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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OH PinkPopSicle I totally hear you and I know what you're saying.

I pretty much agree.

My personaL feeling is that part of what the boards are for is to release steam and rant about characters.

To say what we wouldn't say to TIIC even if we wrote a letter or called.

And I have no problem on a personal level with character dislike, it's absurd to think we're all going to like the same things. I think for some of us the ONLY thing we agree on is Tracy love. Or almost the only thing. LOL

I just think in this instance, it's not fair to take it out on Laura.

Cause this time, it's not Laura's fault that Luke is a putz.

But again, I'm not the board police and I hate being told by someone who's not a mod, what I should and should not post, so I'll leave it at that.

It was just a thought.

I haven't watched Wednesday's eppy yet so I can't comment on how Luke acted.

I think it's clear as I said, that LUke will always put Laura or things pertaining to Laura first.

I, like you, Pink,, think it's absurd that LUke fell in love with Holly, had multiple affairs WHEN LAURA WAS THERE, and was semi-serious about Skye, yet is treating his wife like CRAP and we're suddenly supposed to believe he can't move past Laura.

It's ridiculous. No one is saying he has to love Tracy MORE.

I think it's CRAP he can't love again, and I think it's just Guza or Geary or someone's way of stalling for whatever reason.

I don't think Geary gives a crap what the fans think in terms of what he plays.

I think he loves the people, I just think he believes they should have nothing to say about how the plot moves.

And I have to say, I support that idea.

So I have to wonder though, who's stalling and why.

I think it's mostly Guza, I think he has no idea what to do with them in order to move forward, which is why they never do, which is just SAD.

Because if you don't know what to do with the two most dynamic characters on the show, played by the two best performers, you need to hand the reins over to someone who does.

Anyway. *shrug*

spoiler talk

whiting out:

I think Guza is going to take Tracy back to parts of her youth and childhood for whatever reason, when Alan visits her. I don't know if there's a purpose to this or not, but I have the feeling that we will see Alan and Tracy in a scene, and Tracy will look in the mirror and see herself and her brother as young children during part of his "visits".

I'm rambling, I haven't heard that confirmed anywhere, just my thoughts.

spoiler talk over.

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To whoever was logged on as "TracyLove" last night on the chat, thank you! I finished reading the transcript and feel much better about yesterday. Yes, Luke kept his physical and emotional distance form Tracy, but in retrospect, that's just perfectly in character for both of them.

Your comments gave me a lot to think about. First, Tracy needs physical affection and closeness in times of great grief and pain, but she doesn't Want it. What she wants is to keep her walls up, to put on that strong Quartermaine face, and to never let anybody know she's hurting inside. With Dillon, she can't keep it up. She will accept warmth from him, but she is still the Mommy and still in the position of power. With Ned, he doesn't wait for her--he just barrels through her defenses and forces her to accept comfort from him. He forced her to let him hold her when Lila died, and he didn't really wait for an engraved invitation yesterday, either. Her thank you was pretty evident that she didn't want to have to ask, and that she was grateful that he offered.

Luke, however, is not one of Tracy's sons, and he hasn't had an entire lifetime to learn how to read her. Dillon and Ned seem to know when they have to push through Tracy's defense mechanisms--probably a survival skill they learned early on. They know the difference between when she means "don't touch me" and when "don't touch me" actually translates to "I can't bear this, I'm afraid, you can touch me, but you're gonna have to try hard to do it, I will fight you, but if you succeed, I'll be eternally grateful to you for being so brave...."

Luke is still in that place where he needs, as TracyLove put it, to be invited to show affection to Tracy. No matter how close they get, Luke is not a Quartermaine. He is not "family" yet, and he knows it. He knows he's going to have to wait for Tracy to make the first move, especially at this time. I kind of wish he was not so hopped up on AntiScott pills right now, because he looks like an ass. But I think yeah, he's handling Tracy the only way he knows how to handle Tracy--which is to let Tracy handle herself. She's a big girl, and if she needs help, she'll pretend not to ask for it like she always does. I think he will come around, because I think Tracy will eventually have nothing else to focus on to distract her from her grief. Hopefully, Luke will be there for her, and not off giving Laura a pedicure.....


Edited by MinervaFan
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After a not-so-good night's sleep, I have changed my perspective somewhat. Heh, what choice do I have right? Anyway, in thinking about the sweeps and hostage crisis which took place in less than 24 of GH hours (and 3 weeks in our time), we got Luke coming home after weeks (for GH, but months for us), telling Tracy he wanted to stay Mr. Tracy, we got a kiss, we got Luke attempting to save Alan's (Tracy's brother) life, we got a hug, we got "together time" with them at the hospital and we got an apology to Tracy when Luke came home. Granted, not an apology that he wasn't there for her, but an apology that he wasn't there for the sake of Alan's memory and what it meant to him. Still this is an apology to Tracy for her BECAUSE, Luke knows that because Tracy is his wife, and Alan was his brother in law, it was sort of his "duty" (and I use that term lightly of course) as Tracy's husband, to show respect. So ALL of that in less than 24 hours GH time is not too bad when I think about it that way.

