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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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brownstonegirl, I can't believe that thought didn't cross my mind. It's SO obvious. LOL. I guess I got confused 'cause SoapDish thought it had something to do with the will.

hooked, I noticed her stumbling, but I chalked it up to people getting tongue tied in real life.

I have A LOT of spoilers. I also fanfic to share. Spoilers first. Fanfic later.

Wizard: Week of June 11th





SON: Week of June 11th



Wizard: Week of June 18th

Spoiler: (repeat)


Fanfic (Waiting Room) will be posted later. As for now, I must go use my algebra skills and help my brother study for his math final. Ahh...Isn't being home with the family so wonderful? [/sarcasm] Kidding. Sort of. I love them. But I don't really think I remember much about algebra...

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From earlier tonight: brownstonegirl, I will see about uploading the Luke/Laura/Tracy clips before I go. I want to, but SaveFile is a pain in the butt a lot of time, and last minute (err, day) preparations are nuts, LOL. If I don't upload, this site has them. The dates with Tracy are 11/2, 11/3, 11/6, 11/7 (A MUST SEE EPISODE), 11/13, 11/14, 11/16, 11/21, and 11/27. hooked also mentioned that she could post clips if I don't. :)

WAITING ROOM IS FINISHED!!!!! Thanks Deb for looking it over!

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

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No way did you just end it with us not knowing?????? You better be writing the sequel in Mexico! LOL! It was very good though Ms Q--even stayed up an extra 20 minute to read it!!! Thanks for posting it before you left.

You know we will miss you a ton this summer! Going away party for Ms Q tomorrow in the breakroom!

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MsQ, I know the clock is ticking on Mexico--I'm excited for you and depressed to see you go. I know you'll have a grand adventure and come back worldly and sophisticated. :D I don't know if I'll be able to join you guys in the chat room tonight, so I'll just wish you the best now.

Oh, and I'm 2/3 through a new fic. Not smut, one of my arty-farty depressing things (this is what comes of me skipping my meds for a day). Ned is featured heavily. I'll try to post tomorrow, if at all possible.

Oh, and Tracy should be on again today. Does anyone have the clips from yesterday?

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Another Gift!

(completed last week, but not being shared’ til now)

WE BELONG (Megaupload)

WE BELONG (Sendspace)

More Banners...


I love that final cap of her. Caps from Clarissa.


Part of my Monica/Tracy obsession. It’s all Waiting Room's fault. Caps from Clarissa.


You all know how I feel about the hair even though it's not that bad in the 2nd an 4th pics...Speaking of, I love her expression in those 2 pics. Caps from pinkpopsicle.


Just tried a different lighting.

And my FAVORITE!!!


Caps from pinkpopsicle again. This banner almost looks kind of "promo-ish," doesn't it? Or is it just me?


Paraphrased, for the most part, because I'm in a paraphrasing sort of mood... (I've included all parts of the SL in here too). We have seen most of these before, but here it is in one place. :)

Man, she gets more spoilers now than she did when LuNacy were on the canvas together. LOL. SoapDish speculates that Edward and Scotty are working together to have Tracy commited. I think it's going to happen, folks. I don't really think they're going to give Jane Elliot off the whole summer (even though they practically did that in 2005). Maybe she's just going on vacation, and Tracy will be back in a couple weeks?

OFF TOPIC QUESTION: So, I'm bringing a cell phone to Mexico. I won't be able to make calls ('cause I don't have an interational plan), but will the alarm clock still work on it? I don't know if it's going to pick up the "time" or whatever from those tower thingies...I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm just wondering if that's going to be suitable for an alarm clock, or if I'm going to have to bring a real one.

CLIPS OF YESTERDAY. Credit Geena of HellaGood. Geena edited them to all Spencer and Q's scenes.

hooked, I had a 24 time limit with the fic. The time was up. :lol: Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks Deb for the well wishes.

I will be around for much of the day, in and out, and that kind of thing. Wow. I’m going to miss this place so much. :(

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Double posting to SPREAD SOME GOOD NEWS (for hooked and smirks especially)...

While there are no Soap Opera Digest summer previews for our girl in particular, there IS this...

