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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Let's keep the drabble thon going guys! I am gonna post one in a bit....

Here is the link in case anyone needs it : http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/97669.html

Yay for Tracy today, tomorrow and wed!!!

We know the first spoiler, but the second one was on Wubs.net this morning


This is funny...a spoof letter from bob guza on the abc message boards:


Edited by hookedongh
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That letter is hilarious!!! A bit sad in that it's got to be what goes through Guza's mind, but still hilarious!

Looking forward to the LuNacy today!!!

OT, but hooked, the interview is tomorrow morning. It might be my last chance to get a full time (although temporary) teaching position this upcoming semester. I am SO nervous. <breathes>

Aww, Keith, no birthday thread?! What's up with that?!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I'll be sending you positive vibes Stace for tomorrow morning!! It is a good day..Tracy Tuesday can only mean good luck right?

Totally not liking that talk at soapdish last night about a bunch of vets gonna get ousted. Maybe I am naive, but I would think JE has the best chance of sticking around on contract than any of the others, JJY, JI, LC, etc.

They said she doesn't have much story after luke leaves town, but who knows if it is really someone who knows anything. I am gonna block this all out and just enjoy the next few weeks which are luke centered which means TQ will be around!

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That letter is hysterical, hooked. Thanks for posting the link.

BSG, good job on the marlena thing!

Keith, Happy belated B-day!

Stace, good luck tomorrow!

The concert was good. Got home at 1am and didn't get to sleep until 6:30am working on my portfolio due for today. I almost had a "moment of madness" and bought tickets for tonite's show too. I recovered though. Thank god because I can't afford it.

Let's hope for some fabulous LuNacy sexiness today. Carrie, can ya text me with the scoop on today's show?

Gotta run, I am using the computer at the library in school and I don't wanna get busted. Not allowed to do chat/message stuff on computers in here.

TTYL. Going to watch them sculpt a menorah out of ice tonite and then set it ablaze (LOL, I mean light it) tonite on 5th Avenue.

Edited by TracyLuv
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remos, thanks, but I need things to go well tomorrow morning. ;)

hooked, thanks! Tracy!Tuesday is definitely a good sign, right?

TL, thank you! Glad you had fun last night!


Ready!Set!Ramble! Feel free to SCROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

While I have 2 reference letters (or rather 1, and 1 on the way...), I needed a third. I had been hesitant to ask my CT and stupidly, kept putting it off. I mean things were going so well at the very end. She brought in a beautiful cake, gave me this gorgeous scarf (I brought in treats too and had gifts for her as well; just so this doesn't sound one-sided - haha). And everything was just so happy and cute and I didn't want to screw it up by making the request.

Anyway, I just called her, hoping I'd catch her on her break. I did, and everything's set, but I sort of feel "ugh" about it. I mean, I did NOT request it by tomorrow, or even this week (that would've been incredibly foolish, desperate, unprofessional, etc, etc, etc). I said the New Year (which actually still might not be a fair amount of time, since my first reference had 2 months). I mentioned it's not just so much for this specific position, but rather future positions. She agreed it was a good thing to have, said she could have it the week after next, and she wants me to call her tomorrow to let her know how the interview went, so that's good.

However, I just felt like the whole conversation (about one minute) went in circles. I was repeating myself and talking in half-sentences. I don't know what more embarrassing; that I talked like that or that I had written out what I wanted to say beforehand and still talked like that. Anyway, she made a point to agree with the fact that this is probably the busiest time of the year and worst time to request something like this, and now, I'm kind of feeling sad about that. Am I just being Staci?!? Overacting, over-analyzing self?! Why is this pissing me off so much?! :angry::(

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Remos--Glad the package arrived in one piece!

TL--Sounds fun about the concert and the menorah lighting. Too funny you are sneaking on the library computers to post! :)

Deb--Hope you pop in soon. Hope Fey is okay!

Hoping today is good. Think Tracy is with monica a few times and then with Luke. He better say ILY before he goes into surgery and not "right back at ya" again!

