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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hola from NOLA (hehe it rhymes.)

Listen, reread that article. TG didn't call GF his leading lady, the *$(#&@*(# USA Today writer did that. USA Today is dumb publication. They don't even let their articles go more than a page (Really.. you'll never see "continued on page 10 in the paper! Dumb!)

GF is his FORMER leading lady.

And GH DOESN"T want her back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Very nice story!! I liked it a lot, though I was confused b/c I thought you said that it WAS a trash story. Much to my disappointment it wasn't. I', only disappointed b/c I thought it was, but i loved it in its own right. I just have to read the thread posts closer I guess.

Sorry, I can't help you with uploading a clip from a dvd. I still haven't figured it out. I'd love to be able to do it too, but I can't help you.

Minerva, I don't know if I posted anything about you story, but in case I didn't, I loved that one. It's nothing that I expected, though I don't know why b/c you usually can surprise me no matter what it is, which is a great thing.

BSG, since you asked earlier, Sunday is offially over in 24 minutes (well, here anyway), so I should be getting responses soon. I'll let you know how I make out.

As for GF and the emmy: I know I've been getting mean about her lately (I apologize, but I'm getting frustrated with her being there and not being there at the same time thing that the writers have going on), but my oppinion is that no one, I don't care who it is, should get a nom if they are only on for 1 month out of around 4 or 5 years. If it were the regular Emmy's wouldn't it be a guest starring nom and not a supporting? How fair is that to the people who do this for a living? She has a totally different life and job on the East coast and she goes back for an anniversary special and gets a nomination. And Hooked, the line I didn't like in that article was the one from Geary when he said that her return is long over due. In other things I've read he has said he'd like to leave the past in the past and that he likes where it is going now. Does he think that they can bring her back without having them together? Even if the writers woud break them up they would have to end lunacy when she comes back b/c right now she still believes that she is married to Luke. Then if he'd go along with whatever she wants, even though he's in love with Tracy, and then have to end their realtionship. Which, by the way, how would they do that? He would have to end it and he won't want to do anything that may hurt her b/c he has to protect his angel and she certainly wouldn't end it b/c if can forgive him for raping her she can let anything go.

Ok, sorry guys. I'm just thinking things out in print I guess, but if anyone has an idea.... hey, could be a good bunny! hint hint to anyone with time.

Ok, goodnight guys!

Edit: *waves at Pinkpopcicle*

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That article doesn't bother me at all. I mean what is Anthony Geary gonna say? I don't want her back? Not saying whether he does or doesn't but talk about living in groundhog day. He's been on this soap for most of his acting life (which he may not have had choice about), but could you imagine having your character live the same s/l with the same person for 30 years? UGH!!!

Some say he's had pull with what he wants. So if he does, I guess she'll be back, though paying a bundle for yet another actor to be on vacation half the year would not be a wise investment for the show I would think.

waves to pinkpopsicle! Hope all is well with you. We miss ya around here.

ETA: Page 359!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Putting the TG thing in perspective....total total speculation based only in my own fevered assumptions.

  1. The man has survived gawd knows how many years in the business by knowing how to deal with reporters and the public. What he says in interviews has a 50/50 shot of actually being what he really believes. (That's a nice way of saying I doubt he's above lying to the press to say what they want to hear and what will not get him crucified publicly. Maybe he should teach a course, and Tristan Rogers should be his first student.)
  2. TG does have pull. He is the biggest face on that show, with huge name recognition. GF has been gone only five years and has huge fan support. If TG were putting pressure on TIIC to get GF back, and the fans were putting pressure to get GF back, and the press is putting pressure on to get GF back, and if GF wanted to be back as much as she's telling the press she wants to be back, don't you think she'd be back by now? I think honestly, the LAST thing TG wants to go back to is that Luke and Laura thing. From what I've read, it totally unraveled his life in the 80s, drove him out of the country, and really just freaked him out. Whatever his personal feelings about GF may be, I doubt TG wants to relive the "glory days" of Luke and Laura.
  3. Money. Money is the big thing. Money led them to "kill" Alan (oh, and what a stupid muck they made of that!) and money, eventually, is what will decide the level of return GF has. If she's greedy, or too demanding, or just plain snotty, they won't play ball with her. She's popular, but she's not working. She's not gone on to have a career like Meg Ryan or Demi Moore. She has a store in Maine and sells stuff online. All she has going for her is nostalgia, and that's while a huge thing, the bottom line is bigger. TIIC want her back because it will help ratings and because it will make them look like the "Good Guys" for "bringing Genie back." But the fact is, if she were worth paying for and fighting for, they would have already done it.
So. My bottom line is, Genie Francis will DEFINITELY come back to GH, but on TIIC's terms. Either on contract (and not an Ingo or Tony contract, but a normal contract for normal actors--hell, even Mo Bernard doesn't have an Ingo or Tony contract...) or as a guest-star. And I think at this time, it will be in Genie's better interest to do the guest star thing, so we can look forward to seeing her about as much as we see Anna and Robert and Holly.