Tracy HAS to be around for that, right? She has to be!!! You can't have the

without her! I mean, you can, but that would be stupid not to use her if the actress is on contract. Maybe

Maybe, maybe, maybe. You'll all have to keep me posted via email. :D

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To answer your question Staci, your alarm clock on your cell phone should work. The time change should be picked up when you turn your phone back on after you arrive in Mexico. The only problem you might have is getting hit with roaming charges. BTW, thanks for posting yesterdays clips I was getting ready to do it last night but it was really late and thought I would do it first thing in the morning. I'm in the process of downloading your vid, I'll give you feedback later, but I know I will love it! Oh, and love your banners!

Off to read the final chapters of Waiting Room!!!!!

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Ohhhhh Stace...those spoilers sound great...especially the part about Lulu bailing her out of jail! And Ned coming back...now that is some happy news! IT better be to run ELQ while Tracy is committed (nice that alan will warn her). Glad it seems she will be part of the plan to kidnap laura and not left in the dust to wonder what the hell happened.

Not watching GH live now...just got home...will watch it later. Wanted to see if Ms. Q was around for a bit! Thanks for the video gift! I will watch it now. Love the banners!

http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/104934 I am working on the computer for about two hours (it is 2:10 central) if you are around Ms Q or anyone...

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Ms Q...loved the going away "We Belong" video! Loved how you edited in all those hugs in a row! Wow...we have had more hugs in the past couple months than the whole two years.

Who is going to make us videos while you are gone??? You other video makers better step up to fill the void--ha ha! Or I just might have to learn how to do it (oy..just what I need, another thing to distract me from RL! :)

Edited by hookedongh
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The next weeks should be incl. good stuff with Tracy. I'm looking farward to see Tracy with Lulu and Scotty. And I hope we see lots of Tracy even though TG is on vacation.

Some spoilers:

Nikolas is opposed to Luke’s plan to whisk Laura away but Lulu argues it is the best thing to do for their mother. Luke and Tracy put their plan in motion and manage to pull it off. Scott gets an unexpected surprise when he arrives at Rose Lawn to take Laura away. Lulu, Lucky and Nikolas say their goodbyes as Luke takes off for parts unknown with Laura. Tracy insists that Lulu move back into the mansion. The Quartermaines put their arguing aside and rally around Tracy when Scott accuses her of helping Luke kidnap Laura. Alan warns Tracy that their father is up to no good. Scott takes action against Tracy. Lulu seems to be the only one concerned when Scott has Tracy arrested for kidnapping. Tracy confronts her family for not helping her after Lulu bails her out but Alan’s ghost warns her that Edward to up to something.

Edited by SeanM
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*enters thread*

*grabs mic*

*clears throat*

I suppose this is what we will call the "farewell post" because tomorrow morning, at the ridiculous time of 2:45AM, I will be heading to the airport to leave for Mexico. Err...Well, Dallas, and then Mexico, because a non-stop flight would've made too much sense. I should stop with the bitterness, huh? *smiles*

So...I will have internet access out there, although limited. It's also going to cost me a bit. Not much (or it shouldn’t be much; $1.00 an hour or so). I will not be on a lot, of course, but I'll have to stop in. Email might be the best, as some of us have been discussing in the breakroom. I have a family account, school account, and online friends account, so I will be checking those when I do have access to a computer. And let's be realistic here. You put me in front a computer with the internet. What are the chances that I am NOT going to at least peek in the thread? ; ) If Matt (turns out he prefers Matt, not Matthew) is in close proximity, however, I might not be able to though, LOL. Oh, I've done some Googling: HERE IS A PICTURE of an internet cafe in Taxco, Mexico.

Jobs for some of you (ha, as if I'm the Princess of the thread or something)

Also, individual comments and such...

(in no particular order)

hooked: Hair/Wardrobe updates (i.e. pelo con oomph) LOL; also add points to TQ in the Character Game at HG. Thanks for all the chatting you've done with me in the breakroom!!! I'm going to miss that so much!!!

nex: Edited clips if you can (You might get lucky if Geena still is doing the clips by story); you too can add TQ points. You'll be the first to know if my cell phone's alarm doesn't work out there - J/K. I'm going to miss you!

