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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So, those scenes with Scotty dating, the ones tormenting Lucy, larry proposes, drunk talking to edward...what were those listed as do on that website do you remember? Were they Scotty and Lucy? Or from what time period? I don't have time to look through the site now as I have to go out tonight, but will late night but was wondering if you knew what section to look in. Thanks

Also, Mrs Q cant' chat tonight unless it is late. I know...three hours and my eyes were crossed last night!! It was funny though

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I was looking like crazy for the dates or transcripts of classic GH episodes one day so i could find which ones I wanted and i found a site about the scorpios. I thinks it's called scorpiofiles. It has recaps of the stories from the 80's till now, you just have to click on the year. I did the ctrl F to find Tracy on those pages and saw which ones looked interesting. Those were the ones I found on the site b/c they only had days that included the scorpios, obviously. That's why I was looking for some good old scenes withher and scott or Larry, or anyone really. It gives you the dates and when you go to the site for the tapes, you can also search in the classic section. i don't remember what it is listed under, but I think he just has them by 80's 90's (and earlier than that are all together). Those episodes gives a short recap by each tape listing. The only thing with that is that he has them with a few to a tape so it doesn't say which story is on which date. I asked him and he got it all set for me as long as I had the right tape for him. any other questions and I'll let you know later on. I have the dates for most of them if you're looking to get them if I can't get them up here.

Mr. Q and Lady... sorry about the impatience. I was actually just kind of curious. I wasn't sure if they were going to be posted at some point or if they were just being mentioned b/c Lady was editing them. That's why I was asking... that and I'm goign through some serious withdrawals right now. i shouldn't be b/c we just had a lot of her on the show, but i think it made it worse. It's like I went long enough without her to almost kick the habit and then someone waved her in my face and I'm looking for a fix anywhere I can get it.

Just got finished finally burning all my clips and videos onto disks (with the exception of the ones that say something about how it can't syncronize... but, oh well! I finished anyway. Plugging away at the writing. I'm getting plenty done. Still not very far, but I am getting it done, and consistantly doing it, so that helps.

If anyone is on later when I'm here hopefully we can chat!!

ps. Ms. Q, Lulu and Alan were down in the lobby b/c Lulu went to gve the PDA to Spinelli and Alan followed her down there. She had already stolen it and they wanted Spinelli to hack into it and see what he could find I think.

Don't know how much I'll be on next week. My aunt and uncle are coming in from LA. These are the ones I lived with. They are bringing my cousins. Woohoo, Los Accidentes together again!!! i know no one gets that, but that fine with me, I'm just psyched they're coming!!!

edit: it's 9:30 and I don't think anyone's around yet. I'll be writing for a bit, waiting to see if anyone stops in. If not, sorry I missed you and I'll talk to you all another time.

sorry guys, it's 10:10 and no one has been around yet. I'll check in one more time, but I'm gonna have to go. I've been writing (yippee) and haven't shut my computer down since before noon, so my parents are going to have my head. I'll talk to you all soon. Sorry I missed you.

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Update on the SOC paring poll... common guys ya gotta vote for LuNacy!!

The top pairings at last checked is Scrubs and Liason!

LuNacy has only 8

the rest between Lunacy and Scrubs/Liason have votes in the teen numbers

but SkyLo has only 2 right now! - LOL - no surprise there right now... CarJax has 5 and Nem-6

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Thanks for all your info. Boy that sounds like you did a lot of work and research to find the date, etc. Maybe I could ask him if I could get the same ones you ordered. Think he would still have it on file (the easy way out for me--ha ha!) If not...maybe you could email me the dates sometime when you get a chance.

Glad you got some writing done. We just got home from a party and it is after midnight, so I am logging off for the night. Thanks again for the info!

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I'll let you know if they are any good when I get them in. He should also have written all the dates on the cases for me, so I can let you know all of them if you want the same ones. The only ones I am not sure of right now are a few from 90 or 91. He'll ahve them for me, so I'll let you know when I get it. It sounds like I did a lot of work to find out the dates, but it actaully didn't take long at all. It was just a lot to write down for you. I'll check again and find the link for the old epis when I get a chance. oh yeah, and he'd definately still have them all for you. He copies the ones he's already got on file when you give him the dates you want, so as long as he had them to begin with he'd have it all for you.

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Hey, guys. Wanna know fun? I wound up in the Emergency Room this morning! Yup, I woke up around 4 am with dizziness, shortness of breath, tingling in my extremities, and nausea. I get really scared and tell Fey I'm scared. (I've had these symptoms before and talked myself down from them. I almost never tell Fey.)

Anyway, she's like, immediately awake. Please remember, her mother (who's only 13 years older than me) had a heart attack just over a year ago when we were living with her.

Get this-it's 10 degrees outside, the car is covered in ice, and the ground is covered in snow. Fey's like, do you want to call an ambulance? I'm thinking of insurance copays and fearing that if this is nothing, they'll make me pay for an ambulance---besides, there's no pain, just other symptoms. So I get in my car and drive the two minutes to the hospital. They do an EKG on me, check my vitals, etc. (I had gone yesterday morning for routine bloodwork, so that was already in their system.) I'm crying and mortified and apologizing profusely to Fey, because I feel pathetic and melodramatic and like I'm taking valuable resources from the other ER patients--all NONE of them. (Ya'll, I don't cry in public. Hell, I don't cry in private. Cue MinervaFan in OverEmotional Mode. Not a pretty picture.)

Anyway, I was NOT having a heart attack. My EKG was fine, my blood pressure was slightly elevated, and my vitals were within normal range. Apparently, the nauea, tingling, and muscle pain were from the viral infection I've had all week. The shortness of breath, dizziness, and racing pulse were a panic attack, which I used to have all the time.

