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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Even though it was a spoiler, I still had my doubts. But she was ON and GORGEOUS! She had this bright red jacket on, one of the long ones, and it looked really pretty. Her hair had a little oomph, and I think the jacket was new. But I wouldn't really know, I just dont remember seeing it anywhere.

Anywho. This is what happened:

It started with the Qs at the mansion. Monica and Alice were trying to convince Edward to release Tracy from Shadybrook because ELQ was declining. He was convinced. Then we see a very jubilant Tracy packing and chatting with Ghost!Alan in Shadybrook. It turns out that she manuevered ELQ into drowning some how, but it wasn't really explained. In comes Scotty and then Edward. (Edward wanted to make sure that he wouldn't hold Tracy for any kidnapping charges.) She was successfully released.

Lulu, in the meantime, was at Kelly's trying to convince Jason to take Logan back. Spinelli was arguing with Logan, who didn't know, and he ended up being annoyed with Lulu for trying to protect him. Then, which I was not expecting at all, comes in Tracy!!!! Hooray! It is strange seeing her aura in Kelly's, haha. Lulu was happy that Tracy was out, but then Tracy, followed by Scotty, forces her to come home with her because of Logan.

Back at the mansion, Lulu is annoyed, and everyone seems happy to see Tracy. Alice goes "Seeing you reminds me of Mr. Luke!" or something like that. Tracy had the funniest look, like this blank half-smile stare. (Definately an iPod moment) Then the Q's conveniently let Tracy know that Lulu was her problem and left. Lulu said that "my father would be angry if he knew you were teaming up with Scott" (which made me upset) but Tracy said that he would be even angrier if he knew that she was dating Logan. In strolls Logan, and invites Lulu to lunch, which she accepts. Tracy screams "DON'T!" realy loud. I don't remember the whole convo, but Scotty was angry that Lulu kept calling Logan his son, so Logan agreed to take the paternity test to prove that he wasn't lying. No previews for tomorrow, but I am semi-confident that she could be on. They left it kind of hanging, and their last scene was toward the very end of the show. It was only 3 scenes of Tracy (and that other one with just the Q's) but it was exciting nonetheless. :)


EDIT: Trying to fix the holes in the recap... not that good at this :wacko:

Edited by Colette
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Thanks for the recap, Colette! You saved me time. :D Just some things: Tracy appeared 5 times, instead of 3. She found Lulu in Sonny's coffee shop, I thought, not Kelly's. And the jacket was worn before (when she learned of Lulu's pregnancy and the "I come home to you, Tracy" scenes). Wow. I sound like the Recap!Police. :ph34r:

I agree that her part ended on a cliff-hanging note, and I read that Scotty/Logan have DNA tests this week. I hope that happens tomorrow and that Tracy tags along, so she gets some more to do! But I have a feeling, the first related scene tomorrow is going to be Lulu/Logan at the coffee shop with some throwaway line, "Well, I'm glad you got the DNA test done." :(

Ready!Set!Random! ~

EDITED to spoiler out my comments...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I get it now, Colette. :) Yep, 3 different places for Tracy today. Wow. That's got to be a record!

So, fingers crossed. Here is part of a recap for tomorrow:

Comments and stuff:

So, after all that analysis, what do we say? Tracy tomorrow or not?

EDIT: Are the banner and avatar okay? Or is the flashing in the avatar distracting? Help.

Also, would love to chat, but I need to make garlic bread. Should be around later.

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Oh Ms. Q!!! You and I are *like this* when it comes to hair and clothes!!!

So glad I posted my story before today aired. Would have TOTALLY ruined it for me if I hadn't! Ha ha.

Nex has her job back--HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what Ms. Q--she needs 6 more to beat last year???? My parents just landed and are on their way home to my house. Too bad I ate so much briscuit while i was cutting it that I am full now--ha ha.

Anyone around for a quick chat?? IT is 5:25 central. I have about an hour before my parents arrive. I will hopefully be able to catch up later tonight but just in case...

Stace--Oh that sounds somewhat promising for tomorrow....She would be telling the Qs cause who else would care. What is TQ gonna do? Chain her in the house? Cut her off? Time for Maxi to spill the beans!!! So she can move back!

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Hey guys...I don't know if someone posted this here a while ago or not, but I just ran across this promo for Tracy's 1989 return on Youtube!! Oh to only have a promo all about Tracy in the milennium!!!


Too funny huh?

My parents are about 10 minutes away so I gotta run!! Hope to catch you guys tonight.


BTW--Leyla is some brenda-look alike type nurse from night shift was was given a contract!!!

