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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay...just wrote this fic called "The Call" It is Lunacy so TL can read it--ha ha. But not smut--sorry...too pensive right now!

I tried to edit it, but I have two kids annoying the crap out of me every five minutes asking me to take them to chick fil a for lunch. I am ready to strangle them. SO I just posted without too careful of editing. I would totally teach them a lesson and say "since you bugged me, we are not going", but it sounds pretty good to me at this point and then I don't have to make them lunch--ha ha!

Here it is:

http://hookedongh.livejournal.com/6535.html (oops just noticed the last words got cut off in this story when cut and pasted. It was "sleep peacefully." Will go back and fix it later. Sorry--darn kids! Ha ha.

I wonder if they are just sony vhs tapes and not professional ones if they would do it. I do have a VCR somewhere in one of my kids rooms, but I would rather them be on DVDs. I will keep checking...

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Hooked, I don't know how much Ritz Camera charges, but I bought a VCR/DVR combo at Wal-Mart for $89. It converts your VHS tapes to DVD. I will give you feedback on your story just as soon as I read it!

BTW: Thanks to everybody for all the positive feedback on my vid!!!

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OMG, Hooked. Your story was incredible. You have really made a break-through in your writing--there is just so much depth and feeling to your stories. I'm very impressed, and very grateful you wrote this (because now I don't have to--and it was on my to-do list). You are just totally blossoming as a writer, and I'm so glad we get to watch it happen. Thanks for this story. Yum.

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Hooked, Loved your story! Better than LuNacy smut ;)

Nex, I can't tell you how much i LOVE this vid! I think I've watched it like 5 more times today. Oh, okay, more like 10 times. LOL :)

Yay! My 300th post! Took me long enough to get here.

Edit: It's 3:33 no TQ. Looks like today is a bust. Hopefully tomorrow?

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Thanks Deb! That is a huge compliment--especially coming from you! :) I think somehow when I stopped worrying about having a plot, it was easier to just write the emotion in the moment...what I always felt I was lacking before. I could always do the narrative part, but this strategy seems to be helping me. I am trying to decide whether or not to take this intro to novel writing class or a short story writing class this fall.

I am not watching GH live, but hoping TQ is on!

Edit Thanks TL! Woo woo--hurray for #300!!! Too bad it doesn't give us a breakroom time count--you and me would be off the charts as of late!!

Nex...that is a great idea...I didn't realize you could buy a combo that would do that. What brand did you buy? Have you tried it yet? Is it easy to just pop them in and copy? I am so going to walmart this week and buying one. IT would be good to have anyway...all our old home videos of the kids when they were little were on VHS, as well as several parties/wedding/events. Thanks for the tip! Besides it is not a bad idea to have a working vcr in the house. In 20 years they will be like $500 on ebay--ha ha!

BTW--I think Ms Q said she would be online today around 4 -5 central time if anyone is around

Edit again Here is an updated link to the story I postd earlier that has the last few words in it (for some reason they got cut off when I was cutting and pasting.


Edit Can I edit this post a few more times today ya think??? But I forgot earlier...I think it was Deb who told me they drink tea a lot (green, white and red) and that you and fey have tea...we went to dinner with my parents friends who the man is the plastic surgeon...and he said to take the green tea bags after you drink them and let them cool off and rub them on your face and it is good for your skin!! The wife said he facial person noticed a difference in her skin within 4 weeks...who knows if that is true or not, but guess it couldn't hurt to try it. I did it today...my kids were like WTF are you doing mommy???

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I'm so just laughing at this image, Hooked. Did you know you can tint your hair brown with regular Lipton tea bags? You have to let it steep forever, then use it as a brown rinse. I don't think I'm going to be using tea bags on my face any time soon, since I only drink bagged tea at work--the stuff at the tea room is loose. I'm pretty sure my coworkers, who are already iffy in their opinions about my sanity (note the TQ reference when I mentioned "SANITY"), would be a little unnerved by that...

I think I have a LuNacy bunny, which will coincide with my 51st prompt. (I'm been dreading it--I like the milestone so much...not ready to start anew.)