Let's all hope TG resigns...hopefully JE is talking him into it now--ha ha!

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Whoa---Staci!! Slow down, take a deep breath...count to 10...now here is my two cents: STOP WORRYING!!1 It is her job to write you a letter of recommendation. She should have done it before when you asked her the first time, evne though you didn't remind her. It is her responsibility. And asking for in in anothe three weeks is completely reasonable. She can sit down and write it in 20 minutes I am sure. It is not like you asked her on xmas eve to write a letter for you. Stop feeling guilty. She owes this to you and you certainly deserve it! :)

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After that mega-OT post, I thought I'd bring over some pretty. Created this last night:


<breathing> hooked, this was the first time I asked her for the letter of reference. The other thing was an informal observation to include in my Assessment of Student Learning online portfolio. This is bigger, more important, and at the latest, I should have brought it up at the end of November when the student teaching experience was coming to an end. And I didn't. :(

Chances are that I'll be fine tomorrow night after I update her on how the interview went. If it's anything like our usual conversations, it'll just be part teaching/professional and the other part real life/friends...I like that part better! It's more fun, and I can relax! :) It's just right now that I'm all, "OMG, OMG, OMG <breathe>"

BTW, I've decided to change the font again - Haha.

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Oy...they are shooting some tv commerical for a homebuilder in my house right now. I am stuck upstairs hiding out.

Oh, Staci--still don't feel bad. You are asking her for something with plenty of time to spare and she should want to help you find a job. I'll write a reference letter for you if you need an extra one---:) I am really good at those. It will be funny,

To whom it may concern:

Although I have never met Staci and wouldn't know her if I fell over her on the street, I can tell you that she is an excellent writer, an incredible video-maker, whips up a mean banner and avitar on a moment's notice. Can chat about TQ in Spanish with ease. Has top notch taste in soap opera characters. Is so friendly, sweet, caring and welcoming. She would be an asset to your school!



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LOL hooked.

Ok, guys, I am multitasking - filling out an application, searching for proof that TG wanted to work with JE since 1978, watching GH - and my dad came in during this powerful LuNacy scene, that was kind of sad because Luke was telling her that maybe she didn't know him as well as he thought she did, and Tracy all, "Maybe I don't." But then something good happened, 'cause Luke and Tracy were laughing and then it got quiet with music, and then Tracy started screaming, "WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER? WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER? WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER?!?" <Tracy exits in disgust> My dad was talking to me, and I was only half-watching, but I think it's safe to say that something not good happened.

Okay, Luke is back, asking Sonny if he's seen Tracy. They had this argument...Luke, "I lived my own life for so long, by my own rules, since I was 8 years old, now I'm supposed to change and I'm going to turn into an old geezer...PHONE...gah...Someone does NOT want to me watch..."My wife doesn't want to lose me, she wants me to fight with everything I got...I don't want to die. I want to live, but I want to LIVE! Luke's getting a monologue. Sonny's his soundboard. I'm only half paying attention...


Sonny's talking now. Sonny says Tracy is right. You fight to live or you choose to die. Luke: Sometimes life can be death. If these doctors have their way I have to change who I am to survive...Tracy's eavesdropping. She looks sad and old...Luke would rather be a memory than to have Tracy be his caretaker. That's not fair to her. Tracy comes in. She's nice to Sonny. She wants a moment with her husband. Luke: Eavesdropping? Tracy: Sometimes it's the only way to know the truth...

So, according to the scene counts, we have 1 more of Tracy...I think. Yep, she apparently has 1 more with Luke and Monica to make a total of 5.

Okay, back on. Lucky's in Luke's room. He got there a few minutes ago. He's working on a case, so he can't stay, but he wanted to talk to him. Lucky wants him to get the bypass. Luke doesn't expect Lucky to understand...Comparing his drug addiction to Luke's heart attack...Luke asks him for advice. Cue special music. I missed the advice 'cause I doing something else...My recaps SUCK today.

