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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I know that this is a TQ thread, but I have a Jerry question. When did he become French? I know that SR is french (and I do loves my fellow Frenchmen) but did anyone notice that he hasa French accent with everyone he talks to lately? It's one thing if he was pretending to be someone else to fool an enemy or something, but everone he talks to, really?!?! I love the accent so much, but seriously....

ok, that was only to bide the time till we get some TQ, which better be tomorrow since all those (only 3 but still) medianet pics were from this week.

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Well I have just fallen into a deep depression after anticipating a little LuNacy all day when I got home from work, and then bam, NOTHIN! WHATEVER GH. Lainey said it, You Suck! :angry:

Does anyone know if those Tracy/Ashton clips from JE.com are posted anywhere else? That link has expired. I would love to see them, especially "the gatehouse" clips. I loved those days in the gatehouse.

Just wondering...

Hope your week is going well Ms. Q!

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I know this is a Tracy board..

but all that Dilexis bonding today made me quiver. Yummy!!!!

Think these scab writers have enough balls to write Dilexis love? Cause I'd pay.... big! I would. Tell 'em to email me.



Deb... you might just want to check this out. Trust me.. it's good stuff... VERY GOOD STUFF.

I feel a DiLexis fic coming on. I do.......

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hey Remos can you post the link for Confessions #6 again please? I don't know what's wrong, but everytime I click it it shuts down my internet. Is anyone else having that problem? I hope reposting it will fix it but not likely, so I'll have to figure out how to read it than.

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Lady A: We've missed you! Hope you're doing well!

Ms. Q: I hope you've had a good week at work! Thank goodness for the weekend, right?

Late night crew (hooked, TL, remos, rachel, lainey, ms. q): I miss you guys! This week has been crazy with work. And now I'm off on business for a couple days. If I can get wi-fi, in my hotel, I'll try to catch up and chat tonight. :)

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Gosh you guys I have missed two nights chatting in a row! That is a record for me--LOL!

I wonder if JE and SR really do have scenes together. I guess why would that person say that. Hey, maybe he will try to woo tracy while Luke is gone--yeah righ! I wanna see some JE/KS scenes too.

Will be in and out today but will try to check in! I am sure that TQ will be on today. I really think skye will help luke sneak out and pose as her driver or something and then on the docks they will part ways.

Remos...will read your story later after carpool!

Miss you guys!

One little tidbit this morning....from soapdish spoilers...that people might be interested in on this board.

Edited by hookedongh
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Oh Awesome!! No, not really, just anything with Lord Larry. Maybe when I see a few clips it will jog my memory. Do you have the one when Tracy & Ashton went to the P.I in disguise (I think they were trying get dirt on Lucy) & isn't there one when Tracy dressed up like a nun on one of their scams? Anyway, Like I said I will happily watch whatever you have the time and inclination to post. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :D

T.G.I.F. LuNatics!!

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Morning all.... guess this is the day, eh... I hope we get some positive LuNacy interaction before Luke pulls his crap (although the mediapic showed her hand on her hip pose, so I'm not sure what we'll get). I'm guessing that Tracy is talking to Coleman when Luke makes his break - which is why she isn't there to stop him this time. And Skye helping him out? Hello, are you STUPID? The man isn't in the hospital because he stole some candybars and doesn't want to give them back.

The mention of JE and SR... hmmm.... interesting. Those two could chew up scenery in their sleep. I know SR has been one of the names agitating for more stuff, perhaps we are going to see the heavy weights get into more story together (god knows we've suffered through the light weights for years).

Funny, I'm going to go with your timeline theory. I hope Tracy gets his ass back within a soap opera week - and that the idiot is too weak to fight her.

knh, here is the link for the entire TQficaton. Try to get in this way: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/

Lainey, totally OT, just wanted to tell you the upside of having 7 kids in the house: today I was served homemade apple cinnamon pancakes in bed. (I get breakfast in bed on average once every 1-2 months)

Cutie Frank is coming today, so I probably won't be around much this afternoon. I'll try to get to the BR tonight.


Wow, I've passed 300 posts (not counting the ones on SON2). Cool.

Edited by remos
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HEY LA!!! Long time no see around here, well in the thread anyway. I don't know about the BR. I have a request if you odn't mind. I'm still not sure if the whole Tracy/Ashton limo scene (I think it was a limo) was for real or if everyone was just joking and saying it should have been a scene, but if it is can you post that? I've been waiting to see that one forever but I haven't seen you around to ask.

Remos, thanks for the link. I tried to open it on my "house" computer and not mine and it works that way. Loving these ficlets so much!!!

I don't how many people around hre actually like him, but I am so happy that there are going to be some Sr/JE scenes. I love him, I think he's histerical and I love the accent, fake one and the real one and JE can be fantastic with nothing but a brick wall so I'm going to love them together!

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I'm getting dizzy between SON1 and SON2.

Thanks for posting the tidbit from SD Hooked! He deserves to get the cold shoulder from our girl, but would also like them to HEAT UP sometime soon! Some Valentines Day lovin' would be nice :D

Ms. Q, LOVE your new vid. Gonna watch it again in a few mins.

Hooked, Haven't read your fic yet, but will before I go to sleep tonite.

Edited by TracyLuv
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