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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Well, it's certainly been awhile, hasn't it?

I miss Jane. I miss Tracy. I hate GH. Why must they torture us so? Evil execs. It's like the lyricists for "Phantom of the Opera" wrote... "And my managers must learn... that their place is in an office not the arts!"

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Keith, welcome back to the LOVE! Post more often, please. :)

So, I've decided that maybe I should go back to Mexico if it means Tracy is gonna be on more. ;) What is with my luck? She is on every single week while I'm gone, and the minute I return, she completely disappears not only from screen, but from the spoilers as well. Anyway, TracyLuv, I think you're right. Jane might be on vacation. Thanks for the video feedback, BTW. Also, check your PMs when you have a chance.

And hi Colette! Glad you've posted!

MinervaFan, I also read your fic. A little sad, but I still loved it!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Just wanted to show you all the new banner Ms. Q made for me. Thanks Stace! I know the scene is a little outdated, but I always loved the line and am happy to have a banner of it :)

Since we can only have one banner on SON I am keeping the one I currently have ("I will always come back to you") until our girl's hubba comes back to her in October. Hey, it's like my mantra and since this is home, it stays until he comes home to her.

This new one will be making it's debut on the HellaGood site, and will serve as an extra added :P (LOL) to those who vote against our girl/couple.

Thanks again Ms. Q!!


In the pic of Tracy, she's saying "Daddy"!! How hot is that! YOWZA!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Well... since you asked... I got a 95 on it! totally shocked by that. I figured she'd give me some back, but I got my grade out of a posible hundred. She said my ending was weak for the great analysis (which I knew b/c I totally half assed it on the ending b/c I had to rush and get it to her) and I still got a 95, so it must have been out of the whole grade. Just thought I'd share my little bit of excitement.

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Love the banner TL/Ms. Q! Nice Perfect for HG, TL! Tracy is rocking it in the character game (as of right now she has 169 to Sam's 85 and Lucky's 46--yeehaw!). LuNacy is rocking it too. Keep it up team! :)

Whew! Glad to hear the prof didn't penalize you! Congratulations!

MinervaFan: I look forward to your fic. I've been meaning to tell you that the one you wrote about Laura figuring everything out re: Luke and Tracy was amazingly powerful. WOW. I wish the GH writers could come up with something half as good. It almost made me like Laura (a little). Not a lot, but a little. :)


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Hey all!!!

I got a teeny tiny Tracy spoiler for you guys, this is for the week of 8/13/07. Also she is in the Media Net pics and I believe she is wearing the same "jacket" she wore back in January when she snuck up on Monica who was listening to Lulu/Dillon/Spinelli from the mansion hallway.

Anyhoo, here it goes:

Scott and Logan are pressured by Tracy to get DNA tests.

I wish I had more. :(

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VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE QUARTERMAINE AT SOAP OPERA CENTRAL. :D Our girl is in the lead, but Jason of all characters is in second place. WTH. smirks, if you're out there, just want to say I LOVED your post about Jason and the kidney. I used to joke about that in the breakroom, saying that Jason could stay alive just in case one of the Q's need his kidney or something. :lol:

knh, glad to hear that bit of good news!

nex, thanks for the information. I was getting worried we weren't going to see her again until October! And well, judging from the pics,

. Good call on the jacket, BTW. That's exactly when she last wore it, but does Tracy not have seasonal clothes? She wears the same heavy jackets all summer long. Makes no sense.

EDIT: For those of you who are fans of ensemble videos, this person has a series on YouTube called The GH Chronicles, featuring videos of hard times, good times, weddings, families, etc. I thought it was neat that a LuNacy Vegas scene was included in the wedding one since all the wedding videos I've seen have glanced over our couple. Anyhoo! Heads up: Tracy is not featured heavily in these videos, but IMO, they are all very well put together and worth a look at if you have a chance. :)

EDIT 2: All right. Which one of you's has been writing to the magazines about Jane Elliot's hair? It wasn't me! I swear!!! :lol:CLICK ME FOR THE ARTICLE. Thanks Tracey for putting it up at Jane Elliot Online.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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hey everyone!!