TracyLuv: As another HG poster, I give you the job of giving her more points there, LOL. (BTW, I hope you're having a wonderful time on your cruise). You're another one that used to "live" in the breakroom, LOL. Going to miss that this summer.

MinervaFan: I might be emailing you in desperate need of words of wisdom, but I think it's going to be fine. Also, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you enjoy your day.

Lainey: Try and keep up the postivity while I'm gone. We all might need it if TQ's locked away in Shady Brook. :o

knh, hope you continue to enjoy your creative writing class! Enjoy the summer!

smirks: Can you make a Tracy video? Pretty please?!? LOL. LuNacy clips have been added to (the links are in that super long PM I sent you; the longest PM in the history of PMs...haha). And, enjoy your Nedly this summer!

Keith: Your job is to post at least 2 times while I'm gone, LOL. We miss you.

coolkid: See Keith.

kenna: See coolkid and Keith. You're another one with a birthday while I'm gone. June something, IIRC. Hope it's WONDERFUL.

4XCrazy: See coolkid and Keith.

angel, Regency, tracyluver, 4XCrazy (who hasn't been around in FOREVER), enjoy your summer vacation!

tracyluver, congrats on graduation! I know you're going speech is going to be GREAT!

Lady Ashton, if I haven't told you recently, I'm enjoying your story so much! Thanks for all the wonderful Tracy/Larry clips. Do we get more while I'm away? Haha.

ILoveTracyQ, me being in Mexico means I won't be talking to my sister about GH!!! LOL. That'll be good for you, as you won't get emails of me complaining about her. Haha.

pinkpopsicle, here's hoping Tracy's on a lot, but not TOO much, 'cause I don't want you to have a whole lot to screencap! Hope your work schedule works out.

brownstonegirl, I added the Laura/Tracy/Luke, Tracy/Luke, Tracy/Dillon, Tracy/Edward scenes surrounding Laura's return to the 2006 section. I hope you enjoy the scenes. :D

Sean M, welcome to the thread!

To EVERYONE (and to anyone I might have forgetten, and oh wow, I hope I have not forgetten anyone): THANK YOU for your continued "real life" support and the sometimes whacky discussions about a fictional character! Just keep the thread moving if you can. (We all know RL gets in the way). I would request more fan fiction, but that would be extremely hypocritical as I haven't updated Oh, Baby since...Well...Hmm. Well, I can't remember -- Ha. So! I'll settle on all of you posting lots and lots of Tracy Quartermaine LOVE! Now, let's hope that I have the same luck as Lainey when she goes out of town. Lainey leaves; we get TQ goodness. Hopefully, it works like that when I leave too! Love you all!


*wipes tears*


I WILL be in the breakroom a little bit later tonight. Can't promise it will be for long, but I'll have to stop in to see who's around. I will post a link. :D

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Um... Friend... I think your 'Lainey Luck' has kicked in EARLY!

HOLY COW!!!!!!!

I won't need to "keep up any positivity, if HALF of what you've posted below is true. All we need is HALF.. and it will be a TQ/LuNacy Lovers PARADISE this summer (which is pretty amazing considering one half of LuNacy will be in Amsterdamn living the high life).


You guys, this is the BEST we could do. THE BEST!!!!!

He's not leaving TQ high and dry.

And she HELPS him with his master plan, and then apparently takes the fall for it (for at least a little while). AND!! his daughter comes to her rescue (I so have to write a little TQ-Lulu bonding story).

TIIC seems to be writing LuNacy as the "dream scheme team." I HOPE IT'S TRUE. I HOPE IT'S TRUE. I HOPE IT'S TRUE.


WHEN HE COMES BACK, IF HE IS NOT 1000000% COMMITTED TO HER AND NOT 100000% OVER LAURA, i'm heading out to LA and kicking some a$$ on the GH set.

This is good stuff, folks. It's really really really good stuff!!!

Now.. all we need is a hot and heavy good-bye scene (Uh... i may be positive, but i'm not crazy. I'm NOT holding my breath)

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