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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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New TrAsh fic! Thanks to Hooked and...ooh, I don't remember who else was in the chat room that night--but thanks to you both for the insane idea. I hope it worked to your satisfaction.

100 Situations #44- Stuck. "Limo." Newlyweds Tracy and Larry Ashton search for some privacy while visiting her parent's home in New York. URL: http://community.livejournal.com/tq_ficathon/83020.html

*bops off to read Angel's new chapter and new LuNacy fic on FF.net*

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Hey Deb...that was adorable! So light and funny! Perfect! :D Totaly getting me in the mood to write some more TrAsh! BTW...who else would have been in the room besides LADYASHTON!!!! The Trash queen!!!

I am totally going to continue my TrAsh saga...they are just so much fun to write! Thanks for sharing and for writing that story! Totally brightened my day! Now I have to go clean out my closet--fun fun fun!

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angel, I totally did not see the Jennifer part coming. So glad you were able to update. Are you done with school for the summer?

MinervaFan, first of all, you're incredible. Thanks. :) (You have more mail, BTW). And second of all, I loved the TrAsh. I didn't mind the style you used at all. I thought it worked well. Hilarious too.

hooked, looking forward to your TrAsh! Gosh, that is such an awesome shipper name. It really, really is. LOL.

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Thanks, I was trying to make it as much of a surprise as possible. I don't want you all to get bored with the story lol. And yes I am done with school (as of May 21st) for the summer. I plan to get this story almost (if not fully) done by the end of the summer. Yeah well, we'll see how that goes haha.

MinervaFan, *loved* the TrAsh fic! Funny, sweet, cute, and other positive adjectives.

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Oh My God!! I'm so happy there are so many new stories/chapters up!!! I just got back from the 1 year old's birthday party. I had a lot of fun, he's so cute! I have to finish typing my new story for class right now, but I'll read all the stories that are posted after that and comment later on. I'm sure they're great. Later guys!

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Hey, if anybody has emailed me in the last 24 hours, I am not ignoring you. For some reason, I cannot access the Comcast home page or email page. So I'm pretty much dead in the water until that gets straightened out. Just thought I'd let you know.

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Ughhh...I woke up at 7:30 today cause my son has a tennis lesson at 8:30...I walked the dog and it started raining cats and dogs. Now I can't go back to sleep and I am sure there is no lesson and it is such the perfect rainy day to sleep late! Oh well...guess I should clean up my house as we are having like 40 people over for a barbecue around 2pm---which is going to suck if it is raining out cause I don't want them in my house ! :)

Is GH on today? Probably huh? No TQ thought right Ms Q? At least we don't think...til tomorrow

I saw on some Wub spoiler that alan might start hautning monica this summer when she falls for a new young doctor? Could that be? I sure hope so for LC's sake...could give JE some storyline while TG is away (like maybe Alan wants her to help break it up). Who knows...

Minerva...hope your email is back up soon.

Lainey...hope you are having a fun weekend

LadyAshton...hope you are writing anothe chapter

knh...how is the book coming?

Pinkpopsicle Thanks for the screencaps...have you been writing at all lately?

Ms Q...it's coming down to the wire huh...only a few more days til you leave us for the summer (kind of like TG--you sure you aren't going to Amsterdam with him instead of mexico? Ha ha)

Chat with you guys later...

Edited by hookedongh
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Slowly, now that I have my classes, but surely. Right now (I have my next story finished a week early) I have a longer short story due. As of this moment I don't think I have any guidelines for this one so I was thinking of using that scene from the docks, Hooked, what do you think? I will be changing it of course b/c it's not part of a whole book anymore, but still. I was going to do the longer scene, the second one at the dock where she is sitting there thinking about yata yata and he shows up too. I don't think I will have him as a character for this story. I want it to just be her thoughts. I'll send you a link when I've finished it.

edit: for anyone who wants to read it... ie. Hooked, here is the newest story for my class. I was supposed to write a story in which the character is doing one thnk and thinking about another. Those were the only guidelines. Carrie, let me know what you think b/c I want to see if I got where I was trying to go without telling you first. Thanks!!


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knh...that SOOOO could have been my life you were writing about. Very good story. Love it. Love the carpool kids superhero thing! I can so relate! And the making lunches part...I loathe making lunches!!! And the waking up part was so realistic as well!

Great job.

