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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I don't like the Tracy with other people's hair pics.


Sorry Ms.Q you're a doll for doing them, but they don't look right on her.

Am I the only one that caught the "sweetheart" the FIRST time?

Yeah I liked it. I think TG adlibbed that, actually, and THAT is one reason Jane looked so surprised. But I agree as Tracy it kinda threw her for a minute too.

And he had the nerve to refer to Laura as "my first wife" instead of "SheWhoCanDoNoWrong", so you know that made some people unhappy.

How dare Luke not remind Tracy she's a bargain basement second choice wife.

the nerve.


As far as how Tracy treated Scott in Lulu's room, yes they were friendlier outside the hotel. BUT in Lulu's room, it's a different domain.

Tracy can handle Scott.

Lulu cannot.

Thus Tracy steps in to tell HIM to step off. I don't think it necessarily was a put on in front of Lulu for her sake.

I certainly hope not.

*waves to Lainey*

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*Waves to Lainey and ILTQ*

ILTQ, I caught the "Tracy, sweetheart..." the first time :D. I like that Luke said "my first wife" cause it shows Tracy, although we already know, and so does she, that NOW, TRACY is his wife.

YooHoo Lainey, You might wanna check out SOC. There are two threads "Tracy Loving Lulu" and "Love Mama Bear Tracy Appreciation Thread" - some there are even hoping for LuNacy sex. heehee

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Good morning! Sorry I missed yesterday...was busy all day. I am dying to get to writing some more, but this is such a busy weekend. Have my son's birthday party this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow or late night tonight I can finish writing!

Mrs Q...thanks so much for editing those clips. It is so much nicer to save them that way! Loved your funny photoshopped pictures! That is like a new verb "photoshopped," like fedexed or something.

I LoveTracyQ....you can express your Tracy love as much as you want!! Ha Ha

knh...I'll be here to read it whenever you have it ready

TracyLuv...you should watch the third Ned/Jenny dvd edit because there is all this Tracy/Marco Dane on it that is hilarious.

I don't think Tracy is going to work with scotty...she was being genuinely protective of lulu. She was nicer at the hotel as I am sure she was surprised to see him and scared, etc. She is a lioness protecting her cub!!!! Lulu is her new cub!!! I loved how she said, "I do mind" and her whole snake thing. Too funny when scotty said, "since when did you start watching nature shows"

bye for now...gotta run...have a great Sunday everyone!

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Did anybody read this? It was posted in the Stuart Damon Fans Yahoo Group re the current SOW:

Stuart was named Outstanding performer of the week of February 5th, '07.

It's in the March 6th issue, which is on sale now.

It has a very nice pic of him, and a pic of him and NL inset.

And... on page 6, it says the plan to keep Stuart Damon. It says that

his contract does not expire until August, so Tracy won't be the only

Quartermaine visited by the much missed Alan.

Hooked, I couldn't agree more. Tracy has been in full-gear Mama Bear mode ever since this began--she knew Dillon was safe, but her other "cub" was in danger. (Not to mention Uncle Bear, who we really just...sigh...sniff....) Anyway, she started with The Stooges going into protective mode. They are inappropriate. They are idiotic. They are annoying.

In Tracy's mind, however, Scotty is not just innappropriate, idiotic, and annoying. He is dangerous. It's one thing for him to show up at the MetroCourt and piss off Luke. It's a totally different thing for him to slither into a hospital room with a drugged, mostly-naive teenage girl and start his crap. Tracy knows darned well what Scott Baldwin is capable of--the insidiousness, the charm, the cruelty. She's seen it first, second, and third hand. And she's not stupid enough to think that Scott would let a little thing like Lulu being young and injured get in the way of using her to hurt Luke.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love the character of Scotty Baldwin. But I'm not in denial about him. Scott can be downright abusive to people he claims to care about--his treatment of Lucy Coe was very hard to watch, even when they were supposedly a couple. He berated her, called her dumb, and was pretty much a total jerk to her. (Yeah, she was no angel, but that doesn't make his actions any less abusive.) IMHO, he has this dark, dangerous undertone to him that he hides with humor and snarky comments. But it sets me on edge, and I love that Tracy is smart enough and caring enough to try to protect Lulu from it.

Not that Lulu is going to have sense enough to listen...

Edited by MinervaFan
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There are THREE threads!!! whoohooo!!!.

I have replied to all of them!! I'm loving me the Tracy love!

Me thinks the demographic over at SOC is MUCH YOUNGER than it is in this thread. I SO hope TIIC notices this. Hey, TIIC -- she's loved by ALL, not just the geriatrics. (How come they can belive the youngsters like Luke... but they don't think the same thing might apply to Tracy?!?!?)

Yeah! I noticed that!!! (What's it mean, exactly!?!?!)

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For those who didn't know, Tracey over at Jane-Elliot.com has uploaded a SCADLOAD of new articles. I'm perusing at the moment and came across this comment that had me chuckling muchly:

"My father was a lawyer, my mother was a 'cookie' mom - always there every day at 3 when I got home from school. They never divorced, we lived in the same house and went to the same schools for years. There was a great deal of stability - and my brother and I wound up crazier than bedbugs." JE, on the perils of parenting, 9/19/89.


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I gotta tell ya this mama bear/cub stuff is making me feel all warm inside :). I just hope Lulu realizes and appreciates that Tracy does genuinely care for her and doesn't snark out on Tracy.

When a thread is pinned, doesn't it mean it's permanent? Well nothing is permanent, but that it stays there indefinately? Right? something like that?

Hooked, I had no idea Marco was even on the DVD - Hell now I GOTTA watch it!

Deb, Thanks for posting the quote by Jane. I LOVE that woman. She is a RIOT! I didn't even realize Tracey had more stuff up over at JEonline. I don't remember seeing a post about it or an annoucement at the log in area.

Well, gotta start getting ready for work but not until I check out the yummy stuff and JEonline and SOC (go Lainey!).

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About the Photoshopping...It's CARLY'S hair. (not Lulu's). And LOL ILTQ. It's not supposed to look right. ;) Anyway, I was just having some fun, LOL.

One more hair pic (do you kind of like this one, ILTQ? She kind of reminds me of Alexis, LOL, so maybe you won't like it. Hint: The hair is NOT Alexis's).


hooked and TracyLuv, you're welcome (for the clips). You might want to make sure they're all there, just in case I forgot something. :o

And woot! We're pinned!

Oh, TracyLuv, I believe nex mentioned in this thread that the gallery was updated. It wasn't posted at JE Online though.

And that's all I got. Hopefully, I'll have more to say later!

*waves to Lainey*

*waves to GrayC63* Come post with us!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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