Deb, I'm sorry I didn't see your post sooner. I went on the otherday to put my little happiness and I didn't read any of the others posts b/c I only had a minute. I'm so sorry to hear about Fey's father. My prayers are with you guys and tell Fey the same. you said that he'd been battling it for a long time and I know this kind of stuff usually annoys people at times like this, but I always have to say it anyway, but at least he won't suffer anymore. Sorry if that was a 'yeah, no sh-t, kind oft hing, but I watched my great grandmother go through having lymphoma twice so I know you have to find the sunny side of the street somewhere. Anyway, hope you guys are doing well.

I finished my doggy portrait the Sunday night. As long as I've had to do this this I never got to start it b/c I was forking 9-10 hours a day and taking my classes in addition to the homework, so I have little to no spare time. That said... I started it Saturday. Seriously rushed job. Oh well, it came out well... haven't been payed yet, but whatever... I know where she lives and I see her everyday so I'm sure she won't stiff me on it.

Anyway, I am done with one class and my workshop-story revision for my writing class is due on the 2nd and then I am officially a college grad!!!! unless something happens with my grade this year. So far she told me that I in the A range so I don't think I should have a problem... but whatever, I'll be done!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Another sinus infection and I have no voice at all right now. I'm getting it all this year, aren't I? At least I'm getting out of the way before I go to California in a few weeks. I have to tickets now so I'm outta here from Aug 25th- Sept 9th, so hopefully that'll make for some good Tracy for you guys. I havcen't been gone in a long time so I don't know that will work out for me, but here's hoping.

Later all!!

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hey everyone!!

Deb, I'm sorry I didn't see your post sooner. I went on the otherday to put my little happiness and I didn't read any of the others posts b/c I only had a minute. I'm so sorry to hear about Fey's father. My prayers are with you guys and tell Fey the same. you said that he'd been battling it for a long time and I know this kind of stuff usually annoys people at times like this, but I always have to say it anyway, but at least he won't suffer anymore. Sorry if that was a 'yeah, no sh-t, kind oft hing, but I watched my great grandmother go through having lymphoma twice so I know you have to find the sunny side of the street somewhere. Anyway, hope you guys are doing well.

I finished my doggy portrait the Sunday night. As long as I've had to do this this I never got to start it b/c I was forking 9-10 hours a day and taking my classes in addition to the homework, so I have little to no spare time. That said... I started it Saturday. Seriously rushed job. Oh well, it came out well... haven't been payed yet, but whatever... I know where she lives and I see her everyday so I'm sure she won't stiff me on it.

Anyway, I am done with one class and my workshop-story revision for my writing class is due on the 2nd and then I am officially a college grad!!!! unless something happens with my grade this year. So far she told me that I in the A range so I don't think I should have a problem... but whatever, I'll be done!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Another sinus infection and I have no voice at all right now. I'm getting it all this year, aren't I? At least I'm getting out of the way before I go to California in a few weeks. I have to tickets now so I'm outta here from Aug 25th- Sept 9th, so hopefully that'll make for some good Tracy for you guys. I havcen't been gone in a long time so I don't know that will work out for me, but here's hoping.

Later all!!

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Make sure you deal with this before you get on a plane, or your head will explode!

Great news on the courses. It does feel wonderful to graduate. Congratulations.

I'm just here to take a few minutes to SCREAM.... my flight for Moncton leaves early tomorrow morning, the kids have made more mess (if that's even possible), my PDA isn't working - so no books, no music, none of the writing I've been working on (screaming again), I'm not packed, the laundry isn't totally done, I haven't had a chance to eat, and my idiot husband is riding my very thin last nerve.

Otherwise, I'm happy Tracy is in the spoilers for the 13th. 'Bought time someone demanded a DNA test. BTW, how many more weeks is TG supposed to be gone, and any suggestion of when our girl gets out of SB?

Edited by remos
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*waves to Colette*

Ms. Q: I LOVED the video. Really great! LOL re: "you're so good to me." Those jerks. Poor Tracy.

Soo, here's the question with the spoiler:

Other than as remos so aptly put it "'bout time" where are TPTB going with this?

hooked: We miss you!! Are you back on Thursday? Hope you're having a fabulous time!!

I'm doing some work. Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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ok, as much as this may not be a very popular thing with this crowd I kinda want Tracy to stay in Shadybrook. I really want all those stories people have been coming up with or anything about him getting her out of there. I know he had reasons to get Laura out, but he'd have no other reason than helping her and for his own benifit to get Tracy out. I think it would lead to something great!! that's just me.

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