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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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MinervaFan, here is Friday's 1-12-07 clips:


Credit goes to Schazzer from GHVT edited by me

Hookedongh, if there are any clips that you want or need, please don't hesitate to ask. I have done my fair of asking and begging when I first came to this board. I have made it my mission to get my hands on as many Tracy clips that I can. If you want to PM me by all means please do so.

ETA: page 232

Edited by nex4evr
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knh, I can't believe I forgot to resend the AU as a Word file!! I was so crazy last night--it just slipped my mind. Please email me a reminder? I sent a small update this morning, but it will mean nothing to you if you haven't read what led up to it.

And yes, ILTQ, you won the limbo contest. But MsQ stole the show at the "Nobody Leaves Without Singing the Blues" Open Mic event. Wow, who knew the girl could jam?

And, Keith, where were you? We had the Tracy As Elphaba Lookalike Contest, and no entrants! :(

Man, I need a life, don't I? Ooooooh, and by this time next week, I'll have Soapnet!!!!! Yay, cable!

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Thank you. That is so nice of you. I would LOVE to see any clips you have in your stash. Here are a few for whenever you get a chance. 1) The ones when Tracy and Luke are talking after Lulu's abortion about how they would never want to be 18 again and how she was stand up throughout the whole thing. 2) Also, the one when Tracy was trying to convince lulu not to have the abortion and told her about her own abortion. 3) Also, the Tracy/Luke haunted star where he asks her to be the hostess for his opening night and lulu is there and they are laughing at how tracy dresses, etc. 4) The kiss scene where luke asks her to run away with him 5) any old tracy/ned scenes 6) any old tracy/coleman scenes 7) epidemic scenes with dillon

Again, don't go to any trouble...but if you have them saved already, or any others you would like to share, I sure would appreciate it!

You guys are all so nice! I am so glad I found my way to this site!

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hooked I wish I was a clipper, I'd share what I have, but alas and alack, it's not one of my talents and I don't have any saved...I can answer almost any history questions about Tracy, which is what I will do for Reg here in a minute. But that's about all I'm good for.

I don't even write fics.

I just sit back and read everyone else's.


Deb SoapNet is a lifesaver. Without it I would not have seen most of the Tracy episodes, as I normally never bother taping unless I already know from the recaps that she's on that day.

And Woo-HOO to me winning the limbo contest. :)

Reg I'm not positive about the Mitch marriage, but I think they married in 78 and were still married when they left in 1980, although I'm sure it didn't last long after that.

Tracy married Paul in 1991 and they divorced in 1993.

I *think* the marriage to Luke may be her longest one.......although there have been conflicting statements about how long Tracy and Larry Ashton were married.

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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nex! You're awesome for editing those Friday clips! My gift to you will be uploading some of the clips hookedongh requested...

What I have NOT uploaded...

Other Coleman/Tracy scenes.

Luke/Tracy/GQ scenes leading up to the almost kiss.

Luke/Tracy/Lulu on the Haunted Star (hostess scenes).

Luke thanks Tracy for being "stand-up."

So, I have no idea if Tracy will be on today, but I feel like I can't complain if she isn't. 8 days, my friends! 8 days!!!

MinervaFan, I can't sing!!! How did I win? LOL.

Possible backstage info. about SD/Alan's departure. SoapDish might just be bored. I'm sure cast members are upset, but the following might just be "real life fiction" (if that's even the proper term). Just passing it along...

[Leslie Charleson and Jackie Zeman] are asking to be let go because of SD and because of what they feel are the continuing ageist bias practices at GH currently. TG and TR are rumored as lending their support as well. There have been lots of meetings with LC and JZ - I heard that execs are trying to convince them to stay - but LC has been inconsolable. Execs, stupidly, are surprised that fan backlash has been high. Some of the younger actors on set are now upset because they feel they are being blamed for SD leaving - but JI is telling most that it is not them but execs that are to be held responsible. It is not a happy time now, and SD has been visibly shaken and upset through all of this. JE and TR have had to take KMc from the studios a couple of times as she was seen crying openly regarding SD's firing. Sometimes in my job you learn a lot just by listening, and everyone is upset about SD. That is all I know.

The fact that TR is mentioned has people wondering, since we all thought he hasn't been filming. Well, since he hasn't been let go, I guess it's possible that he's still around on set and such.

There is also another rumor from a different "insider" - Scott Clifton is no longer with General Hospital.

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I read somewhere that Stuart Damon is scheduled to film Alan's death on February 5th, which also happens to be the actor's 70th birthday.

Needless to say, I think this sucks.

We all banded together to create a wonderful gift for Jane's 60th birthday. Do you think maybe, as Jane Elliot fans, we could come together and do something to show our respect and admiration for Mr. Damon?

I'm open to any ideas you might have. We just need to be swift, because his birthday is just over two weeks away.

xposted to TQ Ficathon and JE.com

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I'm all for that, but someone at SZ already has a thing started for him, and if I can remember WHO, LOL....I can PM them (can't post since my script ran out two weeks ago) and ask what we need to do.

This person was thinking about going to this balloon place and maybe doing a BIG balloon bouquet and a cake or something.

I think SD would like that. But that's up to ya'll, I can try to find out who is doing that project or we can do something separate.

Tracey at JE might remember what poster it is....I think she's contributing to that person's idea.

Either way, I'll go with the consensus, it seems easier though to chip in with the others to send him something.

ETA about Scott C....his contract expires in April anyway. I think the "Logan" rumored to be casted for Lulu, is just a Dillon recast and NOT a new character. Because I can totally see them recasting Dillon.

I don't get the Dillon hate on some boards.

I certainly don't think he's any worse than Lulu. Yet more people seem to love her and I can't figure that out either. *shrug*

Edited by ILoveTracyQ
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OK, so first let me say, "THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH" for uploading those clips. Nex, if you have the other few or any others you wish to share, I'll take anything you got! I am so mad I am going for a girls night out tonight, as I wish I had to watch them all and download them now. BUt I have to leave to drive carpool and take my kids to art lessons (darn kids--getting in the way...ha ha).

I am so so sad about SD. That rumor sounds like a rumor though, as in reality, I can't imagine the other LC and JZ quitting--don't think too many jobs are that easy to come by for them, although it would be nice if they were taking a stand. But if LC left, then the Qs would just be Edward and Tracy. JE better not be getting any ideas.

I was thinking as a way for Ned to come back, that maybe Alexis needs a quickie marriage like sonny and carly so that she can have a spouse so that rick can't say she is an unstable mom with her cancer, etc. Jax is away, so hey, maybe Ned would come back and play husband on paper for her and then they can really fall back into love!

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Ms. Q or Nex, here are a few others I thought of...1) when tracy faked her death and dillon finds out she is alive and hugs her, etc 2) after the PC hotel fire when she sees dillon alive for the first time and the hug with ned and dillon) 3) when she is in the haunted star with luke when helena shows up with a gun and tracy knocks it away 4) the other kiss after justus's funeral 5) tracy in the markam islands with wanting luke to come up to bed and he puts robert in his place

Yes, I know I know...I am so greedy. Wish I could do something for you guys. Maybe one day when I get up to speed and more computer savvy I can help!

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hooked, you are not alone. When I first started on this board, I was always begging for clips. Now I have about four CDs worth of vids (still on dial-up until next week, so I'm never the first to volunteer to upload), and it's all thanks to MsQ and the others. I'm still obsenely greedy when it comes to clips--I always want more (especially the old ones from before I started watching).

I'm telling you--they're crack, and this board is just chock full o'happy clip pushers. :D

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