So only I could manage to have all these people over and not cook one single thing! My husbad is grilling everything...and when people asked I told them to bring everything from fruit, to coleslaw to desserts to corn bread, to dips, etc.... I DON"T HAVE TO MAKE ANYTHING--I am so happy (and extremely lazy)

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Thanks so much for reading that for me. Didn't expect it right away, you got right on it!! Have a great time at your party! (I don't knwo when it's over, otherwise, hope you had a great time. Nicely done with all the food, by the way! That's a special kind of talent to find a way around all the food prep. It's such a pain in the arse and we can never do that here. I have my aunt's wedding shower next weekend and we have to do it all b/c that's the way my mother is... argh!!!

Anyway, thanks again.

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Too bad, Memorial Day doesn't fall on Tracy Tuesdays. Sigh. I was hoping to watch TQ live on GH. But Tracy looked amazing in the two second preview for tomorrow. :D

This weekend my husband and I were traveling to visit his family and I was late meeting up with him, so he was in a grumpy mood and as we were settling into our seats he was getting frustrated putting my bag in the overhead compartment. It wouldn't fit and wouldn't fit and he was struggling with it and struggling with it and I kept telling him it was fine and I would just stow it under my seat, but he persisted. Basically he was just being ridiculous about something that was silly and simple so I gave him a Tracylike "you can't argue with this logic" dressing down, I wish I could remember what I said, it had something to do with did it ever occur to him that I might want some of the work in my bag for the trip and it was my bag and my problem, so don't worry about it. Something in the inflection was very JE. LOL. Have any of you ever Tracy'd anyone?


PS. Ms. Q: I loved your I Love You vid!!

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Whoa, Tracy tomorrow... It's a thread at SOC started by Regency. :) Go spread the love if you can.

knh, great job! Some of that sounded like my mom. Especially the making lunches part and the "Oh, how we hate to get up in the morning song." She used to do that everyday! :lol:

brownstonegirl, we've missed ya! Glad you enjoyed the video. I'm trying to think of some "Tracy story" to share. I know I've caught myself saying something that sounded like her. My sister once told me, "Oh my God. You even sound like Tracy now!" :o But I can't remember what I said or when I said it. :lol: Oh, I used to say "dear" a lot during the Tracy/Helena/Nik/Em SL. IIRC, Tracy and Helena both used that term a lot during that SL, I think.

pinkpopsicle, many thanks for the caps. I love that look on her in Thursday's episode. Not even that "big" on the hair, but she was so pretty! Hope you're getting some much needed sleep!

hooked, why are you reminding me?!? I don't wanna go!!! I mean, I want to go, but I...I'm conflicted. LOL. Hope the party is going (went) well!

MinervaFan, good luck with the email. I about cried when I couldn't access my one account, but eventually it started working again. Whew.

nex, hope you're enjoying your weekend out of town. More people are targetting Tracy at HG!!! She went from like 64 to 60 in less than a day. I think she's up to 63 again though. *crosses fingers*

TracyLuv, I know you'll be gone 'til next week, but I hope you're having a good time.

As previously mentioned, Tracy is on tomorrow! SON Radio Show has her on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I couldn't see the bottom portion of the outfit, but if we're lucky, the white jacket is short, and she's wearing black pants. I'm still not digging the hair.

In other news, I wrote some of Waiting Room today. I really, really, really hope to finish it for you all by the time I leave. Hopefully, a little before, so I can read all your reviews!!! Haha.

EDIT: No Tracy in this clip (although Lila mentions her), but freakin' hilarious. I didn't even hate Sonny and Jason. It's Thanksgiving at the Q's, 1996: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzT4nRrAAQA

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Thanks! That part is actually exactly what my mother used to do. Her dada was in the navy and he woke them all up that way, so she felt like since she had to suffer so did I. At least that's the way she put it when I yelled at her to let me sleep. She'd wake me up, rip off all my sheet (which was a massive pain in the ass by the way), sit on me and start sining it. I hate that song!!! Except I sort of like it b/c it reminds me of my grandfather (so grandpa, if you see me typing this, I'm sorry, i didn't mean it :wub: I love you).

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MinervaFan, you are the Goddess of TrAsh! Fab-you-luss story! I liked the way you wrote with only dialogue. I think it worked very well for this story. You are always so original :)

I have finally finished the latest chapter of my story. Still doesn't have a name.....it needs a name <_<


Happy Reading!

edit: I just read the limo story again - it gets better every time I read it! It is totally a senario that could have happened to them. I can see it like a movie in my head...Deb you captured them so perfectly :D

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