Tracy is rubbing Luke's hand/arm...Luke is telling her about Lucky's insight. (Tracy asked). She wants to know what's it gonna be? Surgery or no surgery? Monica comes in. His vitals are dangerously low. He needs the surgery tonight. End show.

Previews: In GH. Lulu, with Bobbie, telling Skye, "My dad needs an operation tonight." Cut to Luke's room. Monica: We're running out of time. Luke: I'll be back. Shot of Tracy's face. Cut to OR. Monica all gowned up, monitor beeping. Epiphany: "We're losing the patient!" Luke face, bright light. Sorry these weren't so good guys! I got too much going on in my mind right now...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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So I don't get this STace...if he "dies" on the table tomorrow and we get the dream thing tomorrow at the end and all day wed. How can Tracy not be on TH or FR? Doesn't monica have to come out and say she is sorry and Tracy have to storm off and say don't talk to me. She wasn't listed in any scenes with Monica on Wed. from that scene insider was she? Maybe there is hope for her being on another day too? I mean how can they leave that as the cliffhanger on wed. til the following monday? Doesn't make sense does it? But then again, the same scene insider said luke is not on the week of the 17th til Wednesday right? Sounds crazy he would have this whole dream and then not be on for a week? Mucho confused!

Etiquitte questions for you also Staci...Can I use someone's avatar from another board if it was a screen cap they got from somewhere? I sort of asked where she got the screencap and if I could use it, but she didn't answer.

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I think there was something keeping us from watching GH today. My kids just wouldn't leave me alone. My recap is about as sketchy as Ms. Q's - and it's over an hour later so my memory is going to be a challenge.


First scene, Tracy is standing over Luke, hands on hips. Same routine he want life on his terms, she wants him to fight. She says he's the strongest person she knows, but he's just quiting. Who are you? she yells at one point. Also tells him she wants him to fight for her, to be with her. Luke looks close to tears most of this time, and so does Tracy. Tracy: I get that you're the last of the free living 60's radicals, but if you look around, all the others are dead. Looking into her eyes, he assures her he wants to live and be with her. But he wants to do it on his terms. Tracy blows up, saying that's the fastest turn around time every. We're right back where we started. Why do I bother? And storms out of the room.

Nice to see Sonny come in. He listens to Luke, as Luke says he wants to LIVE, and not be a drain on Tracy. This is the part Tracy overhears. She looks so sad through it all.

Final is them talking. She's sitting on his bed, rubbing his hand. Luke is obviously having a harder time talking and breathing. Lucky's advice was interupted by Rusty, but Luke recounted it to Tracy: basically that Luke is angry at his body for betraying him, and doesn't trust it to get him back on his feet. Something like that.

My comments: Scenes today seemed to stop rather than end. When Tracy came in after eavesdropping, I had hoped they would continue, but they just ended. It felt like something was dropped off. I'm glad they are moving to the surgery stage, because the maypole of Luke wanting life on his terms, is really getting tired.

Perhaps the biggest thing out of the day is that Luke want to be with Tracy, and wants to be whole for Tracy. He doesn't want to be a burden to her. He told Sonny that Tracy "hadn't signed on for that". He may be a schmuck that needs a boot to the head, but he's finally expressing how much he loves her, in a multitude of ways, and wants her to have everything she deserves.


Ms. Q, hope TOMORROW goes well (obviously my reading skills are on par with my spelling ^_^ )

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hooked, I'd credit the poster who's using the avatar. :)

remos, thanks and haha. Here's to hoping.

And OH MY GOD...I don't feel like doing the "Statement" part of the application or the cover letter. :(

EDIT: Instead of being productive, I'm at SOC, and did my post with the articles get deleted? Maybe there's a rule about posting scans. Not sure. I know there's a rule that we can't post links to other sites, and so I made sure I liked to the article and not the threads at JE Online, but who knows? <shrug> I need to go focus on real life now. I don't think I'm going to be around tonight...

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