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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well, I would be inclined to believe that, but August 2004 was a good month IIRC. In fact, the week of August 23 that year (I remember specifically 'cause it was my first semester of college, LOL), she was on 4 days in a row (Tuesday thru Friday) and the following Monday as well. She was also on Friday, August 20. Before that, I'm fairly certain she averaged 2 days a week with the Lila Will/Felicia/Heather story. It wasn't until 2005 (once she was paired with Tony) that her August episode counts dropped. :(

Anyway, thanks for the comments on the banner, BSG! :D But the more I look at it, the more JE's expression scares me. LOL. I think it's 'cause her and Lindze's don't match the other 3...Should've taken that into consideration. Oh well... And I'm not really in pain. I mean, it feels like they did stuff, but other than that, it's fine.

hooked, I don't have that clip. I'm sorry. It could be a good thing though, 'cause Real!Tracy probably wouldn't have let Lorenzo have his way. Oh wait...You can probably request the clip at www.carlyandlorenzo.com. It says clips in italics are available upon request, and that one (in the 2005 section) is in italics.

Oh, hey. There are more clips from around that time period that I don't have. Ooh, in addition, there are May 2004 Engagement Party scenes too (when Tracy hugs Lo and I think kisses him on the cheek, LOL). Carrie, you wanna do the honors and request all the Lorenzo/Quartermaine scenes? ;)

And LOL about you just telling me that it wouldn't hurt. Haha. I thought for the compression they would just put some gunk over my tooth and be done...But they had to drill even more. Good thing I was numb - Haha.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hey Ms. Q--will be in the breakroom in a few minutes (it is 10:15 central)....I have to lay down with my son for a few minutes. I have been writing for the past couple of hours (not TQ stuff, but other stuff).

Stick around for a few if you can...will try to make this bedtime saga go quickly. I will for sure request those clips. And I can get the 6/23/05 episode from curlygirl on the next batch of DVS she sends me. Is there someone who knows how to edit it and post the clip for us so we can finally have the clip of their first "kiss"?

Lady A can you do that if I send you the DVD? I know you don't have that clip either. (As if you haven't done me enough favors!)

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It's official. We NEED Tracy.

Check out the song hooked, BSG, and I created tonight...TracyLuv served as a spectator, offering her thoughts. :)

Thanks Serial Drama for the idea.

It's a LuNacy song to the tune of the Mary Tyler Moore Theme...

Who can turn Luke on with her smile?

Who can make him want her even when she's at her most vile?

Well, it's Tracy, and Lukey knows it.

With each dirty look and eye roll, they show it...

LuNacy rule; no need to deny.

They're so in love; that's not a lie.

They are the greatest couple of all!

Who can surprise Luke with her ways?

Who can help him see the light even through his drunken haze?

Well, it's Tracy, and Lukey knows it.

With each martini and shot of scotch, they show it...

LuNacy rule; no need to deny.

They're so in love; that's not a lie.

They are the greatest couple of all!

Who'll stand by Luke 'til the bitter end?

As his wife, his partner, and his very best friend?

Well, it's Spanky, and Lukey knows it.

With each hug, kiss, and laugh they show it...

She's the best he's had, no need to deny.

They're so in love; that's not a lie.

They are the greatest couple of all!


PS: Go spread the LuNacy love at Soap Opera Central.

Now, anyone up for a challenge? Feel free to create your own Tracy and or LuNacy themed songs, and post them here! :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Trying to be positive in regards to above posted spoilers:

A) I do see Tracy's name in those spoilers at least, and no mention of GF returning; and

2) (ha ha...like Scott's mess up and Ms. Q's video of bloopers) At least Luke come to spring her, gets caught up by her; she will be livid he is helping Skye, will have scenes with Alan; maybe even some good Skye/Tracy fight scenes where she tells her to stay away from her husband. Hopefully Luke will at least have a scene or two where he is reassuring to Tracy about their marriage, etc and that it is not about Skye but about getting into the game. Maybe we will even get Tracy trying to scheme against Skye in some manner.

My other spin is this: No viable couple on a soap can ever be happy for too long without conflict...now that we know Lunacy are a real couple; they need some conflict, some stuff to fight about...of course we would love them to be happy all the time, but then they woud be boring and pushed into the background (not that tracy isn't there already).

On that note...my pollyanna skills are running out, so I am off to the dentist...tis the week for dental work huh Ms. Q!!!

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Shouldn't be here, but...

hooked, good luck at the dentist! Love the positive spin. Although...While I do not want GF to return at this point, I understand his dedication/affection for

. I don't get it for

. Tired of this


MinervaFan, exactly what I was looking for! Totally amazing. Loved big brother Alan being by her side throughout. Liked the "flash" idea. Thanks for writing it. Was missing your stories.

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My, my, my what a sloooooooowwww day around here? I have been out all day. My dental work was fine, but he told me I should get braces again cause my bite has slipped and that is why this bonded bridge keeps falling out. If I get a regular bridge though (which I will have to do eventually anyway) it wouldn't matter and I wouldn't need the braces. Guess which option I will choose---he said Invisalign wouldn't work for me and there is no way I am starting in with braces at the same time as two of my boys!!!

knh--Where ya been???? Thinking about you today.

Lainey--hope your deadline day on your project goes well. I'm thinking about you too!

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Wow. A very sloooooooooooooow day.

hooked, you are too funny. Glad the trip to the dentist went fine.

OT: I am so mad. I found a dress shoe in my sister's closet but can't find the other!!! :angry: I hope I find it, 'cause then the shoe issue I complained about last Monday will no longer be an issue - Haha.

Oh! I forgot to mention this. I dreamt about LuNacy last night. Not a very cool dream at first, 'cause Tracy wanted to dump Laura in Switzerland or something (BSG, did that idea come from you? LOL). Anyway, Luke was not pleased with Tracy's insensitivity. But, something else must've happened, 'cause next thing I remember is her telling him that she'll always stand by him and support him. Then, I recall them on plane, kissing the hell out of each other.

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Ms. Q--went to carlyandlorenzo.com and tried to request those clips. Even found them, but the forum is locked and you can't post, reply or edit anything on there. Maybe the site is suspended or just not being updated anymore. Bummer.

I did find the dates though...5/6- 5/7/04; 5/16/05, 5/26/05, and 5/26/05. I can request these episodes for us on my free dvds I have coming for doing those episode descriptions. That and the 6/23/05 one. Maybe someday I will learn to edit clips from dvds.

anyone around at about 8pm central in the BR?

Edit...Lady A!!! You around for a few? 7:40pm

8:20...lady a and I are in the breakroom...anyone else wanna pop in?

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