Funny, I never went to the emergency room for a panic attack before. I used to be able to recognize them. I guess being 40 and living with a heart attack patient made me overly cautious. Besides, last week my doctor told me that my blood pressure was high enough for medication, which has never happened to me before, so I guess that just made me panic. And as we're driving home at 6:45 am, I also remember the two sodas and cup of coffee I drank last night while watching Voyager--you know, three megashots of caffeine after 10 pm.

I got home and still couldn't fall asleep for another hour. My pulse was racing, and I was still feeling nauseous and stupid and panic-filled. Man, I totally gotta switch to decaf. Anyway, I'm okay. Just wanted to share my real-life drama with you guys. Now, if only Alan would get out of it with just a diagnosis of viral infection/panic attack...

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Hey MinervaFan, I'm thinking decaf would be a good call!! But I'm glad everything's ok. I'm sure it was the mixture of all the symptoms (effects from the the virus, the panic attack, and the caffiene) at once that had you going a little crazy. Sorry you had to go through all that.

Guys, I have a favor to ask. It's a pretty stupid one and something I should easily be able to take care of, but can't seem to. I am more than 30 pages and 5 chapters onto my story right now and i still haven't decided on names for my main characters. I can't think of anything I like, so up till now it's been he and she everytime I need something there. I can't go much further b/c I won't be able to go back and correct it all if I do, so I thought I'd come one and look for some suggestions. I have names for everyone else, but I need something for the main male and female. Thanks so much if you can help at all.

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KNH, can you give me some adjectives to describe the characters? I'm pretty good at names. If all else fails, name them after friends or favorite characters/actors who share the traits. Most names are pretty common. You may not like them at first, but the longer you write, the more attached you get to them

BTW, whoever posted this vid in yesterday's chat--I didn't think, taken in the original context, that the ending was anti-Tracy. In fact, I remember that being one of the better Tracy scenes of that era. :) *cracks up remembering it* Video was cute--I wonder where the person got all the blooper clips. I'd love to see Tony-Jane bloopers.

ETA: ARGH! Nex, I just watched the 2/13, 2/14, and 2/15 edits of Tracy's scenes, and the hug is not there. :( Help The Debbie. The Debbie must have huggles. Must. Please?

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I'll give you as quick a description as I can, otherwise I'll be writing on here forever. This is everything I thought of when I was devloping all her backstory before I started the actual story. (I don't have as much for him, but oh well)

They went to school together in a small town in CT. They bothed moved away but he's been back for about 15 years b/c he bought a restaurant. She hasn't been back since. She comes to visit her family and everything, but she hasn't lived ther. She has just moved back, however (not sure why yet). She lived all over the world. She was a teacher, was married and had 2 boys. Her husband died when her kids were yound, he was sick, so after her kids grew up, she quite her job, started writing and has been traveling ever since. She is opinionated and says what's on her mind (was the town !@#$%^&*] when she was in school. she was never really mean, but got the rep b/c she said what she wanted to, regardless of the consequences). Aside from that, she is classy and well mannered. She's very close to her family, adores her parents. She is artistic, but it's become the secret talent, she doesn't share it at all. She's intelligent and interested in everything, passionate about everything she cares about. She's fickle and gets bored with people very easily, but she is still loyal. She doesn't miss anyone that's not family, so she can pack up and leave when she wants to, and usually does. She's not an emotional person at all. Hate's compliments, loves arguing and confrontation (finds it stimulating and kind of fun). Has low tolerence for bullshit, doesn't know or care what people think about her. Italian mom, french dad (just incase it has any baring on the name suggestions)

I now that was kind of long, but I gave you everything i could think of.

He's single (a bachelor). He's a nice guy, but he doesn't put up with her crap. He will hold his own and give her a run for her money, which she likes. He is loyal. Impeccible manners and he is very respectful.

Told you I don't hava a lot for him yet. His is kind of coming as i write.

they are both in their early fifties (I wanted characters that had already had a life)

nothing in the story is true, but I took some characteristics from my family and people i know, so I didn't want to name them after them, but I've already used my sisters (amanda, brittany, and danielle), i have gianna, alessanrda, and angelina. John, Joe. I'll take names from my dad's older family for the french side, but I can't come up with these two.

Anyway, thanks os much for the help. I know this way a lot to put on here.

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MinervaFan! :o So glad that everything turned out to be all right. About the clips...The hug is the edits I have, and I used nex's. Is there a chance that it didn't save completely, so you're missing the ending? About the video...I thought I might have been overreacting, LOL. I enjoyed it overall, but the ending still doesn't sit well with me. BTW, the blooper clips with RC/TG and GV (when he ran into the door) came from something aired on ABC awhile ago: Outrageous Outtakes. The person found the TK/RC bloopers on another site, so she's not sure of the original source. But anyway, I agree about JE/TG bloopers...Could you imagine? :lol:

knh, I'm glad you're getting a lot of writing done!!!

TracyLuv, I checked the poll, and LuNacy is doing so badly. :( Carly/Jax, Skye/Lorenzo, and "other" are the only ones below us. Emily/Nikolas are tied with us, and Lulu/Spinelli got us beat by one. Ah well...LOL.

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I'm pretty ecstatic I'm getting this done. I have to take a break soon to get some more drawing done, but I don't want to. I only have to do the general set up so I can take it into work tomorrow and see if she likes it that way, so I can still change it before it's too late, but I'd rather being writing now. The downside to my 1-track mind is that i tend to get on a roll and go without eating for a while and definately without sleeping so I can get it done. That's a bad thing (no kidding) from what I've been told... but I choose to ignore that.

I loved that video, i thought i was fun, so thanks for posting it!

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