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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Here's some JE goodness on the Merv Griffin show! So it's a pretty short clip, containing the "Ed's Meds scene" and for some reason the last few seconds of the clip didn't transfer, and I dunno where it went! Pretty much ends with the guy hands JE the award for Favorite Villaness and that's the end of the segment.


There may be some more JE goodness later on today........

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OK, so later is now. Here are some random pics I scanned.

A funny TrAsh pic...I would love to know what she was ticked at him for this time....


Tracy makes a startling admission....


OY! Ms. Q, here is one for your "worst wardrobe" video!


Real-life pic of JE looking cute!



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So many treats!!! Tracy's not on and yet I have tons of TQ fun to catch up on. Thanks Lady A for the TrASh!

hooked: I'm beyond excited about those YouTube clips. Those will be my treat for finishing housework and work-work today.

Ms. Q: I love Trotty banner. :) I just wish the show would say something, or JE or KS would ad-lib something. Maybe if the spoilers about

prove to be true we'll get an acknowledgment. I haven't had a chance to read the latest chapter of Oh Baby, but I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Colette: Happy Birthday! I hope you had a good one!

I'm still waiting for Dell to frackin stand by their product (and my warranty) and help me out. Supposedly they've referred my case to some "special manager" who has the power to authorize system exchanges, but they haven't called me. I think I will call back today and demand that they do something. This is getting ridiculous...no, it's beyond ridiculous. My laptop hasn't worked in a month. (Yes, TL. I should totally get a new one ;)) Anyhoo, hopefully this will all get resolved soon and I'll be back online more often.

I have to say that I am so sad about the rumored murder of the original brownstonegirl, Barbara Jean Spencer. Sniffle! I love Bobbie and I know that the show isn't using her, but I'd rather have her guest on the show than be killed off to further the stupid mob storyline and give TG a good Emmy reel. And maybe this might be unpopular, but if it was a choice between Bobbie and Lesley (and I have nothing against Lesley), I'd much rather that they get rid of Lesley. Lesley hasn't had much of a story since they brought her back on recurring status like 11 years ago. At least I can remember Bobbie having her own story in the not sooo distant past. Save Bobbie!

Oy, I have to go do some work. Catch you guys later!

PS. hooked, Ms. Q and TL: I had a LuNacy dream last night! I can't remember what it was about, but Carrie and Staci, you'd be pleased to know that her hair was very oomphy. Tracy was wearing this really nice brown suit and she and Luke were being very lovey-dovey. And there was this painting of them hanging in the Q mansion in the outfits that they were wearing in my dream. Weird. Wish I remembered more. I do remember thinking as I was watching them in my dream, "ohh, I wonder what hooked/ms. q/TL think about these scenes. I'll have to check in with them in the BR later." LOL.

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Oh Fun... Thanks for posting!!!! (Carrie, thanks for sending!)

I was wondering how they got her to do a talk show. Basically, they gave her an award... so she showed up to get it. It was the year of Ed's Meds. Ha.

WTF!??!? Again?!?!?!

Bo is rolling over in his grave.

Ta ta... off to look at shoeboxes..er.. apartments. Oy....

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*waves* to LaineyBev!

Thanks TracyLuv and BSG!!!!! If Tracy is really on next week, then my birthday will have been WONDERFUL! lol

LadyA, thanks for all the pics! The wardrobe one is pretty funny, she looked practically bald! And thanks for the clip, Hooked, I will have to watch that.

I haven't watched a full episode of GH in about a month, but I have seen the Spinelli & Georgie clips, and I absolutely LOVE them together. They have been helping in filling the Tracy void. What day is it next week that she should be on? I will sitting on the couch with popcorn and a soda like I was watching the world series. This is a MAJOR event- a NEW Tracy clip for my iPod!

Yesterday afternoon, there was this terrible thunderstorm. Like, it sounded like it was right over my house because I could hear it equally on both sides of me. I don't know if that makes sense, but it was so loud the ground was even shaking. I was so terrified there would be a tornado, haha, but the sky wasn't green! So we didn't have one. And we probably never will. But I get so paranoid.

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Lady Ashton, thanks so much for the goodness! That part, "You're that creep on General Hospital!!!" made me laugh, but poor Jane. :( And thanks hooked for sending her the tape. Loved the scans as well. She is so adorable with the scarf. And TrAsh are hilarious together in that photo. OY to the AMC shot. The hair, the clothes, just OY. And the Elvis/Jane pic is too cute. Thanks again!

Colette, we don't have a date yet, but I would guess Tracy!Tuesday. Or Wednesday. And if we're lucky BOTH!

BSG, LOL about the dream. I had one too, but I can't remember it, really. Just that she and Luke were in the den, Tracy had those curls from last summer, and Luke went to kiss her softly, but she was reluctant. Sorry about your lap top. I STILL HATE DELL.

Gotta go!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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OMG LadyA!!!!!!!!! That Elivs thing was hilarious. She looks so cute there and young. Love the picture with the scarf--you think he kids made that at camp or something--too funny! Oy to the AMC one on hair and outfit. Need to edit your worst wardrobe video Ms. Q with that one and your bad hair one too! :)

Thanks so much for posting those and for posting hte Merv clip since "Hooked" is too computer challenged to do so!!! I know everyone appreciates all your efforts!!!!

Hopefully I will have my new computer up and running tonight or tomorrow. It has all this media center stuff so LadyA promised to teach me how to upload clips! We'll see if I can rise to the challenge!

Catch you guys tonight hopefully!


It is 8pm and I am on my new computer! Yippee! Everything is working great, except my ipod still didn't transfer, which means there is something wrong with that still...but am so happy!!! Now i need to reupload all my clips. So strange to have a clean slate hard drive. I didn't transfer anything over as I have some stuff I want saved on the external hardrive of our family shared system thingy.

LadyA I was almost hating Tracy today watching the old clip of when she told Ashton to "get out" cause she was trimming the fat and cutting back. Hilarious as Tracy says, "we are trimming the fat...how much do you weigh" to him. Then she told him to leave, and he thinks she meant to go take a walk or something, but she is like no for good. It was so sad. She basically threw him out and took his yacht cause she tabluated he owed her $90K. He was so sad about losing his Aprhodite. Then he came to say bye and she had to check his suitcase to make sure he wasn't taking anything of hers. He finally says "Dont you have anything pleasant to say before I leave" and she turns on her heel and walks out and slams the door. Tracy at her bitchiest!!!! I felt really bad for old Larry! :(

Edited by hookedongh
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Waving to Hooked! YAY for your new computer!

That is one of my favorite scenes! If you look real close, it looks like Tracy had tears in her eyes. I love how he said he was the one who was always on her side and that she was going to miss him. He knew her better than anyone else ever had, or ever will, in my opinion. Anyhoo, working on card story now....slowly but surely!

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Hooked- so happy about the new computer! I am having issues, too. I just got a Chocolate II, and it won't upload my iTunes songs onto it. iTunes causes such problems, lol!

I have a request for all you fabulous clip-ers. Does anyone have the clips with Tracy and Lulu over her abortion? Like when I guess Tracy tries to convince her to keep the baby, but ends up supporting her decision? I am dying to see them. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

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