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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks a ton!! I couldn't remember when the second one was, but now I do, so thanks for refreshing the memory there.

As for my sh-tty week. Things are officially back to normal. I saw the other ladies at work today. I had told friend D the other day what was going on cuz I was wondering if she knew something was up. She had no clue and I should have guessed that she'd have said something to friend B, but I didn't. B came in today and told me flat out they didn't go out the other night. She said that D had told her and she was pissed at her daughter for not taking down the away messege b/c she starts a lot of trouble with those. It was one thing to forget to take it down, which I thought was crap if she was still in the house.. especially when she said they were back later, but it's another to just leave it b/c the mother and daughter went shopping anyway. Then it made sense. I felt kinda bad for starting so much trouble about it. I said I didn't want to say anything to them b/c I didn't want to start something where there was none, so I just left it alone. she said she sould have felt horrible about it if we did the same so she felt bad that I was worrying about it. Anyway, things are all hunkydory with everyone.

Just thought I'd fill you all in b/c I was complaining so much. All is right with the world with the exception that TRacy is seriously lacking on my screen these days. Ok, off to go dry my hair.

Mrs Q, now I got it an all the reference stuff. I didn't know what you were waiting for, so that may be a bit harder. Sorry!!

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I am peacefully listening to the Designing Women theme song on my iPod in bed. When I notice thrashing shadows outside my window. Once I take out the earphones, and look out the window, I notice: TORRENTIAL RAIN, WIND THAT IS GOING TO KNOCK A TREE ONTO MY HEAD, IT IS RIDICULOUS! AHH! It is so loud, like I am in a carwash.

I. Am. Frightened. :o Please no tornados, please no tornados, please no tornados...

Ruas: Feb sweeps '07.

knh: Hooray! I knew the source would be the daughter. :P

Edited by Colette
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I'm here. :) Was out and about earlier, and I actually felt like I had a life - Haha.

Anyway, very sad to see this thread isn't getting much action this weekend. :(

Colette, are the storms gone (hopefully)? Tornado warnings are so scary.

knh, glad everything is officially back to normal.

RuAs, February 2004.

Some spoilers/rumors and such...

Per Nancy Lee Grahn at her event:

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This sounds REALLY bad. But I am SO HAPPY. Bye,

Ms. Q, thanks for that spoiler! Yea, the storms are gone. Phew. But we had a rain storm today. I like those. :D Yea, I had a life today, too. Its pretty fun, actually. :P Just kidding, I am usually out and about, but it actually feels like it when I'm not home in between to obsessively check in.

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. TIIC sure hate LC, huh? :(


No Tracy rumors or spoilers or anything on SoapDish today. Maybe tomorrow...

EDIT: Per recaps, at NLG's event today, she complimented Sebastian Roche, Rick Hearst, Tony Geary, and Jane Elliot. :D

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Colette, Yeah, if I didn't like the daughter so much I'd smack her up and down for starting so much trouble.

I am peacefully listening to the Designing Women theme song on my iPod in bed. When I notice thrashing shadows outside my window. Once I take out the earphones, and look out the window, I notice: TORRENTIAL RAIN, WIND THAT IS GOING TO KNOCK A TREE ONTO MY HEAD, IT IS RIDICULOUS! AHH! It is so loud, like I am in a carwash

Sorry to you all with the stormphobias. I kinda love the rain so I guess I'm alone here. I guess I used to be afraid of them, though I don't remember that so I think I was REALLY little. I don't think this would work for anyone here since no one is under the age of 5, but my mom used to make it a fun activity day when it rained. Keep in mind I was really young, so we would go see a movie and then we'd come home and do a puzzle marathon. We took out all of the puzzle we owned, which wa s alot, and we lined them all up to cover our floor until my dad came home and them we'de watch some more movies or put on some records and dance or something. I love the rain now. I open my windows and go out to play in it and everything... nevermind, I guess I'm kinda weird cuz that's definately not the norm.

As for my starting fan year... I became the rediculously addicted fan that I am now the second JE came back in 2003, but I remember everything, or almost everything, that she was involved with since I started watching at four with my mom, so I guess she was my favorite back then also!

On the Emily front... so very happy about that!! I can't stand her and she does nothing but nore me to tears, but I do hate that they are getting rid of another Q, not too many to chose from anymore.

Does anyone remember the days a few years ago when there were only about 10 or so characters taking up space on the opening credits? Now they have so many they are only on for a second each. I know that everyone is having such a problem with budgets on the show and everything, but don't you think they could afford to use the more expensive and favorite veterans if they didn't have so many meaningless characters filling time to worry about paying? Why hire the ten new people they just did? Come on!!

Went to a benefit today for the granddaughter of one of the women my mom works with. She died last year when she was (I think) 4 or 5. She had everything under the sun wrong with her, spent 6 months in the hospital at birth and somewhere between 6-11 surgeries (or more, don't know). Anyway, she just has such a great family and my hearts going out to them all. Just thought I'd mention.

One last thing... way OT, but I saw a picture of my mom's class on a fieldtrip this morning. She has one kid that some of her teachers think looks like Dobbey from Harry Potter. I kind of think he does, but does anyone my age or with kids in their 20's remember the show Zoobalee Zoo? Loved that show, don't know why, bu I was only between 2 and 4, so I guess it didn't take much. I watched that and Telemundo, so I wasn't too picky. Anyway, I think he looks just like the bird character. I know it was a girl, but he has the big completely circular eyes and the beak looking nose and the whole shabang. I know that's kinda mean, but that's what he reminded me of and I thought it was funny.

