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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Aww, Deb. I saw that bright red message earlier this afternoon and went "Awww." I tried getting that song off LimeWire today, but I only one one result, and it's not an MP3, and Itunes on that computer doesn't work, so I can't convert it. On the bright side, I've been making some process with the B-tch video. :)

In non-related Tracy news, it's so great to be able to drink faucet water again. And I don't have to be paranoid about keeping my mouth shut in the shower anymore! And, the water pressure was amazing! And I get to throw toilet paper in the toilet, instead of the bathroom trash bin. AND...I went to a restaurant today and got ICE in my drink. It's the little things that amuse me. :lol: That aside, I was missing Taxco a bit today and decided to wear a T-shirt I bought there. LOL.

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Hey, Welcome back, Mrs. Q!! and by the way, love the new avatar and banner!!

A little pissed right now. I had a photo analysis paper due for my comm class. I thought it was due tonight by 9, that's what it says on the caleneder online. I got an email from my professor that said it was due yesterday and I have lost 20 points from it. My best possible grade automatically starts out at an 80 now and it is a big project.

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Welcome back Staci (not that I've been all that present recently)!

I like JE's new hair style, then again she's beautiful no matter what.

Speaking of hair, have I mentioned that like a week ago I copied Deb...yeah well I did the whole locks of love thing and now my hair is no longer past my waist lol. Also got it dyed darker. My mom freaked out when she picked me up at the airport...but in a good way haha. Pics are on my myspace if you wanna see.

Aw that sucks, knh!!

Edited by angel2devil
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I think I speak for everyone on this board when I say.......

Welcome back Ms.Q!!!!

I cannot believe that you were actually gone for, what was it, six weeks? It seems like just yesterday you were saying goodbye to all of us. :) I'm glad you trip went well and I'm happy that you now can have ice in your drinks! haha :) You have been back one day and already made a new banner, which I LOVE by the way!

Good to have you back!

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Welcome Home Ms. Q!!!

Stace, Love your new avatar and banner! Will open a savefile account for the Tracy/Dillon clips when I get home tonite. Thanks for posting the vow renewal clips will check them out later also.

Nex, thanks for posting the clip of Tracy from Wed.

BSG, thanks for the compliements of my new avatar. The change was inspired by Deb's new fic. :)

knh, that really sucks. I don't understand why you are going to be penalized over a date that was wrong on the schedule orignally provided by your professor. WTMF is up with that?

Have to run out for work in two minutes and I have to go to a baby shower tonite. I'll see yas lata. :)

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Welcome back Staci.

Welcome back, EVERYBODY ! (just not to leave anyone out.) :)

Kristin if the calendar still says it was due yesterday, print that sucker out, and show your prof, and if they still won't budge, I'd go over their heads if the grade is going to make or break you.

Did other people know it was due yesterday, or is everyone late? If there are other people who saw the wrong date, maybe if you all descend on the teacher at once that might help you?

angel too cute about your hair.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I have a dinner to plan for tomorrow night.

Is mashed potatoes and meatloaf too pedestrian?

It's Paula Deen's cheesy meatloaf recipe, so it's a little different....and I'm thinking about something creamy and cool for dessert, can't make up my mind on what to serve yet though.

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So how much does this suck... I went back and checked the calender and it wasn't due yesterday iy was due today but the time was 9 in the morning. We are not allowed to post them before it was due for any opther project but suddenly for this one we have to because after 9 am it was late. Does she not think people have jobs? I mean... 9 in the morning? What the hell!!! not fair. Anyway, so it turns out I was only a few hours late and not a day late, so I hope I get those points back if it was the same day. Maybe I lost them and if it isn't in by the end of the day they stay gone and otherwise it was a warning. Not likely but maybe

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Thanks knh, angel, nex, TracyLuv, and ILoveTracyQ. :)

knh, sorry about the project. Let us know if you get some of those points back.

angel, I broke into my sister's MySpace account and checked out the picture. It's adorable. I really like it.

nex, glad you like the banner. I think it's the avatar that I might end up changing. It's too blurred or something. And it was actually 8 weeks. Craziness.

