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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Love the haircut

HATE it on her

Older women, in my opinion, should NOT have multileveled hair.

Good news is maybe they gave her a new look because they're moving her to new role.

They seem to be getting ready to put her more front and center.

That push from "Ian?" to Jerry to find another source MUST mean the Tracy rumors we heard are true.

You add THAT stuff to the Monica stuff and to the Luke stuff..

and boy, you have a lot of stuff.

Still hate the hair on her. Makes her look like a harsh bitch.

I'm afraid they're going to write the character to match the hair.

oh my.

ohhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyy

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I don't think older women should have ultra-short haircuts, period. But as I said before, I don't expect it to last long.....

As far as Tracy being portrayed as mean, I think she will be written that way for a little while. And, as long as they don't have her knowingly pushing drugs or transporting street drugs, which is completely OOC, I'm okay with her having a mean streak period. Out of ALL the current characters, Tracy is one who has the last few years, given way more than she's gotten in terms of family and romance. She's given, given, given...and gotten stepped on or pushed aside the whole way. And, I think she's fed up. Why shouldn't she be? I'm okay with her getting mean as long as there's a reason for it, as long as the anger is directed at the person(s) who she feels caused the problem, and it's not meaness just for the sake of it, and as long as she is also written as still being vulnerable underneath it all. I'm not okay with TIIC writing her as a one dimensional shrew steamrolling over everyone without cause, but so far....she is pretty justified at being angry with Monica AND Luke, especially if she finds out Monica was drunk while operating. I don't want to see her kicking puppies, but acting out of anger and hurt, I'm okay with. It does seem that Tracy isn't going to just take Luke right back, and I'm also okay with that. Enough with doormat Tracy. She SHOULD be angry.

I am concerned about the Jerry thing. But I'm withholding judgement on that until we get more details.

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Oh God! Just got home and watched the show. Be careful what you wish for huh, Hooked? I said I would settle for a crumb and that's what I got.

Anyway hated the hair... today. But it looks like a versatile cut, so I am willing to give it a chance. It's good bitch hair! I'll miss the flip & Luke's touching it. Maybe Luke will start doing the Barbra Striesaind to Robert Redford bangs swoosh from The Way We Were instead.

Haven't even checked the boards or anything yet? I probably won't get a chance to write any letters until Thursday. But I WILL!! And I will definitely call.

Okay so I literally don't watch the show at all except for Tracy. But I am going to start watching Jerry stuff, so I will be ready if this rumor pans out. Is that mystery tatoo guy Jerry was talking too A.J.?

Also I watched the show in real time tonight which I never do. MY computer crashed while I was at work and it didn't record it. Luckily I got home in time for SoapNet. And there was some bad acting going on today. And what they don't lock the med cabinet at GH? And come on Monica with the flask, was laughable. I'll stop now. There is a reason I just watch Tracy!!

*And the good thing is we know JE's hair grows fast!

Edited by halee
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True...her hair grows fast! Hope it grows really really fast! I am thinking so many characters were on today, that those stories will continue tomorrow...I think Tracy and Monica are going to have some sort of altercation tomorrow...they way they were looking at each other.

yeah someone pointed out...doesn't the chief of cardiology have an office she could put her flask in her desk???

? Not in the supply closet? So stupid. Guess this way someone can see her. I want it to be Tracy but it is gonna be Epiph.

The Q living room set hasnt' been on since Em died. If monica kicks tracy out of the house, we will never see it.

hope Tracy gets a fabulous place! She needs a penthouse somewhere...hey sonny's old penthouse is empty. She can live across from Jason! :)

maye she will need to borrow some cash from lukey!! Think they have a joint bank account--LOL!

Halee--what is the weather in SF for the weekend?


From SOW for the week of 1/28

Sneak Peeks

Tracy serves Monica with a malpractice suit.

Elizabeth tells Lucky about Sam's lies.

Maxie, Jason and Nikolas question Coop's guilt.

Kate makes a confession to Jax.

Sam's life is in danger.

Can't Miss: Thursday, Jan. 31 - Luke returns!

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Oh I love having Tracy stuff to look forward to!!!

Is there a save LuNacy kinda thread at SOC? I was just over there but didn't see it. But man Tracy's hair is getting talked up. I'm too tired to really intelligently post, So I am over there saying stuff like "Word" and "Tracy kicks ass" not my most thoughtful work.

And even though I have only lived here since the end of August I feel like a Californian telling you this Hooked. It will be cold and rainy

And by cold I mean about 50. I used to mock my sister who has lived in L.A. for about 12 years. She would come visit me in NYC and wear a parka in 55 degree weather. Now I'm complaining when it's 50. I don't like this developing quirk in my personality, dammit!

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Actually, isn't Sonny's old penthouse TRACY's old penthouse? I do believe it's the very same set, just updated over the years.

Of course, then Jason will see Jerry coming there and he'll get on his high and mighty highhorse. No thanks. I'd rather see her living above Kelly's, as Staci suggested. That's probably what they will do, though. Put eeeevil Tracy living across from *insert halo* Jason.

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cable guide spoilers: The tracy monica thing happens this week too, so hopefully she is on a couple days at least. Cant believe the Sonny sleeps wiht Claudi is not on for the 31st in the spoilers here...

Thursday Jan 31st: Episode: "Lucky Faces the Truth"

Lucky faces the truth about Sam; Luke doesn't get the welcome he anticipated.