Ok Goodnight guys

*waves to Mrs Q*

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Ms. Q, always new I liked NLG. lol. And about SB, I love 'im, but the hair is like a dead animal.

knh, sounds like you had a fun time as a kid! I LOVE the rain, and when we get really dark clouds and everything. but I go into panic mode when we get the tornado alerts. I like the wind, too, but it was going so fast. Between it and the rain, looking down my street, it looked like I was at the beach. The water on the road was like WAVES. Creepy. I used to hate thunderstorms when I was little, but my dad told me to count the seconds between the lightning and the thunder. That would tell how many miles away the storm was, which was a great comfort. Now, I love thunder storms. I also remember being very young and outside on my desk. The sky was this weird green, everything was eerily calm, and I could hear a horn in the distance. It was a tornado warning. Now, whenever I hear a noise like that, I jump out of my skin. It was so strange and creepy, and tornados are so horrible. Eeek! Last night, I could have sworn the roof would be blown off my house. For some reason I like the memories of rainy days when I was little. I would chill in the basement and watch the Brady Bunch, and end up in my room around 3 and hear the General Hospital theme song music from the living room. I heard it so often, everyday, that now I love jazz music. Not even kidding. Haha, it is so bizzare, but I love rainy afternoons and jazz theme songs, etc. :P

I am sorry about that girl, that is so sad. It kills me to know a child has to go through so much, at such a young age, and die anyway. Its just horrible.

Haha I would love to meet a kid who looked like Dobby. I don't remember that show. I remember I was big on "Rupert" when I was little. It was some British comic turned cartoon! I loooved it.

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knh, sorry to hear about that little girl. Such a sad story. :(

I did watch Zoobalee Zoo, BTW, or however it's spelled. I don't recall too much about it though except that it was on in the morning and that some of the characters were scary looking. LOL. I remember once, I was in the playroom at my grandma's house with my sister and our cousin (we had spent the night). My little brother and my cousin's little brother were still sleeping in the living room, though, so my grandma would not let us out of the playroom!!! She thought we were going to wake up them up or something. So...She had brought a small, old TV in there with bad reception and we watched Zoobalee Zoo. Anyway, totally, random, but that's what I think of when I think of that show. :lol:

bsg, I saw that you were the last post and shouted, "BSG!!!" My sister, who was in the room, was all "Who?" And I was like, "It's BSG from the LoveFest!! I don't remember the last time she posted!"

Regarding Emily:

Per Nancy Lee Grahn: She, Tony, Rick and Robin C. were joking a lot during Sweeps while everyone else was taping. So, now I have some questions...

Was Jane one of those people taping? I highly doubt it since most of her scenes would be with Tony.

Could she have been hanging out with other people off stage? Of course; though it's known that she, Nancy, and Robin are friends (or at least friendly) in RL.

Could she have been done taping for the day? Definitely. Jane doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would stick around at work if she was done.

Could she not have been taping for the ball at all? If this is the case, I will be VERY disappointed.

Just some things to think about...

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Zoobalee Zoo. Zoobalee Zoo. Magic and wonder are waiting for you...

Totally remember that show. Was it on CPTV? I can't imagine my parents letting me watch it otherwise. Some of the characters were kind of freaky looking, but overall I remember enjoying watching it. Speaking of Zoobalee Zoo and other things I watched in my childhood...you can add GH to that (kind of funny since my mom wouldn't let me watch any of the cartoons of my generation, but I did watch Days, Another World and GH with her. She was more into Days and GH during most of the 80s. Anywhoo, that's when I first became a Tracy fan...even as a kid I thought she was awesome. I was also a big fan of Bobbie and the whole brownstone crew, in case you haven't guessed. :D My mom's interest in GH waned in the early 90s. I watched it a bit in the mid-90s and then as many of you know, I put myself on a self-imposed exile because of my frustration at a certain Mr. Corinthos hogging all the screen time. I've been back watching since Luke came back to Tracy in January (I was randomly home sick the day that he came back after going off the deep end post EWCBO relapse and Tracy hooked me in all over again).

LOL! I miss you guys! Everything has just been crazy busy for me lately. I hope to be around more often next week. I have to say I've been loving LuNacy now that Luke is back. Awwwwwwwwwww.

Colette: I am SO EXCITED for the game tonight. Go Sox!

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Wow, I must be really weird cuz I kinda like that too, but to qualify that statement we don't have that much of a threat of them up here in YAnkee land. Connecticut tornadoes aren't that common and they aren't nearly as bad as they are other places, though in the last year they are becoming more and more frequent so I may be saying something different a year from now. I remember a few when I was little. I didn't know what was really going on so I had fun when we had to evacuate to the basement. My family was all there b/c my mom was pregers (don't know if anyone's ever heard that before. she was pregnant) with my sister. My aunts and uncles were all over and I think my cousins from Jersey were here too. Then one a few years later I was stting at my grandma's window watching the storm outside, but the tornado itself was far enough away from us. I have had way too much fun in all kinds of storm, I feel horrible when other people suffer so much with all this and I have a high ol' time. But like I said, thereisn't too much desruction from them here.

Colette... I remember Rupert too! White teddy bear, I think a dark green jacket and some pants?

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We don't get much up here, either. We've got the good 'ole mountains for protection. But one time, when I was in middle school, there was an alert. I was so afraid. My parents and the friend whose house I was sleeping over all thought I was nuts. Because we never get them. Sure enough, there was a tiny one downtown that lasted for only like a minute. (Probably the like third one in the county's history.) But it still counted. We didn't find out until morning, but I couldn't sleep all night. I would wake up at every sound, thinking it was right in the back yard. Haha I was crazy! But there really isn't that much for me to worry about. Imagine people in like Kansas....

I loved Rupert! He actually had a red jacket and yellow pants with a yellow scarf. ;) I was pretty obsessed with him as a youngin.

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