I expected any less from TG and JE, though I will say both actors have had their OTT moments, especially TG. That was totally not one those occasions though, so good for them.

The other stories: In an effort to save VHS tape space, I sat through, and stopped when LuNacy wasn't on, recorded again when they were on. This meant I had to sit through the entire show - ay!!! I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of Sonny, Jason, and Carly. What else? Oh, I know Lainey won't hate me for this, but the rest of you might. I think I enjoyed Diane and Alexis more than the LuNacy today. As for the rest, don't care about Anthony/Ric/Trevor, which is a shame, 'cause I do want to like Ric, and I used to like Ric, but I just don't care anymore. I was rooting for Maxie, and Lulu's outfit and attitude grates the nerves... Kate annoyed the hell out of me. Sam was very pretty, and I didn't mind her scene with Luke. Had to chuckle at Lucky's comment about Epiphany always being ticked off at someone. And I found myself wishing Alan was Chief of Staff intead of Dr. Ford, as he was b-tching Liz out in the open. Dude, shouldn't you do that in a private room?! And Claudia, like Lorenzo, decided to adopt an accent when saying her name only... But maybe the accent was just more noticeable in that scene. I wouldn't know, not having watched a whole of Claudia overall.

And wow, check out my multi-paragraph post.

hooked, favor for you, if you get a chance. Can you repost the screencap site? Thanks.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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The end was definitely worth it, remos. It felt like a cliffhanger, so, hopefully, we get Tracy's full reaction and a follow-up tomorrow.

I do think that today offered something more than what we've gotten before, and it was very much needed by both Tracy and the audience. Since January, they seemed to have chucked the last few months - and then some.

It was TG who added the "I love you, Tracy" in Nov. 06. That was a year and a half ago, though. Also, while it was very sincere, today was so much more. What we heard today wasn't just "I love you" as in "I love you." It was "I love you" as in "you're everything in the world to me."

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I just saw it. I would like to add that Luke did not just say it once, but twice that he loved her. And he damn well meant it! He seemed seriously shocked that Tracy did not know why he returns to her. (Though I did wonder why he was so shocked. I mean, what else could she believe?) Anyway. JE was magnificent as usually and expressed the teary-eyed shock beautifully. Such a good TQ day, in my opinion!

Ms.Q, I also noticed Claudia's wicked accent in saying her name. No, she never talks like that.

I am extremely upset up the Daytime Emmy Nominations. Kirsten Storms is SO talented. Not to mention Rick Hearst and Laura Wright! TG is great of course, so hooray for him, but he is not the only one! And Jennifer Landon was nominated for younger actress. AGAIN. I am not knocking the girl, but she is not the only talented young actress. <_< There were hardly any ABC nominees at all.

The possible chance of a turnaround on GH is the only thing keeping me from killing someone over Kirsten Storms being overlooked...

EDIT: (like my fifth one) Gh being nominated for Best Drama series... haha they are right there, shooting 10-year-olds is pretty dramatic.

Edited by missjane
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He did say it twice, but it was "I love you, too" in response to Tracy saying she loved him. Nevetheless, he very much meant it as well as the other time he said it. However, I found today's declarations - both of them - even more from the heart. No reflection on the other times. Just found today even more spectacular.

Speaking of spectacular...

Jane was.

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Hey you guys. Sorry Ive been absent for awhile. My family went full-tilt crazy then they were fine, and now my mother is even more mad at me than she was before because Im now selfish, bratty, show no respect for my siblings, and treat her like dirt apparently **rolls eyes** and now Im back to not being her daughter anymore and that she can see my disdain for them and that I hate being around them and blah blah blah blah. She now wants me to get into politics and go to law school which I HATE and want no part of, but she keeps pushing pushing and just pushing. My mother is also now threatning to throw out all of my stuff and give it to charity. My sister Matilda who I also hate is now here and is already pissing me off. Why does God hate me?? I want to drop out of school! ahh!

But I did love Tracy and Luke today.

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