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First off I just want to say, I have neglected reviewing fics, and I sooo wanted to do it but got busy and forgot/let time slip away and now I'm just going to lump everyone together and say the fics I have been reading here are awesome as always.

I don't think anyone here is a bad writer.

I DO want to give a particular shout out to angel for the Beautiful Disaster update, because it is one of the first Tracy fics I found and started reading, and I LOVE it, and it just gets better and better. :)

MORE, please. :)

About TG, I also think he's going to say the most PC thing. He isn't going to just come out and say he doesn't want to do LnL again (although BOTH GF/TG have come across in interviews as being tired of it), or that he doesn't care if Laura comes back. Of COURSE he's going to say the nicest thing about Laura's return because he loves GF, and he wants for her what SHE wants.

He HAS said several times he likes what he has going with Jane, and he has also said he as an actor doesn't believe in going backward.

But, even though he *may* have pull, he doesn't ultimately determine who his character is with or what he does.

I think TG getting what he wants every time is a whole lot of bunk.

LOL at TG teaching TR any PR. I agree, someone needs to. I like Robert okay, and TR seems like a funny, charming guy now, but JFP isn't Gloria Monty and you can't just diss GH or ABC or the MOB, LOL....or the writers, and expect them to just suck it up. You also can't expect to diss your employer and still have a job, unless you are one of the mobular characters he was so busy dissing.

He AND TG spoke out about how bad the show was the second time GM came back in the early nineties, but they got away with it then, mainly because EVERYONE was saying the show stunk, critics, fans, actors, and all.

NOW, we're talking about a GH that has won best show and best writing at the Emmys in the last several years, a show that stays in the top three most of the time.

Yeah the show focuses on six characters for 90% of the airtime, but not everyone is saying the show sucks.

In fact, from the few glimpses I get of AMC/OLTL, GH *IS* the best ABC soap, and in fact, still one of the best on the air.

Yeah. So while I feel for TR, he should have went to Geary for tips on how to deal with TIIC first. CAuse I actually completely agree with their decision to not use him after some of the things he said.

As far as money, of course it's partly about money. GF said money isn't an issue. I think it is.

I doubt if they offered her SCALE to come back as Laura, that she would do it. Scale wouldn't pay for the plane tickets back and forth.

She's no doubt "up there" salary wise, and while my personal opinion is that she is and always has been a mediocre average actress, she's still half of Luke and Laura, and like Deb said, nostalgia is on her side, and THAT ALONE can get her a better asking figure.

That's her only bargaining chip though, because no one else is beating down her door. And TG has more than proven he can have a popular pairing without her, so...nostalgia and a rabid fanbase are what's going to bring her back if anything will.

I don't agree however that she will come back. Unless it's to escort TG off the screen when he retires.

I think her Medifast contract might get her more attention and more bargaining power, and her weight loss will make TIIC sit up and take notice. But I don't think it's a given at all that they will make her an offer.

As far as how it affects Lacy, I have to say, I love them most of the time, but I have seen Tracy go through soooo many different relationships that one more isn't going to bother me that much.

I'm a TracyFF, and I want what she wants, and if the writing writes it as Luke and Tracy going their separate ways, I'll deal with it when it happens.

I'm not going to fret about it or wish for it to happen, but......you know.

*waves to everyone*


Whew. Long post. :) I hope our girl is on today. She was awesome last week. Simply divine.

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Not to totally put my neck on the line here, but storyline for storyline, I actually prefer OLTL right now. There's no Tracy to suck me in, but I like a larger percent of the characters (Dorian, Vicki, Nora, Marcy, Michael, Blair, Roxy, etc.), and they have a better overall division of labor as far as acting goes. There are "stars" who show up all the time, but not in a MoBernard/Steve Burton sort of way. Nobody takes over the screen to the detriment of other characters in the way characters on GH do, and overall the storylines are a little less repetitive and a little more realistic than GH's are. Okay, so we're still trying to figure out who killed Spencer Truman (duh? Tracy Quartermaine?), but at least it's not six months of Who My Baby Daddy followed by another six months of angst because My Baby Daddy Ain't My Husband!


A gift for Mah Peeps!

(Found this on my Photobucket page and had to share the fond memories....)


Edited by MinervaFan
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Love it Deb...that is how TQ should be--arriving in style with her boy toys carrying her! Thanks for the comments on the fic too Deb. Not my typical type of story, but I just sat down yesterday and it came out.

