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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*waves to hooked, Pest Spray, daysfan, and knh* This place is crowded. I think ( a ) Luke has his coat on because he just came in from the funeral and ( b ) as a group, we worry too much.

I don't think he's moved out.

And I would love clips of today and yesterday's scenes.

Oh, and MsQ, I saw your LuNacy vid to Listen to Your Heart. My jealousy of your vid-making talent will probably make me bitter in the long run. I totally loved it. Haven't seen the Tracy-Skye one yet. You know my opinion on Skye at the moment, so I feel no need to expand.

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Lainey, you are scaring me!! Stop it! I find you to be the most positive and hopeful LuNacy fan here. And on the heels of the scare the other day of the TracyIsRicksKiller rumor fiasco, my nerves are just about shot!!

I read a spoomer/spoiler some time last week that Liz and Lucky will be moving into the old house. It is possible that since Elizabeth is a nurse, that she could be tending to Lulu and that's why Lulu is there instead of hobbling around the big Q' mansion on crutches? I think it's a possibility.

Don't lose the faith on me now girl!! YOU'VE kept it alive this long - don't stop now.

LuNacy WILL Prevail!

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*shrugs* I need to be in bed, but I insisted on waiting for Linds to post SID scoops at SZ. I'm wishing I hadn't waited...

Edit: I'll be in the breakroom for the next couple minutes while Linds is posting if anyone wants to join...








Tracy Robs Her Dead Brother (what a title, huh?)

Who called GhostAlan/Jason scenes? I believe I did, as well as several other members. Edit #3: Ah, never mind. I can't read. *shrugs* And I'm sorry, TQ friends, but I can't get behind Tracy stealing Alan's money that was supposed to go to Emily. I don't like Emily, but I can't support this. She could at least wait until he's cold in the grave, you know? And even then...UGH...It would have been so much better if she were stealing Skye or Jason's fortune, but nooooo...She is OMG. SO. EVIL.

Edit #2: So, remember the "Tracy killed Rick" rumor? (How could we forget, right?) Well, there's no way Scotty did it. It's a red herring IMO. So, my question is...What is Alan is protecting his baby sis by saying (err...writing) that Scotty did it?!?

*fake smile* In other spoilers... [/newsreporter's voice]

From Thursday's SoapNet Preview: Luke shocks Tracy.

From Thursday's breakdowns courtesy of SoapQueen: Tracy is aghast when Luke refuses to interfere in Lulu’s love life.

From Friday's breakdowns courtesy of SoapQueen: Tracy shows her hidden side when she lets Alan know she loves him. Tracy warns Lulu that Scott is toxic.

Will edit in the JE quotes on SD's departure as soon as they're posted.

Edit #4: Jane Elliot - "The concept of GH without Dr. Quartermaine, Tracy without big brother Alan, and Jane without Stu-Boy is so overwhelming I am rendered speechless."

And I got to get to bed, folks.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Hi everyone!

Just popping in to say that I'm back from vacation.

It was terrible - our dog died unexpectedly while we were away.

Work has been so busy, I just about get a chance to skim thru the posts here.

Loving Tracy this week. I'll take 5-10 minutes every day, just as long as JE & TG are on. (loved their scenes yesterday with the stooges.)

There's a long interview with Kin Shriner in this week's SOW. I actually broke down and bought it (with my coat covering my head like a celebrity arrested for DWI).

Glad the hostage crisis is over and we can focus more on Q's, Spencer's, & Baldwins.

Edited by MagicHappens
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Yeah SON is back up!! So I was rewatching today's scenes (loved them again even though they were reminiscent of yesterday) and when Luke said something to tracy about no control over who you fall in love with...I was hoping that was a double hidden meaning like "who knew we would be in love". WIshful thinking I'm sure.

Loved though how they are walking together all the time and loved how tracy pointed out to dillon the little fact of georgie. About time they broke up for good. Wish we would have had a scene with tracy coming to see lulu in her room, but maybe we will tomorrow. I am thinking she walks up and sees scotty talking to lulu and then comes in and warns her. I was also hoping the tracy comforts dillon might be about breaking up with georgie at this point?? Probably not though as that was from two weeks ago. Plus she will be jumping for joy...except that lulu is his newest conquest!!

Love that luke said, "you stomped on her heart already once...I am not eager for round two of that!"

OK...I will shut up now :)

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I'm in the BR, too, ubt no one's talking... where is everyone?!

Ok, while I will always love WK's Ned, I sometimes find it hard to remember why based on his let me have fun treating my mother like and evil sh-t... thing. I watched the scene yesterday that not only reminded me, but reaffirmed said love and multiplied it by 1000.

It was the day of Tracy's wedding to Paul (stupid jerk). He found her in the den talking to the "dead" edward's portrait about how much she is in love with Paul and how she could be very badly hurt, why didn't he warn her and all that jazz. He stood there and listened and when he came in he was wonderful to her and told her how much he loves her and that he is proud to be giving her away and how much he doesn't want her hurt. then he found Paul atthe office and warned him... he threw him the Evil Eye somethin' fierce and told him how much he is going to personally make him pay if he does anything to break her heart.

