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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I love all those rumors. Hope they are all true as it means lots of Qs on screen.

Oh, by the way, I noticed that on youtube, there was the Dillon/eduro keeping the Qs occupied scenes from 1/10 if that helps for part of what you were looking for.

I finally deleted a bunch of old shows from my tivo as I was afraid I was going to run out of room! I tivo'd 24 tonight. I am sure it was awesome!

My little boy who not only got stuck in the seat belt today, came down with strep and was so sick! Luckily my pediatrician was in the office on a sunday doing paperwork (he is like a throwback and doesn't have a computer even) and saw him and got him on antibiotics immediately. What a difference a few hours make with right drugs in your system!! He is like a new kid.

Oh...and thanks for the article. That is exactly the one I was talking about and had scene reference too. Where do you find all this stuff and all these great rumors!

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Ugh. Having a hell of a time sleeping, and so I'm here. I guess it's not that bad of a thing. I could be smoking or drinking, right? *shrugs* Anyway, hi.

OT, but my touch-pad mouse SUCKS.

So, think GH will surprise us again this week, and we'll get more Tracy than expected? :)

Regency, you crack me up! LOL.

And Lainey, I knew you would like that rumor! Let's just hope it's true!

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and what did I tell you all? most laughed and said, oh silly girl, that's only a rumor and not a reliable one yet so don't get your hopes up... well HA is what I say to that!!! My hope were, not only up, but pretty damned high and look what is happening!!!!!

Edited by knh
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I think we'll get one Tracy episode this week, to wrap up the Sam-ELQ thing, and then we'll have to wait until Luke gets home for more. Sorry to be pessimistic, but it's 7:20 in the morning and I'm not awake enough for optimism.

Fey cracked me up. She's been on one of her "I'm so sick of your Tracy obsession" kicks lately, and was sort of annoyed when I popped in Friday's tape. (She still loves Tracy; she's just sick of me talking about her ALL the time.)

Anyway, we were scanning through the Dorian scenes on OLTL, then I was like, "Do you want to see Tracy?" (Granted, I'd already watched these suckers at 9 o'clock Saturday morning.) She responds with a heavy sigh, and it's obvious she'd rather keep playing the SIMS. So I rewind the tape, and then she feels guilty and says, "Oh, just show me." So I FAST-FORWARD the tape back to where Tracy gets the lead on Sam and gives that homina-homina smile o'evil.

Fey turns just in time to catch the smile, and she's like "F--- Me, Mama!!!!" I just ROFLMAO. Even the hardened and disillusioned are still putty in the hands of She Who Cannot Be Denied. All Hail the Wicked Tracy Q!

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Where IS everybody today?

I've decided that I'm going to publish my Wish List for JanieMas 2007, just a little one-stopping birthday shopping list for the Divine Ms. Elliot. Anybody want to join in and publish their own wish lists for Jane & Tracy?

For Jane:

  1. Continued good health.
  2. Job satisfaction.
  3. Challenging and rewarding scripts.
  4. Family stability and happiness.
  5. Lots and lots of laughter, good food, great relationships, and enduring friendships.
For Tracy:
  1. Her own business.
  2. A separation from the Quartermaines that does not involve banishment; rather, a personal choice to move out on her own.
  3. Many moments of connection and love with her sons.
  4. A decent wardrobe.
  5. Sex. Lots of it, and of the satisfying variety. Preferably with Luke, but I won't turn my nose up at another, more stable lover, is that's what she chooses.
  6. Freedom from Daddy, on a physical, emotional, financial, and psychological level.
  7. Did I mention mind-blowing, toe-curling, blood-pumping monkey sex with the partner of her choice?
  8. A brother who survives Sweeps.
  9. No long-lost supposedly-aborted daughters (or previously unknown granddaughters) coming back to ruin her life.
  10. A Lila moment. Something she says, does, or experiences that lets her know that she has just as much Lila in her as she does Edward.
Edited by MinervaFan
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JanieMas List 2007

I wish...


