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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Oh, Ms. Q! Thank you so much! If I weren't going to pass out from a 12 hour work day and stupid allergy testing, I'd watch all the clips right now in a row. :lol:

You rock! Have an amazing time in Mexico. It really is one of those incredible once in a lifetime opportunities, so enjoy it. It's going to be something that you'll always remember. Can't wait to hear all about your trip! Hope your teeth treat you well. ;)

¡Diviértete y buen viaje!



PS. Spoilers = um, amazing! Sounds like our girl might actually have a story!!! Maybe

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Hey guys! Long--very long time--no talk. :D

Just figured I'd drop by and wave. My ears must've been burnin' because I just read overMs. Q's job for me.

It was great to see Tracy on today, especially being a stand for the Spencer clan. I like how Lunacy's relationship has evolved on so many levels. I hope she's on during the summer and they give her a storyline.

Anyway, it felt great to post here! With graduation and work, I may not be around for a while. With that, I hope you all enjoy your summer!!!

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OMG, I miss Staci already. :(Hasta la vista, MsQ.

Lainey, I had the same reaction to the spoilers as you did. It wasn't so much


I'd love the chance for Tracy-Lulu bonding and any hope of seeing my darling Nedly would be happy-making. But Dillon...oh, Dillon, what has become of my Young Spielberg???

4XCray!!! Mad Girl! Welcome back. You have been SO missed. Feel free to post, share fanfic, pop into the Break Room a little more often, maybe.....

Now, I have to go--I have a stupid 7:30 meeting at work, and even though I won't get in trouble for being late, it doesn't look good. TTYL.

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Well my job is easy enough, Ms. Q! Miss you *blows kisses* But farewell post my a$$. Unless you can entirely kick the habit (which I doubt is possible, you'll be back in no time, especially if you can get a fix every once in a while). Hopefully I'll have the time and the desire after this class to crank out a litle lunacy fic of my own for you all. Doesn't mean much to most of you, but at least Hooked knows my stuff, so she can pisture something I guess.

I also love where this story is going, I don't see it as a bad thing at all and I think she'll get some really great screen time out of it. I just keep thinking back to the hotel hostage story when she was talking to Edward and she just stopped and said, like it was nothing, "I'm a Spencer".... ahh!

I also love that Lulu is definately bonding with her b/c she did include her when she said it was a spencer family thing. At least she didn't make it a point to exclude her. They did have a bit of a setback yesterday though. Did anyone else notice it b/c I haven't seen it mentioned? When Tracy got up to take Lulu out of the room after Scotty the sh-t got Nik to say Luke raped Laura Lulu pulled away and said "Don't touch me you're not my mother". Oh, a tear, one step forward and three back. I know it fits the storyline, but it also takes Lulu way too long to get over things, so I wanto to see if she is just going to say "wow, I was being a b-tch and that wasn't fair at all to her" and then be all buddy buddy and bail her out of jail or how that's gonna play out. I know that it will, I just don't know how they are going to rush this story. It seems like everytime something good happens for tracy she hits some huge roadblock and has to detour somewhere that makes her backtrack or just be at a standstill. Poor girl... how can you not love her?

Edited by knh
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Ok I'l say it, I didn't want to, but it seems I have to.........

there was no Tracy today. :(

I can't say if she will be on tomorrow or not, but lets keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

MinervaFan, thanks for the Soap Opera Digest link! I gave my opinion last week, I'm not sure if you can do it more than once, but I'll try again today!

Here is the link for yesterdays Spencer scenes:


Credit goes to Geena at Hella Good, she also edited them!

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I miss Ms Q already too! Haven't watched today as I was doing a bunch of stuff getting ready for my family to leave me all weekend (yippee--can't wait--ha ha) I'm renting movies, watch old Tracy DVD edits, working on a scrapbook for my mom, laying out in the sun without kids bugging me for food, drinks, to play with them, etc.

So we are all going to have to post more and chat more and write more to make up for the Staci deficit--deal???

knh--I couldn't figure out what Lulu was saying yesterday when tracy grabbed her arm and then she pulled it away (Ms Q adn I were trying to figure it out...did you find it on a transcript thing?) I did think it was interesting that it was Tracy that ran to her first...not emily, or bobbie or leslye or lucky who would have made more sense. I hope they do bond this summer like they did last summer...little lulu should be damn happy to have Tracy on her side...

Lainey...hope your day got better

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I have two confirmed, but small, spoilers for our girl. They come from SON (I cannot do that whole black out thing so here it goes)

For next week:

Tracy and Luke come up with a plan of their own.

PreVUE Week of June 11:

Wednesday: Is Tracy placing her trust in the right person?

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