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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Colette, I know was EWCBO stands for. (I figured out after I got back from Mexico). Was it knh who was asking what it stood for this time around? I can PM you guys. I think TracyLuv came up with it...

GQ is Georgie/Dillon (from Georgie Quartermaine). nex, thanks for the clips!!! (even though I like GQ - haha. How dare you not include Tracy's baby in your editing - kidding. :))

Breakroom? I think I'm gonna be in bed a little after 9.


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Okay, after much encouragement, and even more stress, I've finally got my first fic online (I think). Anyway, someone else check this out and see if it works.


(BTW, Ivy was my grandmother, Kendall my father. It's my chosen pen-name for adult fiction. Unfortunately, my academic work won't be taken as seriously if everything is under one name. And Remos was taken - who'd a thunk.)

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Looks like a party in the Lovefest. Can't stay on long, or I'd be in the breakroom. Fey's back is really bad, and the ER doctor has her on bedrest. She's getting better a little bit everyday, but I'm pretty ragged now. Vacay in two weeks, thank gawd, but then we have to drive all the way to Orlando and back.


I will watch the last two clip edits soon, and give my comments when I have them.

Miss you all.

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so I'm watchng right now and haven't gotten to the sunglasses part yet (though I'm sure she looks awesome), but:

she looks incredible today!!! The make-up was flawless, though she has a lot to work with anyway. She didn't look overdone or tired or anything bad today.

The hair was gorgeous,love the color, love the cut, love the blowdry... love it all.

LOVE the jacket!!! my take on that is that while she was around and the idiots didn't realize how much people love her they didn't bother worrying about what she looked like (plus she looks great if they had her in a burlap sack in my opinion), but now that she is hot on the show again, plus on all the time (yes I did just knock on ome wood), and in a great story as a fan fave... especially the fave vet... they are starting to give her some kind of consideration again. KEEP IT UP to all those in charge of all that. I'd love a tracy fan to be working in the writing and the wardrobe areas... not just a fan of the show in general. I want a hard-core Tracy lovin' everyone-else-can-twist-in-the-wind fan.

LOVED that Lulu is being nice, but so far (and that's a big so far, sure i'll love the rest of it) my fave was when lulu was being nice after just coming in the hospital room, then she told her dada she loves him and she doesn't want hm to go anywhere. Tracy tapped on Luke and whispered "see, that's why you need to have the operation" with a big old I told you so grin on her face.

ten different kinds of FANTASTIC!!! today

Edited by knh
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wait, she's leaving too?!?!?!

I don't know how I feel one way or another about so many people leaving at once, but you gotta say this though... it means a hell of a lot more screen time for those staying behind!!!!! LuNacy all the way, baby!

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definately thought it was great, but I have to say, when it began all I wanted to do was yell at you to take two leaps backwards, turn around three time and spit... and then knock on the biggets piece of wood you can find so that Laura didn't come back and have Luke faced with that decision b/c as much as I believe that Tracy is perfect for hima nd he would choose her, I am not confident in the writers about that. So happy with the ending though!!!!!

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Nex, thanks for clips! I have been hoarding all of November!

Remos, glad the posting worked! So glad you did it!

Deb, I hope Fey is better soon!

Yep, I liked today.. but our girl wasn't on enough!

DA and LC were awkward together, and I wanted to like them SO MUCH because back in the day those two rocked my world!

Lulu's hair was awesome. Her sweater dress and coat were even more awesome!

Hey, anyone else think Luke is a bit out of character these last few days? I mean TG is doing a FANTASTIC job, but I'm not sure Luke is being written true to form. I mean the guy is tough and arrogant, but he's not stupid!! When two highly respected docs tell you it's time for the knife, unless you have a death wish, it's time for the knife. And if that's not enough to warrant surgery, every time he stands or moves he's obviously in a lot of pain and stress. DUH! This stupid behavior doesn't seem very Luke. They should be writing this a little differently. As written he's being a pighead simply to be a pighead. It's not like someone has told him there is an alternative, or even as if he's sought out some holistic alternative. He has simply decided to ignore the OBVIOUS truth, and that's not like Luke. He's good at sucking up the obvious (and then running away, but he usually runs AFTER sucking it up, not before!).

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Lainey...I agree...Luke just looked stupid today sneaking down the hall and then dressing up like a doctor and then almost having another coronary. I mean wake up and smell the coffee buddy...you need to get the darn sugery and move on with your life.

Remos--gonna read the fic again now (posted version). So glad you joined our little wrtiing group.

Deb--Hope Fey is better soon. She has had a rough time of it lately.

So my comments today:

Lulu's hair was very in style...from a fashionista point of view...but to me it proved that she is just a cute girl...not beautiful by any stretch!!

Loved how she brought tracy her phone and how tracy said thank you. Loved how tracy covered for lulu about the lying over lucky.

Luke obviously got back in the bed yesterday didn't he now. So I guess what he told her at Wyndemere was true!

This is hilarious...on wubs.net blog she has "GH: Brought to you today by SunGlass Hut!"

TQ looked might cool in her shades...love how she just walked past logan. Love how she walked in with lulu together sort of.

At least she is stiing in between her boys at the funeral (from the preivew shot in slow mo). They better talk to her tomorrow.


Lainey you still up? BSG and I are talking shopping in the br! I was on my way to bed and got waylaid back in here!

Edit again

One more comment on today's show. Love Maxie these days!!!

Did you hear her line to Dillon: I never hated you Dillon. Just your hair!

Too funny! Dillon's hair got darker.

Loved monica reaming Sonny's you know what! Go angry Monica!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Good morning...seems like our girl will be on a lot today (hope she has some lines and is not just part of the crowd in all these scenes)...this SoapDish poster has been dead on with the scene breakdowns...although yesterday's Tracy/Monica scene was just listed as funeral attendees so hope there is some good stuff between her and ned/dillon.

Tracy scenes:


Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Funeral Attendees

Monica, Edward, Dillon, Alice, Ned, Skye & Nikolas


Bet she finds out luke left his room and is livid at the end. Luke is one today with Scott, Regina (who is a nurse from night shift) and a dayplayer, then with Leo and Regina...

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