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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So many great spoilers!

Anybody know what is coming for TQ on Monday? I am sure it will include the invitation arriving, becuase the past 2 days we saw Kate\Sonny, Carly\Jax and Lulu with their invites.

Oh, forgot to mention, they are pretending that Sonny died from Trevor blowing up his car yesterday. How hilarious.

ILTQ, you are god. Haha, I agree with everything you said.

TL, I agree that it is definately time for some Luke angst. Tracy has had her fair share.

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My take on it is this...it will for sure be a luke having his heart attack scenario that will make him open his heart to Tracy. As much as I would love Tracy to be on a boat in the midst of things, I really doubt that she will be someone needing rescuing at all. She is so not ever portrayed as a damsel in distress.

That is cool she talks to her fans Lainey. Someone I think I read she wrote a book too that is coming out this winter (the Diane charater). Does NLG talk to her fans on her board sometimes? Diane was funny on Friday with Carly.

I would totally assume that somehow the Qs will have to get their invite wouldn't you think??? I mean it is in Alan's honor. How stupid would it be for Monica to not get Emily giving her an invitation. I would like to see a Luke/Tracy conversation with her convincing him he needs to go to this ball. So doesn't seem like something Luke would attend normally, except that he wants to go to watch out for Lulu.

From soapdish:

Won't be online tonight probably as we are having a halloween party at our house.

LadyA--you around for a few? 12:10 central time...br??

Edit again...

According to an isnider....WK and SC are returning for EM's funeral and NL is being written out of her 13 week cycle. I sure hope TQ has some scenes with her sons. A nice change from lulu!

Edited by hookedongh
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You are way ahead of me, Hooked, I still can't stop gaging at

. I mean, have some respect, people. That almost suggests they are interchangable - which a un-trained monkey would be able to properly dispute. Luke and Scott may be fighting over Laura (though why has always escaped me), but Tracy has made it pretty clear where she stands AND sleeps.

The next generation just doesn't hold enough interest.

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I don't get the parallel thing either. But at least Tracy's making spoilers - even if these are made-up spoilers; at least people care enough to mention her.


November 2: RedHot (from We All Need LuNacy)

November 11: knh

November 15: Regency

As we know, RedHot has not been around We All Need LuNacy in forever and Regency has not been around here in forever. But maybe they'll show up again one day. :)

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I can't believe I am checking this site right now when i haven't gotten in my costume and I have 65 people coming to my house in 30 minutes, but I just read on soapdish that a new young male cardiologist comes on the scene the week of the 12th and is mainly treating Luke at the hospital (so hopefully we will get some good Lunacy scenes the week of the 12th at GH.

catch you guys later...gotta go dress up as the Quaker Oats minutman guy and my husband is being aunt jemimah! We are having a "cereal" killer themed halloween party where people are supposed to dress as cereal box characters--not my idea! :)

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Not me, I'd rather see Luke/Tracy/Lulu. And as for them being boring last week ... after 2 - 3 days/epis of Luke massaging and kissing Tracy's back, seeing Tracy's tongue, Tracy giving us some skin for once, that HOT surprise kiss from Luke, seeing Tracy "touch" herself ("long lonely summer"), her touching Luke's face, touching his lips, him touching her hair, her putting her head on his back while she had her hands on his arms (loved seeing both of their wedding rings at the same time in that shot) AND THEIR HOTTEST KISS TO DATE, that seemed real and natural for once, where you can see both of their lips, AND MEGA VLL!, anything short of them wildly making love on the floor of the den, is going to be a letdown LOL. The point is he came home to her like he said he would. He came home to seduce her, to be with her, to talk to her and he told her he missed her. Regardless of who luke is with, or tracy for that matter, they will always be talking about Lulu no matter what. After all, this is the Lulu show, don't ya know? ;)

Hooked, Have fun at the party!! Don't forget to take lots of pics. I gotta see this! LOL

Edited by TracyLuv
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^^^ All the stuff you mentioned didn't happen on Monday. :P That's the day I said they were really, really married, and really, really boring. Maybe I went a little too far, but Monday's scenes were pointless to me.

