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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks Nex...I tried to upload for Ms. Q to savefile and it is not letting me do it. So annoying. She wants to watch them at 5pm and said that megaupload is not working ofr her. I am going to try sendspace... By the way...Staci said she will be on around 5pm in the breakroom if anyone is around.

Found this spoiler on Wubs site...

Ok...so please don't tell me it is love???? That is just WRONG!!!!! No way would she fall for that. Maybe Logan is what they mean????


TL...you still on? I am on the phone with the catering manager finally! He is apologizing left and right and I am being so tracy-like with him. Although now I am on hold and being a bit nice cause now he is scrambling to do everything while I am on the phone. About darn time!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Nex, Thanks for the clip! Yup, looks like our girl is moving up over at Hella Good! Ya know, I think she could really win this!

Hooked, Go get 'im! LOL about "going Tracy" on that caterer! I hope he came back to the phone after he left you on hold.

Just a few comments about today's show...

Tracy looked FABULOUS! Hair was omphy. She was wearing the red "day before memorial jacket". Her scene opens with her taking a pill while the orderly watches her swallow it. She drinks some water and swallows and sticks out her tongue!! ROFLMAO because she did it so funny. When the orderly walks away she spits it out into her hand and sticks the pills in the flower pot. That was my favorite part of the show.

Tracy had a couple of visitors today: Lulu, Georie, Ned and Edward. Alan was there the whole time. Ned's and Georgie's visit were about telling Tracy to let Dillon go. Lulu's visit we don't get to find out why she is there to begin with because she is there for just a second before georgie comes in and so ends up being included in the let dillon go thing but Tracy wants Lulu to talk Dillon out of it. Edward's visit is about not letting Dillon go (I don't think he wants Dillon to go - though my mind is kinda foggy when it comes to the old man today for some reason). The scenes between Ned and Dillon were really good today because they talk about Tracy and the family and Dylan seems visibly torn, and includes Lulu in his reason for wanting to stay besides Tracy. And the scene between Lulu and Dillon was really good because both of them seemed on the verdge of tears when Dillon was telling Lulu that one of the reasons he wanted to stay was because of her, and Lulu telling him to go for it, and that she cares about him as a friend and wants him to be happy.

Previews show Lulu and Dillon continuing their convo, but does not show our girl. Hoping she is on tomorrow - pretty please?

Gotta start getting ready to leave for work. Hopefully if ms. Q is around about 5, I can catch her in the BR.

EDIT: Just went back to watch the first scene again because Tracy was funny in it and I just wanted to add this funny thing she said to Alan: Why don't you take a nap, a long one, like all the other dead people. ROFL!! I mean, I thought it was funny then again being up 'til 4am in breakrooms can leave a little slap happy. LOL

Edited by TracyLuv
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Well I guess I'm going to miss Ms. Q if she shows up. I have to leave for work. Hugs and kisses to ya Ms. Q - I miss ya.

There is a Tracy thread over at SOC. Some of you that have SOC accounts have posted there already, I see. I didn't even notice this thread until today

Anyone else loving the Tracy story - SOC

Gotta run to work. Catch yuz lata.

*waves* to knh and remos

Edited by TracyLuv
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Glad to hear Tracy is on! Not glad to hear about the wardrobe. Also not glad that I will have to wait until WEDNESDAY next week to watch today's, tomorrow's, and Monday's. * :(

hooked, I got your email. SendSpace, surprisingly, worked this time. It's 48% completed, so I am going to watch it when it's done. Thank you. As far as the invalid security code thing goes, I usually refresh and then try again. Eventually, it works, but it really is a pain in the butt.

* Off Topic (sort of): Our group, with the professor and our own tour guide from the school, is heading to Guanajuato (sp) tomorrow morning. It's north of Mexico City (7 and half hour bus ride from here - oy), and I'll be gone through Sunday. Monday, I will be researching at the school for my report in the evening, so I won't be stopping in the breakroom or watching clips. Tuesday is going to be a study night for a test on Wednesday. So, therefore...WEDNESDAY is when I am going to catch up. I'll still be checking the thread and/sending emails when I can (early next week) .

I'll be hanging out in the breakroom for a bit, but if I don't respond right away, it's because I'm catching up on yesterday's scenes. http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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I completely agree with Lainey (and I think with everyone else) when I say...EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Not in this time and place.


That said, I wasn't really watching during the Trotty pairing and I'd love to see some of the scenes of them scheming together if anyone has clips. :)


PS. Tracy's back down to 80 in the game. Patrick has taken a hit in his points and Sam has dropped some as well, but Lucky has been slowly gaining...

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I've peeked in the breakroom a few times this week, but no one is ever there, because I'm always online super late. My summer job is turning me into a night owl, apparently.

Thank you for the recap, TracyLuv, and I always love it when you guys can remeber her previous outfits like that!

I agree with your analysis on Ned and Dillon, MinervaFan, and I'm kinda glad to hear you backing away from the Dillon-as -spoiled-jerk way of thinking. When I started watching GH again, I was completely focused on GQ, and I went back and downloaded practically all of their clips0 and therefore really, my introduction to Tracy put her mostly as a foiler to my favorite relationship. And she did pull a lot of ish. Of course, throughout all this, I began to realize the general fabulousness of Tracy herself, and started downloaded clips that focused more solely on her (a much more nuanced view) but anytime the issue comes up, I remember the earliest SC clips I've seen. Where he was fervently defending her to Edward and Ned, while she had just dropped him off at the Quartermaines, and wasn't returning his calls. They did seem to have a really, really close relationship before they came to Port Charles, but Tracy fired the first salvo on that.

That said, the scene where the two of them and Ned reunite after the hotel fire is one of my favorite and most watched. I always melt a little bit when it comes up in vids.

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I watched Tracy's scenes today, so I watched out of order, but I hate watching live, because every time I do, and I sit through the scenes of other characters, I'm reminded of how much I DON'T care about anyone else but Tracy, and maybe her immediate family and whomever else she cares about.

The rest of the characters, every last one of them, are completely irrelevant to me. Some of them, downright dullsville.

But Jane makes it all worthwhile. I think tomorrow are the pics we all saw on MediaNet, where she looks so rough. LOL

*waves to inyron*

Nite all. Going to bed.

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