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Ms.Q, I FLOVE the new bannar!!!! :D

Hooked, I've see that promo and kept it in my favorites because it crack me up! And YAY I have my job back, I will post the clips tonight as soon as Hella Good puts them up. I would do it now using Something-More.net (actually its now called Favorite-Moments.net) but I believe it has been said that the quality is better at HG.

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MinervaFan, Leyla is a student nurse who was on night shift. She and Patrick have got some sparks goin on that are making Robin jealous...

Hooked, I totally noticed the Louis Vuitton suitcase, too! I couldn't really imagine her with something so trendy, but I was jealous at the same time. ;) And that look on her face with Alice still makes me laugh. It was extended for a long time, haha.

I am hoping so much for Tracy Thursday! I just realized- no Carly recently- with her out of the way, Sonny is bound to be, too. Which leaves room for the Q's!

EDIT: Ms.Q, love the banner and icon! I tried to make mine match, but the only way to get her face in the avatar was to have "acy Quart" as the words. I might get around to fixing that, but probably not.

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ok, so I'm back... I'll fill in on the vacation after, but as for the show..... woohoo!!!! She was on today! Apperently it doesn't work the same way when I go away. She hasn't been on in a month. Anyway, she looked unbelievable today, I thought everything was fantastic but her hair was divine. I can't wait to see where this all goes when Luke comes back. I don't like that it seems to be doinging everything it can to break them apart a little, if not completely, but it could cause for some great scenes, so as long as she's on I'll be happy with it.

Ok, LA was great. A little hot for California (actually... from my aunt and uncle who have both been there 10+ years and my cousin's wife who's been there her whole life, they all said that it's the hottest they can remember). It was over 100 and humid everyday, so I didn't mind b/c it was like home for me. I've absolutely decided to move out there when I can. My cousins said he worked with a casting director whose daughter works for a gallery and to let him know when I want to look. He also said that if I want NY he has a lot of connections there for me if I am interested. I, of course would take LA over NY right now, but I'll take what I can get. My aunt called me today after my uncle told her about this and she said that her friend Kristin's cousin owns a gallery and she would email her for me. This all drove my mom nuts. I understand where she is coming from b/c without a degree I've had a lot of payments made without very much income to pay them, including loans and insurance. She also doesn't want me to leave (I know, quite the shocker considering we are close and I am her first born, huh?!). She wants me to go to NY so I can commute, won't have to pay for a car or an apartment or anything other than the things I can't avoid. My aunt, however, trying not to step on any toes, still called and, in addition to the offer to call her friend, she said I can live with them for a long as I want. She said, though I did offer, that she will not have me pay rent and I, even if I get a car, can take the bus to work b/c it is in Santa Monica right near teir house in the Palisades, so both of those extra payments are off my list. She said that I can stay as long as I want and if I insist when I am in a place that I can offord to pay them rent than I can, but that I am family and she will never require it. Plus I can see my boys all the time and my cousin Zander and his wife (who are adorable). I know, that was a really long OT section, but I figured I'd just give what's been going on. That's it for now. I also have a driving test date of Oct 4th. Now after so long of trying to get my medical paperwork through I finally have a day. Once I get a licence I can get a "real" job!! Can't wait. As long as I still get "girls night" with the people I am working with now and can stop by and visit my kids I will have no propblem at all leaving. Ok... I'm finally done

Talk to you all later

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knh, welcome back! Glad you had a good time in LA; seems as you have a lot going on right now in regards to your plans for the future. Hope all goes well. I think you and I are pretty close to the same age; isn't the whole real word thing kind of scary? My first official day of student teaching is Monday, and I have a friend who was all, "I don't want to sound cliche, but that is going to be the first day of the rest of your life!" And I'm all: :huh:.

BTW, to those in the breakroom last night, I've found out that I have to be at the school at 6:35/6:40 each morning. School's about 25 minutes from here. Calculating all that, I've decided I'll need to be up at 5:10/5:15. The classes I teach end a little before 2, but if I help out with after school activities, I will have to be around until school officially ends which is around 3 and then stay after 'til whenever. :o

In a nut shell, the university says it's good and bad to help out; good because of the experience, but bad because you tend to get distracted from the teaching part of the student teaching experience. I guess I do whatever is asked; or maybe I should do the asking...I don't know. I want to help out, but I don't want to be overwhelmed and at the school for close to 10 hours/day all the time. I just have to be smart about all of this (i.e. only bite off what I can chew).


TODAY'S CLIPS courtesy of Trudy at HellaGood. If you have an account and use/watch these clips, please post a thank you on their site.

If anyone is around later, post a link. Chances are I'll pop in.

Oh, watching the scenes from today; that left side of her hair could use a little more oomphiness or something. But still...Loved the outfit and pretty good hair overall. And because I don't even think I've said it yet...YAY FOR TRACY TODAY!

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