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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow...that was awesome! What a great way to start the moring! I loved it. Thanks for posting the link for us. I stayed up til 2am last night writing part 3 of mine and was going to post it this morning, but I think I should wait a bit....her story (whoever she is) is too good!!!

Have a great day everyone!

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Yay! The internet is BACK!!! OT, but I was the high school this morning at 6:45am (I got to grade stuff...SQUEE! Actually, I hate grading, but it's better than just sitting there and writing about what is happening; I like it better when I get to move around and help out...but whatever, grading is just fine; see Ms. Q rambles just as much here as she does in RL). ANYWAY...after I got done there, I headed home and decided I needed a short, short, short nap. Quick, not even 20 minutes. The *moment* I fell asleep (or was about to fall asleep), the phone rang and scared the !@#$ out of me. That never happens. It was just the phone. I don't even jump when I keep the cell-phone in the pillow-case and use it as an alarm. *shrugs* I'm about to head out again though in 5 mins, but first...

Topic: I have so much fanfic to catch up. Regency, hooked, and the newest poster at LiveJournal..I'm sure it's all very, very wonderful. I'm sorry I've been so far behind.

coolkid and pinkpopsicle, yay! You're posting again!!!

Lainey, that LuNacy scene so should have happened. Someone should write it. ;)

And, NED RETURNS TODAY!!!! (Can we get a Ned/Tracy ILY scene, please?!?)

*waves to MinervaFan*

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Well it's official:

Those who are spoiler free, I'm whiting it out cause it's a doozy:


Scott DID kill Rick Webber, as stated on the cover of SOD according to SZ

And the SOW shows GH wants GF back.

If they try to say Tracy and Scott acted together on this, I say we all drive down to LA and chain ourselves to Guza's car until he changes it.

Anyone with me? :)


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Okay, another thought:

also whited out:


SoapKing has already confirmed I think, that Tracy asks Carly to help convince Lulu to stop investigating Rick Webber's killer.

I think SK also said Tracy asks MOnica not to tell Luke what Lulu is doing.

I think it could be that when Tracy heard Lulu and Dillon asking questions about Monica and Rick, she went to her brother and Alan told her he suspected Scott or knew SCott had done it.

Tracy went to SCott to confront him, and Scott has blackmail material on her.

Scott told her if she ratted him out, he'd reveal what he has on her.

AND/OR, he threatened LUke, and Tracy wants them to back off for fear SCotty might hurt/kill them too.

For the record, having SCott be the killer for ANY means other than self defense, REALLY SUCKS EGGS.

But I figure with Tracy, she's either self preserving, or protecting someone she loves, or both.

I think she DOES know though.

spoiler over

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Haven't seen all of today's episode, but I did NOT like the part I did see... :angry: :angry: :angry:






Luke enters Casa Quartermaine.

Tracy: Where the hell have you been?

Luke: I'm sorry, Tracy. I respected Alan so much. He always treated me so fairly. I should have been here, but SOMETHING ELSE CAME UP.

Seriously?!? SERIOUSLY?!?!? You are an idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot. And while I'm at it, could you MAYBE give her a hug?!? IDIOT! TIIC are idiots as well. You didn't even NEED dialogue. Just have Luke enter, see Tracy, and HUG her. This is not that difficult.

As for the rest of their short conversation...Tracy knows that he's referring to Scotty, and Luke is interested in what she has to say. Tracy tells him about Scotty being in Lulu's hospital room.

*shrugs* Something happened backstage in regards to LuNacy, 'cause there is no way a conversation about Scotty Baldwin should hold more importance than Alan Quartermaine's death. No way. This should have been BIG! Very, very BIG! Tracy's brother DIED!!! Tracy needs comfort. Her husband is just the person to do that. What happened to all the LuNacy build-up??? What happened to it??? Lainey!!! Don't watch. Or watch, and turn this into something positive. Oh, wait. MinervaFan, you're good at turning bad things into good ones. Someone help me make sense of this!!! :( :( :(


Continuation of the conversation...