1. Beautiful things that sparkle on her neck, wrist, fingers, and ears.
2. All the love she can stand without being ill
3. One person who believes in treating someone the way they want to be treated.
4. A moment to be heard and not hated
5. A wardrobe in which she wears everything exactly once.
6. The knowledge that she's lived the very best life she could.
7. The freedom to leave Monica's house, dignity intact.
8. The mercy to stay with Monica when her brother's gone.
9. The restraint not to club Dillon with a cane.
10. Back bending, muscle-pulling, vocal chord-straining, Lulu-scaring sex.
11. Adventure.
12. Intrigue.
13. Suspense.
14. Grace...


1. The storyline of her career
2. Peace of mind
3. Safety for her and her children.
4. Love in whatever form suits her.
5. Good health.
6. SWEATS in %100 Sears cotton.
7. All the pleasure she's given me since I learned about her.

ETA: Tracy (to Sam): C-A-T-A-S-T-R-O-P-H-E. What does that spell? You wouldn't know!

I hope she says it. Edited by Regency
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First, I want to apologize for my extremely brief appearance in the breakroom last night, the damn Santa Ana winds knocked out both my satellite and my wireless connection. :angry: The good news is that I started to clean up all my GH clips and began to organize them. :)

OK Ms.Q, where did you see this??? What 2007 list did LuNacy make?? Is is from a reliable source?? Please, please, please say its true!!!

Regency and MinervaFan I wish the same things both for Jane and Tracy, I couldn't have said it better!!

Oh and according to TV Guide Tracy is suppose to be on tomorrow. Also, did anybody else notice that our girl made it in the promo for this week! She is wearing the dark blue jacket she wore back when she tried to stop Dillion from talking to the press about his inability to put on a condom properly.

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LMFAO. I don't know whay, but that just cracks me the hell up!

Oh, and on a more somber note--

SPOILER/RUMOR RE: Stuart Damon from SZ




Stuart Damon's (Alan's) DEATH SCENE will be filmed on February 2 and 5th to air

on February 16th and concluding on February 19th, as of this writing.

Since it is not filmed yet...KEEP WRITING AND CALLING! DO NOT LET YOUR


John Ingle was saved a few years back and I seriously doubt he got the

kinda fan reaction to his ouster that Stuart is getting regarding his.

In any event, if fans saved Edward, fans can save Alan.

Other sources are telling me that in addition to Stuart, Rachel Ames

might be killed off as well. ABC SUCKS.

SAVE STUART, and Rachel...hell your letters and calls will save other




NOT ONLY THAT, but Stuart could use some kind words himself. Write him

directly... maybe the fan mail will also be noticed by the network as

it gets logged when it arrives. One things for certain, you will change

nothing if you do nothing.

Write Stuart with your words of encouragement here:

Stuart Damon

c/o ABC-TV General Hospital

4151 Prospect Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90027

Information courtesy of Darcy at Total TV Online.

Oh, give me a fracking break! They are going to make the man film his death scene on his 70th frackin' birthday? TIIC are sadists, and not the fun kind, either.

I'm sending the man a letter.

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At least Edward's honest.

Edward (to Sam, paraphrase): I wish I could say Tracy's bark was worse than her bite, but that woman's got one serious set of fangs.

He knows his girl. He thinks he does anyway.

Bite 'Em, Tracy. Do it! Draw blood.

Then, he talks of neutralizing her if she becomes a problem. Retirement Village anyone?

Edited by Regency
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I didn't get to watch all of today's yet, but I know we have at least 2 episodes this week!!! Good start. Maybe the writers were acting under the belief that they were "having a really long dream so why bother?" for the last few years. Now they've come out of it, realized the crap they've been spewing anf are ready to clean up their mess. That or I fell into a diabetic como a few weeks ago and I've been writing my own dream in my head. Seeing as I am a diabetic and the writers have had a long enough track record of garbage, I think the later is more likely, but I'll give them the benifit of the doubt.

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