TracyLuv, thanks for the banner and avatar feedback! Once you get the Dillon/Tracy account opened, feel free to send me the username and password. We will double team and spread the Trillon love with the world...Or well, we'll at least share them with the YouTube member who requested the clips. Haha.

ILoveTracyQ, I think the meal will be fine, and I really want mashed potatoes all of a sudden. LOL. Can I come for dinner tomorrow? Please? ;)

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Yum! That sounds delicious to me! How about a cool pie like a key lime or lemon meringue pie? Oooh or a chocolate cream pie with a graham cracker crust.

That stinks! 9 in the morning? That's so random. Grrr. Maybe you can persuade her to give you some of the points back.

*waves to TL* Anyone around? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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I finally got to watch the clips from this week! Yay! I loved Tracy with Alan. This Ghost Alan story has had its ups and downs, but I think it plays at its best when they really dig into the Alan and Tracy history and capture their true sibling dynamic. Oh man, I'm going to miss Alan. I hope they have him on recurring status at least.

I liked Tracy's new haircut. As we've all said before she'd looking pretty darn good for being in the nut house. Does that room even have a closet? Maybe she's dressing up 1) to prove that she's not crazy and 2) to separate herself from bathrobe Laura.

Speaking of Tracy...calling all Tracy history buffs, are any of you wikipedia versed? It seems our girl could use a better entry...


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Um.. folks... anyone notice that that entry refers to a deceased son with Scott, named Nathan Scott Baldwin????


Ummm.. ah....

  • I'm assuming this is one of those Wikipedia anomalies that pop up every so often (because it can be edited by the general public).
  • Or maybe the gods are foreshawdowing something?!?! (can you say Logan?!?!)
  • Or... did I miss something on the show?!?!?!
Edited by LaineyBev714
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WAIT! WHAT?!? Umm, I'm officially confused. I don't see it on the entry anywhere now. Where was it listed?

Edit: Hooked: How was the bar mitzvah?? I hope everything went off without a hitch and that you all had a wonderful time today! :)

anyone around? It's 8:00pm est. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Edited by brownstonegirl
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Thanks for creating the acccount, TracyLuv! Can I pass it on to nex and hooked to see if they want to add clips to it since you mentioned you don't have a lot of Trillon scenes? (How dare you don't have Trillon, by the way. :P)

BSG, I've noticed that her bio. there is well, rather condensed. Very, very condensed. If I had an account, I'd be able to update from 2003 to current time, but it might get long and detailed, and people might not want to read it. :o

Lainey, I don't see that at all. Could it have been removed?

Sort of OT, but apparently, SID said that Leslie Charleson renewed her contract. :D Is SID accurate about that kind of thing? SID also said that

, but I'm not sure if I believe that since SID once claimed that Skye was Tracy's aborted daughter. Guess we'll see about LC/Monica.

hooked, hope the Bar Mitzvah went well!

ILoveTracyQ, how did the dinner go?

EDIT: OH MAN! How did I forget?!? :o

NEW VIDEO! (Thanks Remos for bringing up the song; I doubt I would've restarted the video if you hadn't). :D

SENDSPACE LINK: http://www.sendspace.com/file/625aes

MEGAUPLOAD LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TC9ZCHU5

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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That was




It's still there. I swear. I just checked. When I cut and paste here is what I see:


Edward "Ned" Ashton (son, with Larry Ashton)

Nathan Scott Baldwin (Son,Scott Baldwin; deceased)

Dillon Quartermaine (son, with Paul Hornsby)

Lucas Lorenzo "Lucky" Spencer Jr. (step-son)

Lesley Lu "Lulu" Spencer (step-daughter)

Elizabeth Webber (step-daughter-in-law)

Anyone else seeing this? If not, well... well.. let's just say i'll be afraid, very afraid (Think GhostAlan is haunting me too?)


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