Luke tells Tracy that he doesn't want Scotty around Lulu or Laura. Tracy says it doesn't make a difference to Laura. Luke tells her that Scotty is sliming around, and he has to figure this out; he leaves Tracy, who seems to be a combination of sad, scared, angry, etc. Monica comes down the stairs. This is the worst possible time for this, but Tracy has a favor. She wants Monica to not tell Luke about Lulu's investigation. Monica won't. She wasted enough time on Rick Webber instead of being with the man she really loved her. Tracy moves closer to Monica, takes her hand (I think), tells her that Alan knew she (Monica) loved him, and he loved her too very much. Monica thanks her.

Shallow comments: JE needs to do something else with the hair. It was so much better yesterday. Hey, hair department: Give it oomph! Also, someone needs to direct Tracy to the fireplace, so she can burn her outfit.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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*~* This is a positive post! I figured we could use this after my last, not-so-positive post *~*

*waves to MinervaFan and all other people lurking*

(I can see there are 6 other users online, in addition to me and Deb). Heh.

I just watched from the beginning...

Tracy gets to smack down Carly. Go, Tracy, go!!!

Tracy and Ned's hug? Absolutely squee-worthy.

Tracy and Monica are all kinds of awesome at the end. I was hoping for a hug, but I loved Jane and Leslie in that scene.

BTW, Regency, I finally read "Upwards & Onwards." Awesome...very awesome. I loved the way you had Luke find out about Tracy at the end (this is my way of not giving away the story in case someone else hasn't read it).

For those interested, dorianfan has a total of 4 chapters of "I Would Miss You" up. Go here and scroll. And I believe the other stories have been mentioned here.

Edit: Look at our LuNacy smiling (just focus on the prettiness, not the cirumstances)... Click here.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Loving that photo Mrs. Q!!!!! THey both look so happy...too bad it is because they are waiting to hear their doctored will read. Ha ha.

So here is my positive take today.....ready.....

a) Luke was a [!@#$%^&*] that he didn't hug her and brought up scotty and laura...but...he did come to the house and at least make an appearance and say he was sorry. He did let her in on his plans to find out what that slimey scotty is up to

B) Even though Lulu called her the stepwitch referring to missing her after being with Lesley for a few days, she did tell him that Tracy said the same exact thing about Scotty being a snake (see great minds think alike).

c) Tracy did get to cut down carly, make some snide remarks to monica (even though we know it was her grief talking) and at least point out that a big deal should be made about Alan's death as he was a very important person.

d) she got to hug Ned, who is cuter than ever I might add. She even thanked him and then acknowleged that Alexis was waiting to say hi to him.

e) SHe got to change her outfiit and got a haircut (although I agree it was her funeral hairdo of over Chi ironed hair that is flat as a board. And the jacket was ugly....at least it wasn't furry)

f) We found out that lulu is just staying at lesley's temporarily cause it is pretty bad at teh Qs (not moving back there).

g) OT, but why was there no spoiler that Lesley was going to be on today...makes me think that some of the spoiler stuff that we have been worried about it wrong

g) LOVED that Tracy asked Monica not to mention Lulu and Rick Webber and how Monica said she had enough of Rick webber. LOVED LOVED LOVED (although could they not have freaking panned the camera to show her taking monica's hand) how she shifted from being nasty to monica about acquiring taste, to then telling her that alan loved her an knew she loved him. I love how they sneak in those tender moments amidst her ranting and raving.

h) Even though she had limited dialogue, she was in lots of scenes and they are setting her up to be very involved in the luke/scotty/rick webber story. I know it could suck for Lunacy getting together and staying together, but at least we get to see her on the show hopefully over the next month or two and not have to weeks without her

OK...enough with the alphabet thing...but just feeling a bit happy and positive that they are at least using our favorite actress!!

Mrs Q...I will pay you to edit this weeks clips for us! :) These are shows I want to have tracy moments from! Ha ha.

Will be around tonight for sure around to chat if anyone is around.....

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