Whew...sorry to post that TG article from USA Today. Didn't mean to stir everything up! :) I, too, think eventually GF will return, but like JFP said the business has changed. They can't offer these mega salaries and the last thing they need is another actor to have to write crazy stuff for to get them off screen for months for extended vacations. I can see how TG and the rest of them are getting sick and tired of storylines involving laura, but using the back of a head instead of a live actor.

Then they should do one of two things a) stop with the annoying Laura storylines already and move on to something else--which would require them to actually use their heads and creativity and come up with something new; or B) lime someone mentioned--wait to bring her back until TG retires and they can go riding off into the sunset together.

I totally agree with all of you--what else was TG going to say...he doens't want her back...especially to the press.

Anyway...hope she is on today too.

Oh here is a funny Monday morning story for you guys to make you laugh...the joys of little boys...

I was in my kids bathroom today and they have this little white stepstool thing in the bathroom to the sink that has a little flip top lid on the top step from pottery barn kids or something like that. Anyway, it was in there for years so my little one could reach the sink to wash his hands. Anyway, I happened to notice the top of it was not staying down so I opened it up (forgetting that there was even a compartment inside of it. And what do I find? Literally about 20 pairs of star wars, spongebob and power ranger underwear stashed in there. I was like WTF??? I was wondering why he had no underwear in his drawers and why I kept buying him more and it kept vanishing. I was cracking up!!!! So I asked him about why he was putting them in there and he said, "cause it was cwoser (closer) than the hamper" Oy!

I am going to try to write some more today if I have time!

From Soapzone...nothing so new.

My comment on that last line is "That is so sad for Tracy that she has nobody else who will help her...but good for more Tralu interaction

Edited by hookedongh
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LOL--that is so cute about your son! I hope you get to write some more. Father's Day was truly one of the best stories you've done. It felt very "free," for lack of a better term. Like you'd wrested yourself from the iron grip of plot and let yourself just write this character's life as it was in the moment. It was very powerful and poignant, and I hope to get more from you like this. (Not that I'm all that against the iron grip of plot, especially when the plots are good.)

Oh, and I figured out the cure for writers' block--read. I've been reading "The Story of Philosophy" by Will Durant (C. 1926), and I'm like, oooh, I want to write I want to write. Not that I don't want to read, but the narrative is so good and the style so beautiful that I'm inspired to write myself. I'll have to carve out some time to write this week, but I think I'm going to be okay.

And Tracy IS going to be on today. Why? Because we're supposed to have thunderstorms and bad weather, and there's like a 75% chance of GH being pre-empted by weather reports.

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So funny you said that MinervaFan cause I didn't spend one single second beforehand thinking about what I was going to write...I just sat down and wrote and you are right...I wasn't thinking of a plot at all. Oh...and I totally agree about reading is the best remedy to inspire writing! Lainey had recommend The Poisenwood Bible book to me the other night when I was looking for something to read. I started it yesterday morning and read about 50 pages or so, then was SO in the mood to sit down and write something.

If I can get these crazy kids to find something to do today..maybe I can sit down and write something else. Oh and by the way Deb...no fires in my house yesterday..(probably cause I put the bacon in the microwave instead of the stove)!!

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Deb, I wanted to tell you that you are not a horrible person, I thought the exact same thing you did and in the order. I felt bad afterward for thinking it, but it was my first reaction. I read your "Catered Affair" story and I really liked it.

Hooked, I liked you Father's Day story too! :) I was just about to post that last spoiler from SoapZone for the week of the 25th. I like the way they worded it too, it sounds very promising!

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Hey Tracyluv

I've missed you all too. Real life has been so hectic. That change in my work schedule for a week. Then I drove to MD for one of my nephews' graduation. Came back and worked my old schedule, then went to MD for my oldest nephew's wedding and then to VA the next day for yet another nephew's graduation. I just got back at 2:00 am Sunday. I should have waited until the morning, but was ready to come home. That was not wise, as I was so sleep deprived, I could have crashed at least three times. :(

I've tried to read the posts and stories. I will sum it up.

I have read most stories and liked them. The clips, take a long time to download, so will have to catch up there. Miss you Ms.Quartermaine!

I have a story that I started in April, which is a follow-up to "In the Blink of an Eye" that needs to be finished. My screencaps are way behind. Since I bought a camcorder; I have become the unofficial family videographer. The family's waiting on me to edit and send them copies.

I think the scene of Luke and Tracy kissing should have been the farewell. Edward is not nice. Lulu still bugs me. No Dillon is not realistic, given his mother's situation. Ned needs to come to his mother's rescue. Score one for Alice. Love Diane, she needs to be Tracy's lawyer or just friend. They would kick butt together! Why wasn't Jane at the awards? Or was she?

Everyone take care. Talk to you later.

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