That's my boy!! Chivalry is not altogether dead, I don't care who says it

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Magic, I don't know if I said welcome back. My condolences to your family about your puppy. I have a cat I adore, and I know how horrible I'd feel if anything happened to him. It's a horrible thing to come back to, and I hope you're doing okay.

knh, I haven't seen many of the Paul-era scenes except indirectly on the Lucy/Scott edit tape (I saw scenes of the reception, Tracy supporting Ned over Paul as CEO of ELQ, and Bobbie laughing when she found out Tracy was pregnant with Dillon). But from everything I've read, it was a really dark time for Tracy. I'm glad Ned at least started out defending his mom, although at the end, I think she'd done too much for him to forgive. (Funny how everybody else on that show can commit murder, figuratively and literally, and still be beloved, but Tracy pays for EVERYTHING forever.)

Maybe it's the actor, and maybe it's watching too much Spencer Truman on OLTL, but Paul seemed so cold and aloof in the scenes I watched. Even those "meaningful glances" with Jenny at the wedding (*KICK*) seemed hollow. You guys were talking in the chats about how hot Paul and Tracy were together, but I haven't seen enough of them to see it. I just know from canon and from the look on Tracy's face every time she or someone else mention's Paul's name that she loved him intensely.

Did I mention Dillon is annoying the hell out of me? He is so completely acting like his father and not his mother. Amoral, self-entitled, annoying little b@stard boy. Tracy must be so ashamed of him right now.

Oh, and may I please SMACK all these people who criticize Tracy as being a bad mother? I'm loving so much how worried she is about The Stooges. It's so Tracy--her maternal instinct kicks in the minute a relationship is even possible for one of her kids. And guess what, Lulu? Look at Ned and Dillon for a minute. No man you ever date will be worthy of you, as far as Tracy is concerned. She's the protective Papa, not Luke. I want to hug Mama Bear right now, even though I think Papa Bear is correct in saying they need to back off. Lulu is just oppositional enough to start dating all three just to show Tracy she can't keep her from dating any of them.

Although I am annoyed at how all this Stooge business is keeping Tracy away from Alan in the last few hours of his...*sigh* But that proves my personal theory that Tracy is in complete denial about Alan's condition. She is convinced, methinks, that Big Brother is not going to die. Otherwise, she'd be ripping herself in two going from Lulu's room to Alan's room, trying to be in two places at once. But because she is pretty sure that Alan is going to be okay, she's focusing on protecting Lulu from the Trio of Unsuitable Suitors.

Not looking forward to what happens next week....:(

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*waves wildly to everyone*

ILoveTracyQ, I know it's a rhetorical question, but I still have an answer...YES!!! Although, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday's airtime tallies up to less than 5 mins total. :angry:

Aww, MinervaFan, I like this reason. I do. Once this SL starts airing, I dare you to bring this over to SOC, LOL. :P And, I'm unsure if I thanked you for all the video feedback, so if I didn't (and I really don't think I did, LOL), thanks. You shouldn't be jealous because you made the awesomeness that is NaNa, plus a whole bunch of other goodness.

Welcome back, Magic. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. *hugs*

From JE Online's Temporary Tracy Quartermaine LoveFest...

So, speaking of next week, as we get closer, Ms. Q keeps having dreams about what's coming. In case a lurker out there has no idea what is happening, I'll leave spoiler space...






I mentioned dreaming about Alan's funeral in the breakroom last week, I think...And it was weird because I was there, and not just watching GH on the TV, which would have been normal. Anyway, last night, I dreamt the scenes surrounding Alan's death. Well, sort of, because Tracy and Edward weren't part of this dream. Emily was for a second, and Monica was the one who took center stage (as she should). She just completely broke down, and then I broke down, and we were sitting in the hall, on the ground, and crying. And it was very sad.

Cue the next dream...I dreamt out of order, BTW...

This dream I'm actually watching the TV and not "in" on the action. So...JASON (that punk found his way into my dream, darnit!!!) is sitting with Alan, which we know won't be happening 'cause Jason decided to play SuperHero instead of visiting his father. Anyway, Jason was in there (You all should read this), and then Tracy with NEW hair and a NEW jacket enters. The hair was kind of like her hair in the MetroCourt scenes the day after Courtney/Jax's wedding, but a little longer. And I didn't see the whole jacket, but I got the impression it wasn't a long jacket, but something like she wore when Luke told her he loved her. I remember little flowers on the one in the dream, but ANYWAY...I don't remember what Tracy said to Jason, but she gave him a disgusted look. And then, they were talking about Alan coming home, but that Jason was going to make sure he kept Alan's heart pills nearby should Tracy decide to keep them away from her brother like she did her father. :o Craziness. And I HATE Jason. That is all.

Well, I gotta head out. I'm running late. Probably won't be around again 'til around 6 central. Have a good day, everyone!

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