Tracy tomorrow, right?

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Hola todo(a)s.

Unfortunately, the one computer with the Java plug-in is being used at the moment. It's also one of 2 computers with sound, and the student is using his headphones, so I don't want to interrupt. The minute the computer becomes free, though, I am going to steal it. Haha.

Where to begin?

hooked, many thanks for the Serial Drama Column. We all love seeing Jane Elliot praised! And I could not agree more with the writers analysis on Lainey Winters. Thanks for posting the clips on SaveFile. Will watch them, hopefully, later in the week when I'm at the Internet Cafe. Oh, and you already know what I thought of your story!!! (in the email) AMAZING!!!!

Lainey (our Lainey), have a safe trip. I hope this means a lot of Tracy goodness. It has to, with both of us out of town. Right? Right?!

Amello, I'd love to create a Tracy banner for you, but I don't have access to my photo program in Mexico. I've made some Tracy banners in the past though. You can find some here. There are also some in this thread. If I find the exact page, I'll direct you to it.

EDIT: There are 2 Jane Elliot banners on this page: Click Me.

3 Tracy Quartermaine ones on this page: Click Me.

1 Tracy Quartermaine one on this page: Click Me.

Ahh!!! He is off the computer!!! *pastes post into email, so I can repost it on the other computer*

knh, I wouldn't stress over the critique.

nex, I can't wait to watch your vid. Is it the Dizzy one?

brownstonegirl, welcome back!

inryon, I believe TG is returning in the beginning of October. I wish we didn't have to wait that long.

MinervaFan, thanks for sharing Regency's story. Regency, hilarious short story. I loved it...exactly what I would like to have happened. Haha.

Congrats on 300 posts, TracyLuv!!!! Here's to another 300!

Finally, I'm in here: http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Oh, I got around to watching last week's episodes. I have a lot to say (mainly, "OMG, she was soooooo gorgeous"), but I'll hold it in, 'cause I want to get into the BR! :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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hooked! your story was amazing! I loved it. I absolutely loved it. Did you stay up all night writing it? You definitely have to sign up for one of those writing classes this fall.

Ms. Q: Hope you're having a great time. We missed you last night in the breakroom. Something TQ came up that we couldn't remember and we knew that you would. Of course by this time after work, I'm so fried I can't remember what I've forgotten. LOL

knh: The guy seems like a bit of a pompous jerk. He picked out a lot of the really great things about your piece, but in the process of critiquing your work his tone shifted the emphasis from your work to him. Oh, well. At least he said some nice (and true) things!

nex: Great video! You did such a nice job with it. Thanks for sharing!

Tomorrow I'm off to see the Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor for a CT scan of my sinuses to try to diagnose the facial pain/headaches/jaw aches I've been having. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that it's nothing serious and that I'll be back to feeling like myself soon.

I have a bunch of stuff to do around the house tonight, but I'll try to swing by the breakroom later.


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Thanks BSG! I sat down this morning to write after I dragged my butt to exercise. Cleared my head and I was able to sit down and write for an hour or so.

I will be around in the breakroom about 9:30 central time or so....

Edit...It is 10:08pm central breakroom anyone? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

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coolkid: if you're lurking out there, I thought of you this weekend when I watched a few clips from the GH 25th anniversary special. JE was decked out in this gold sequins 80s evening wear extravaganza and was greeting/hugging Anna Stuart. I would love to see the two of them act together someday. Unlikely, but I can dream, can't I? :)
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TracyLove here are the clips you requested:


6-8-05 Lacy,Coleman, and Skye part 1


6-8-05 Lacy, Coleman and Skye part 2


9-28-04 Helena & Tracy as witches

If you need anything else, let me know!

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I second that, I'm kind of curious too.

Hooked, I haven't had a chance to comment on your story yet, but I read it last night and I think it's amazing! Let me tell ya, they're getting better and better! I really enjoyed the end when she talks about him atually doing what she wanted him to do. For all who don't have any idea what means, sorry, but I didn't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read it, so go do it! It's great, you should all go read it right now

It's Wednesday... I hoping for great things!

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