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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hello! I am back from my trip, and I am exhausted. Luckily, the wedding went really well.

Thank you Hooked for the clips! I had to catch up on the later half of the week. It was depressing having Tracy talked about so negatively for three episodes straight. And the horrid wig is back! I am keeping my fingers crossed for a fabulously emotional exit between Tracy and Dillon. I am going to miss that character.

ILoveTracyQ, if I get to watch any of the episodes live, I would love to recap for you.

EDIT: I just saw on YouTube, they changed the opening! I am so happy Craig(I still call him that out of habit), Spinelli, Cooper, and Kate are in there now.

Edited by Colette
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Welcome back! Glad to hear that the wedding went well. :)

I also finally caught up on Thursday and Fridays episodes. Thanks for the clips, hooked! I thought Thursday's episode was really good. As much as I was down on Ned on Wednesday. I really enjoyed his scenes with Dillon on Thursday. And SC really did a terrific job showing Dillon's conflict. I'm going to miss Dillon sooo much. Especially seeing his relationship with Tracy. She's running out of allies! :(

I agree with several of you who said that they didn't love Friday's scenes. Tracy is such strong character, not to mention a fighter, and it's so hard to watch her being humiliated, especially in front of the whole Quartermaine family. I have a feeling Monday's scenes are going to be amazing, but really tough to watch. I'm sure JE and SC will knock whatever the writers give them out of the park!

Edit: *waves to knh* how was the wedding?!?!

Edited by brownstonegirl
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The wedding was great, thanks for asking! It was a lot more laid back than I thought it would have been. My 2 little cousins were the ring barrers. One ran up to his dad during his reading and sat in his mom's arms before that saying 'why do we have to be quiet? Why do we have to be quiet mommy?" over and over again. The other was laying in the pew lokking bored and threw the ring pillow up at the bride (in fun, not in brattiness, he's little) but it made it a lot of fun. My sister and I couldn't stop laughing through most of it, but oh well!! Anyway, aside from having to dance with my cousin over way too many times I had a great time and I met some new cousins that are pretty cool (they're about 158 but they are a hoot and a half). Then there's my cousin Lori. I haven't seen her in years, but she's a damned riot!! She's so Staten Island, but she's hysterical.

I have to load all my pictures, but here is one for now. It's kind of crappy and fuzzy but I'm the one on the right in the wine colored dress.


I'll post s few good ones later but oh well. You guys are offically the first (with the exception of the people there) who have every seen me in a dressy dress. And it'll never happen again, let me say that!

Oh well, looking forward to the show tomorrow. As for Friday, I'm with MinervaFan. I didn't think it was that great (though I did like the 'it's a wig, genius!" line). I don't know if I've seen the whoel show b/c we had an interruption, but the two scenes I saw were a little bit pitiful. Tomorrow looks like it'll be fabulous though! Anyway, goodnight all!!

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Glad to hear that the wedding turned out to be a lot of fun! I have a couple cousins getting married this summer and I have no idea what to expect.

That's such a nice picture! I love the color of your dress!

Fingers crossed for a lot of Tracy today. I'll be really annoyed if her farewell with Dillon is cut short for some other stupid storyline.


*waves to Colette and Lady A*

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Welcome back Colette!

Welcome back knh! I too, love the color of your dress.

Update for Hella Good character game:

Lucky 103

Patrick 0

Sam 107

Tracy 90

Patrick is out! And I got to give him the final blow! Yeeha! Our girl is moving up there. And from the looks of of things, i'd say at this point they are outnumbered. It seems like our girl has a strong chance of winning unless new "supporters" for the others start coming out of the woodwork.

I wasn't into Friday's epi either. I guess it was supposed to be funny when she came in, in the wig, but I didn't laugh. Didn't Tracy say that she threw the wig in the dumpster the night she helped Luke get away with the EW-chairbound one?

hooked, you have email.

*waves* to remos

Edited by TracyLuv
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From SoapZone:

**** Next week: Scott and Tracy run into the unexpected bombshell.

Me: maybe all these spoilers are just that they find Logan & Lulu together? I can't figure out what they could find that would change lives, as wubs spoiled. ****

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Need Positivity!

Ya'll, the combination of summer heat and missing a couple of days of my meds is NOT good for me. And then, every board I go to is getting so negative.

Would somebody please be a sweetheart and post some positive things to cheer me up? I come here for respite from the real world, not more drama. :(

My positive thought for the day: Luke is nowhere in sight, and Tracy still has sort of a storyline. And she looks super-swell.

Tag, LoveFest. Your turn!

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I hear ya Deb. It's a lazy day for me here. I haven't had my thyroid meds in almost a week! Negativity on other threads? About Tracy?

Positivity: Tracy is on TODAY!!! and postive again that it will be better than Friday's epi! And my fictional positivity ..... I posted in the thread on SOC "what would you do in PC if you had an hour there".... where I spring Tracy from Shadybrook, take her for a sexy new wardrobe, brainstorm with her to take scott down, Kiss Noah, slap sam, wire Carly's jaw shut and do sonny on the desk with Jason watching just to see if his expression changes. LOL so that's not ALL positive for everyone. but I do tell Lulu to stick with her step-mama!

Deb, come join me and hooked in the BR, we promise to be positive. :)

Edit: Tag! Who's next?

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You look awesome in that dress! Great photo! Thanks for sharing! My little one is a ring bearer in a wedding in October. I had to promise him $50 to do it!!! I hope he doesn't chicken out at the last minute!!!


Deb Here is my positive input....You are so right...Luke has been gone for a month already and we have had Tracy at least 2-3 times a week ever since. She looks awesome, she is involved with Lulu...they are pairing her with Scott for some sex busting scenes next week...she gets dillon goodbye scenes this week...she was on with Ned (very briefly) and she has been in Shadybrook for longer than half an episode. She is also third in the character game in hellagood beating out a whole bunch of others to get where she is!!! There is TQ love around!!!!

Edit again from soap central...

This doesn't make sense if they don't bring Ned back does it???

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Positivity Tag--

1. They put John Ingle in the new opening credits (about time!).

2. Tracy's storyline doesn't seem to be going away.

3. Sooner or later, for better or worse, we're going to get a LuNacy reunion (although probably not as saucy as Lainey's....)

Next person--TAG!

*waves to GrayC63*

Feel free to participate in the Positivity Tag. It does make you feel better....

Edited by MinervaFan
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