Wednesday: Luke massaging and kissing Tracy's back, seeing Tracy's tongue, Tracy giving us some skin for once, that HOT surprise kiss from Luke

Thursday: Seeing Tracy "touch" herself ("long lonely summer"), her touching Luke's face, touching his lips, AND THEIR HOTTEST KISS TO DATE

Tuesday: Him touching her hair, her putting her head on his back while she had her hands on his arms (loved seeing both of their wedding rings at the same time in that shot)

And yes, hooked, we want pictures! Haha.

About the "cereal" killer thing: When I was in 2nd grade, our school did a Halloween contest. I think some 5th grader (he seemed older than 5th grade to me at the time, LOL) dressed all in black with cereal boxes attached to his clothes. He had plastic knives/pens poked in them. I didn't really get it 2nd grade, but yeah, it was clever. Although, now, I'm sure no one could away with that in any school.

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I haven't edited the clips yet, but they're on YouTube, edited to LuNacy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RSQlnvnOX4


More on YouTube:

Tracy and Paul see Dillon for the first time since the delivery: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5r4m_YvVhw

3:09 in - Jason Q. visits Tracy in the hospital post-Dillon's birth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6JoldHL-mY

1:22 to 3:00 - Seems like Tracy/Paul want alone time, but Ned, Jenny, Paul, Jason, AJ, Jennings all end up coming in: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkXlgFo8vBI

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Double post...

From the reliable SI:

Oh, TL, you would be so proud of me! I had the best LuNacy dream last night! It involved them on a little vacation, a bath tub with bubbles, and FTB love scene. They were so adorable! And Tracy was so happy when Luke said he was taking her on a little trip! Hopefully, this is a sign of things to come - haha. The only strange thing is Sonny and Carly ended up going on the same trip! LOL.

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I don't know what I'm hoping for in the way of a story, though all the suggestioned SLs from everyone have been great. I am just hoping for a lot of lunacy interaction. It's all leading up to my b-day and we have a birthday week at my house. I never really want gifts but if I want anything to make for Kristin's Birthday Extravaganza it would be some fantastic scenes for JE (I almost said fantastic work, but that's inevitable, so I'll stick with scenes)

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This was also posted in the spoilers today at SD...

I hope the lulu one is true, cause we all know where lulu goes, so does the on sceen time. Glad our girl at least made a new spoiler!

I sure hope TQ isn't locked out and in that library trying to figure out what the heck is going on. I would think that Logan would be in the middle of the action as he will be around Lulu all the time.

At least we know Tracy is on tomorrow! :)

The party was great by the way! We had about 60 people so it was a lot calmer than years past . We had this magician come and he was doing tricks to various groups of people, and then did a show at the end which was pretty cool. Our costumes ended up being hysterical. I will post a pic later when I dump them off the card and onto the computer. You will crack up.

I am off to see Avenue Q today at a matinee. I saw it in NY last Nov. It was hysterical.

TL/BSG-One week from today I am heading North! :)

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I am positive that we will be happy with how this plays out, or pleasantly surprised. (I'm probably a little too positive for my own good.)

Umm, Monica won't be there. At all. Because of emergency surgery? Probably about the lamest excuse. Ever. That is rediculous, we haven't even seen her working at the hospital for like 6 months. Puh-lease. <_<

Ms.Q, I had a GH dream, too, last night! Except, it wasn't Lunacy related. :( It was a Soap Opera Digest magazine, and all I could see was the cover. It was shaded this dark blue. It said that there was a new scandal on GH. There was a picture of Georgie(lol), Jerry and I think Carly. I was excited because I like Jerry. But then I realized it was actually Trevor. I was really upset because Trevor is hardly someone anyone would want to have an affair with. Ew. In the corner, it showed a picture of Wally Kurth on a couch between two other people. It said that LL and SC(I think) were coming on for the storyline by taking a break from WK's show. How weird!

I don't think I ever posted it, but a while ago I had this like 3 second Tracy dream. Someone was yelling at her in Q mansion and I stood in front of her, put a hand on her shoulder, and said "Don't you talk to her like that!" Random. I was probably having some angst against Luke that day or something.

bsg, TONIGHT! We are gonna win TONIGHT! I am so pumped, this is totally our year!

EDIT: I have a request. Does anyone have good medianet pictures of JE from like the hostage crisis, or before that? I have that one from now, when Dillon left, a few with Scott, but I am missing the straigh-jacket ones. Also, does anyone have the clip of when JE won the emmy? I can't find it on YouTube. Thanks so much!

Edited by Colette
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