Also, I want to take my cue from Tracy, she was not in that hospital looking all over for Luke, it didn't seem to bother her that he was not there when she got the news, or that he didn't come soon after (besides the fact that he had not known). She seemd content to be there with Dillon. So I think that Luke not being there bothered some of us more than it bothered Tracy. So I'm going to have to take my que from her. As long as it doesn't bother Tracy, I can't let it bother me. I just can't cause it makes me nuts!!

As far as bashing Laura... well I expressed my opinion that she is boring. That is my opinion. Just like many people on here have stuff to say about Lulu, Dillon, Sonny, Jason, and Sam (well that one's certainly understandable-eek!), and I like them. With the exception of Sam of course. Do I have something to say if someone has an opinion about the aforementioned people, no. Am I offended, no. I watch the show for Tracy and LuNacy. And I am A Tracy fan FIRST and LuNacy fan SECOND, as are a good number of people on this thread. If I am wrong, correct me. And even when we like another actor on the show we often express our opinion of them whether we like them or not if we feel they are a threat to Tracy or LuNacy. If I am not allowed to express that I think Laura is boring. I'll go somewhere else. Thank you.

If you are referring to the comment I made about Laura having to drop 20 lbs - my point with that is that if these fans think that LnL are going to be a supercouple again - that status comes with the requirement of "perfection". I have no problem with Laura's weight. Hell our girl is a little thick (and luscious:)) going south herself. So I am not bashing Laura's weight. Laura is a threat to LuNacy, therefore I dont like her at this point in time. Hell I could care less if Laura stays till the end of time because I can FF my remote. I just want LuNacy to stay and be together for once, without the obstacles one after the other.

Lainey, after you left the breakroom last night, I said, OMG lainey's in denial - LOL You are not in denial, you are just good at the positivity that I know I happen to be lacking in.

Oh, one last note: I love Tracy's new haircut. I kinda liked the jacket, it was cute, but could have fit her better. AND She was totally fabulous in all her dialogues with everyone. I TRULY LOVE TRACY SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

Edited by TracyLuv
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Well, like I said, I wasn't telling someone what to post or what not to. That would be useless anyway, since we're all going to post whatever we want, and as long as the post isn't an anti Tracy post I can't say that it does or does not belong in here.

*shrug* I was just thinking of Reg and Deb.

I'm not a moderator, and I meant no offense, to you TracyLuv, or to anyone else. And of course, don't leave and post somewhere else. You know I love ya and I love reading your posts.


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TracyLuv, you go somewhere else, and we'll track you down like the dog you are and drag you back. :D

ILTQ, I love that you are thinking about me and my obsessive need for positivity and an angst-free environment. That makes me want to share my chocolate covered Prozac with you.

I don't think we have to be obsessive on this board, but I do think it's a good idea to remember that the character/actor you trash may be the next person's favorite character.

I personally watch GH for Tracy, period. But I do like other characters. I will have my WTF moments with characters like Carly and Dillon, but overall, I try not to trash any characters or actors.

Those of you who have been with me in the Break Room know that I don't always succeed...

But the most important thing is that Tracy is FABULOUS and She must be referred to in terms of utmost respect and reverence.

Beyond that, you're on your own, beyotches.

Edited to add SMILIES! :D:D

Edited by MinervaFan
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About the bashing...I'm afraid I have not been so innocent especially as of late. Remember this? :ph34r: (Does this smiley ring a bell? *cough Jason cough*) I'm sorry for any comments that people might have taken offense to. (offense of? offense towards? Ah, you all know what I mean...)

PinkPopsicle, interesting perspective on all of this. I actually think one of us might have mentioned this before, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it does look like his goal is to get her angry enough, so that she calls it quits. Jerk. (Luke, not you. ;))

MinervaFan, it's strange that you mentioned Luke hitting the road, 'cause last night I was thinking about much better it would have been if he was on another one of his adventures right now. Yeah, I'd be angry with him for leaving Tracy in the first place, but I wouldn't have been angry with him for not offering his support to her now. That aside...Great analysis of Ned/Dillon/Luke. I am feeling a little better about this whole thing, so that's good. :)


Any thoughts?

And SQUEE! Tracy's on today. If only I could jump through that screen and give her hair some "oomph." (Yes, I'm still on THAT). And we already know how I feel about the outfit...

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I don't mind her hair, Stace, but I hate that red top. Yes, the red part is great, but the cut is atrocious. It will never make it into a video, will it?