Friday Feb 1st: Episode: "Lucky Dismisses Sam"

Lucky dismisses Sam's claim that she is in danger; Monica drives while drinking.

Supposedly sam gets hit by a car after hysterically getting kick out of lucky's life and getting a text from the TMK and lucky thinks she is crying wolf. People are specing it is monica which makes sense now....damn LC is getting a real story! Good for her!

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There is nothing official about Kelly Monaco leaving the show right, that's just rumor. If they killed her off it would be a trifecta for me with the departure of the whispering actresses. I hate whispering actresses. Emily is one and even though she is still on she will be gone soon enough. KM is another, boring. And even though I really like Robin Christopher and think she is talented, she has gotten a little too whispery for me. So kill them all! Okay sorry...off topic!
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Totally NOT digging the new 'do. Oh well. Everyone over at SOC and ABC.com are totally loving it which is good because I don't wanna see our girl bashed. Too funny... someone at ABC.com said that they thought it was JFP that came off the elevator. LOL. Speaking of ABC.com, I was posting in the thread over there, and referred to our girl as "mama" in my post, and it wouldn't accept my post, saying that "mama" was a forbidden text. LOL Can you believe it?

Carriegirl, THANKS for posting all the contact info. I am soooooo on board with this. Called both comment lines today and am going to repost or bump the "save Luke and Tracy" thread on ABC.com in the AM. And get to work on some snail mail as well.

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hey guys, after watching the show and not just the youtube clips I'm amending my view on the hair... don't love it or hate it, but I really really want her hair back. Now, though, I think the whole thing was too harsh for JE, for TRacy in her current mood it's perfect though. Halee was right, it's great bitch hair. I think it's too high maintanence for JE, again, but for Tracy I think it fits and since the stars have to do whatthey are told in regards to hair, it was Tracy cutting it and not JE (had to be an upside) and not that she just decided she was bored with it. I think the drastic cut works really well for the story behind it, she cut it as part of an out with the old thing she has going. She's getting back into having a life and she's getting involved with more people on the show and more stories, so she is clearly going to have some importance again... about damned time I say!!! So why not have a whole fresh start?! oh I am SOOOOOO gonna love the stories coming up!

Halee- I know what you're talking about with the whole east coast west coast transition thing. It doesn't take as long as you'd think, huh? I am from Ct so there is a ton of humidity and rain and the whole shebang over here. When I went out for the summer to stay with my aunt and uncle I was cracking up when they and others would complain about the humidity (there's none, by the way, for any who don't know or any Californians who think there is!) and by the end of the 3 months I was dying and wondering why it was so humid all of a sudden.

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After Tracy is was unseen for awhile. Then it became the home of D.L. Brock (remember, Bobbie's husband who used to beat her). They it went to Sean Donnelly who had that really cool secret computer room for the WSB. After that it became Sonny's.


I just bumped a number of threads at SOC, and I lost count of how many of them had to do with Tracy. It's almost as though the posters at SOC have reawakened to her, and are coming out of the walls. It's amazing!

Funniest thing, though... 88 posts about her hair, and counting. And that's before the "Tracy Looks Fantastic" thread. What is it about this woman's hair that gets all this attention? Ms.Q and Hooked, you are going to have to explain it to me.


Over at abc.com, I bumped Hooked's thread... 70 posts there about Tracy's hair :lol:

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I woke up this morning and thought of who Tracy's haircut looked like--remember the woman who was Samatha's mother on the show Bewitched??? I think her name was Endora or something like that...she was played by Agnes Moorhead? Oy! Hope it grows out fast!

This was posted from the lady Shirley who runs the GHH2 website...talking about the Ian storyline and possibly the ELQ stuff

Shirley: If what I heard still holds, this is supposed to tie into a rather large umbrella story, in which Robin is to play an important part. This is a story which was begun, halted due to casting issues, and now is finally underway. I am talking about the pharmaceutical story that I've been foretelling for what seems like eons now. This story will involve the "tattooed man" aka Dr. Ian Devlin, Jerry, and the mob. If it goes as I was originally told, ELQ and Luke will also have some involvement in this... and IF it plays out as it was outlined back then, it will draw in another familiar party. I really like how GH's prominent families, the hospital, and the mob side are set to merge on all this. Reminds me of GH in its heyday. Again that is IF, it plays out as outlined.

I am telling you all this with a big disclaimer; so much time has passed since the story idea was originally conceived and details are always a big if until breakdowns become available. I hope that resumed talks will end this strike soon, because Guza has been looking forward to telling this story for a long time. .

With the strike still going on, it makes me wonder if things spoiled a while ago are now either on hold for the original writers to come back or if things are going in a whole new direction and we should just forget all the things we had heard about.

Shirley: I don't know if y'all are aware, but Garin Wolfe, who is currently acting as head writer, has been with GH for several years as Associate Head Writer. He knows exactly what Guza had/has in mind. From what I have been told, no outsiders have been brought in to write for GH. All the breakdowns and dialogue is being done by long time GH staff members who are very familiar with the show. The finishing touches on the dialogue is being left to the veteran actors themselves, and that is where I see the biggest improvement, especially in terms of continuity. I truly hope when the strike is over that they continue to allow those who know their own characters best, the freedom to make adjustments as they see fit.


From wubs.net

Nothing new..I am sure Luke's big trouble is from Tracy

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