About the spumor, that actually makes sense. It's much better to just add that contingency than to just change it altogether....

Not that anyone is going to believe it.

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Hey everyone! Sorry I missed the later chat last night, but I was in desperate need to sleep last night and went to bed at 10pm.

I spent all day today with my friend who just was diagnosed with breast cancer on a drive out to the lake to sit and talk. It was so nice to get away from RL and to be away from my computer for a day. She is going to be fine as it is stage zero...but coming home and getting back online sort of put things in perspective. it struck me that we should all just be thankful we are here and healthy and can post about whatever we want to.....

We all love Tracy and have been fortunate enough to find other people who love her and her character as much we all do. So....let's just be thankful we have her to enterain us and we get to see her way more lately than we have in a long, long time!! And that we have a forum to discuss it all...since most RL people don't give a flip--ha ha

And...as much as all the spoiler stuff is interesting...I think I enjoyed GH way more when I just watched it and didn't worry about every little nuance of dialogue.. (However...I must admit I am the first one highlighting the blacked out or whited out lines :)

Sorry for my interspective mood.....at least I can look forward to watching her again on my tv screen on TIVO today---yeah!!!!

PS the funny thing was my friend who has the cancer was telling me on our two hour drive that she has gotten addicted to GH again during the hostage crisis, so that gave us about 30 minutes worth of stuff to talk about! :)

I will for sure be around tonight to chat...I am recharged after my good night's sleep.

TracyLuv---Now way are you leaving to go elsewhere...like Deb said, we will hunt you down and find you. I might have to fly to NYC myself!

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FYI--I found out today that JenBigley who sells the GH DVD edits bought someone's old tape collection from 89-91 and if they are good quality when she gets them, she is going to do a total Tracy edit from the time of her return in 1989 that would include all of that time period (which would include scotty affair, etc).

She is also doing a Ned/Jenny #5 which will have when tracy hit her in her car and got banished (not so looking forward to that one) and a Luke Tracy #4 which will end with this whole alan death thing.

Something to look forward to...

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We all have out opinions and perspectives on scenes. I don't give Luke a pass for yesterday, because he did not hesitate to hug her when she came to him on the street, when all the world was watching. Alan was still alive. Now that he is dead, he should know that Tracy needs him. I don't know why they are writing it like this, but it's stupid. He's being insensitive in my opinion. I don't want her to keep taking his crap. It makes her look pathetic.

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I have to disagree, pinkpopsicle. In the street, they were in a comfort zone. There was hope. With Alan dead, Luke knows better. Like others have said, she may need it, but she doens't want it. We can love our girl to death, but she's a thorny little wench, especially when it comes to this stuff. And I generally don't give the dude a pass. It's a character quirk they both share, really. When it could be okay, comfort is welcome. When it's absolutely not okay--watch out.

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Yes Deb, I know what you mean. I was wracking my brain to make some sense of it because I DO believe that Luke really does love Tracy. But I also think that Luke really doesn't know what Tracy wants half the time because she closes herself off.

Heck when she got the news that Alan died, she walked over to the elevator and had her forehead resting up against the wall, alone, by herself. I was wondering why she didn't grab her father and hug him or Monica (well I guess I couldn't really see her doing that). But I feel she didn't do it, because it's not "Tracy", to do it. It is 'Tracy' however to cut herself off from others and deal with her own pain, on her terms. When Luke hugged Tracy in the street in front of the metrocourt, SHE approached him with her hands out, and he took her hands in his. I am beginning to notice that Luke takes his que from Tracy. And I believe he hugged her at that time not only because he wanted to but because at that point in time Tracy was open to receive it. Something Tracy does not do often. There was also the scene before Luke went into the MC to rescue Lulu, Tracy grabbed Luke to kiss him, he was surprised but he liked it:). Just because he didn't initiate the kiss, or a hug doesn't mean he doesn't want to do it. He's just waiting for mama to give him his que, IMO. Hopefully, in time Luke will know Tracy enough to give affection when HE feels it, without holding back.

And I have no idea to that TraceLove is ;)

And BTW, I ain't goin' nowhere. Not for now anyway, so call off the dogs B)

Edited by TracyLuv
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I don't know where I stand on this because I see both sides. *tosses hands into air*

Good news: Tracy had a jacket/shawl thing over the hideous outfit.

Bad news: Ms. Q's still wants to do something about that hair.

SOC posters: Go forth and discuss your girl. We got a Carly/Tracy thread, a Alexis/Tracy thread, a Luke/Tracy thread, and the Dillon/Tracy one might on the second or third page in case one of us wants to bump it up. :)

hooked, your fic has been read and reviewed at FF.net. I loved it so much.

Breakroom? http://pub13.bravenet.com/chat/show.php/1049349012

Oh, how come no one has commented on this from the page before? ;) Click to enlarge. One_JE.jpg

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