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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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:mellow: at least Tracy's on :D and new clothing im thankful for that :lol:

IloveTracyQ i like your ideas alot im going to use some of it.... you will have to wait and see. But Scotty will come back and Quite a few others. In case you didnt know yet in my story Luke and tracy aint married. And They might not be, Lets just say Ms. Q in gonna have more then one marriage proposal and the first one isnt comming from Luke.

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*waves to coolkid* Can't wait for the rest of your fanfic.

I caught the rest of GH this evening, and I am amused by the fact that Tracy's hair changed throughout the episode. LOL. The scenes must have been filmed on different days. Her hair was much better in the Tracy/Sam scenes IMO. Speaking of...I understand why Sam knocked her down, but haven't she and Courtney heard of using their words? Poor Tracy.

Also...Tracy is in ABC Media Net Photos for the Week of December 5th. Bad news, coolkid. The wardrobe is recycled. LOL.

ETA: There is some good discussion about Tracy Q. at TWoP Forums in regards to yesterday's episode; ILoveTracyQ already knows (I saw your post. ;)), but the rest of you may want to check it out. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I still haven't actually watched yesterday's show yet,still wondering if I should bother. LOLOL

Even though I sorely love my girl and miss her.

BTW Ms.Q and everyone else,if you browse TWOP,have you caught up on Ms.Chicklet's fanfic ? It's fairly good and has some good Tracy stuff and she's updated lately.

Still lovin Tracy Q!

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Yes I have, ILoveTracyQ. :) She also has one called La Revolution; I believe I posted the link @ the old SON, but here it is again if anyone wants to check it out: La Revolution. It is set after Monica finds Michael smothering AJ, and there is some Tracy. Let's just say that AJ isn't dead. ;)

Also, if anyone is interested, a poster named Shazzer posted a Luke/Tracy video at GH Video Theatre. The link is only temporary, but here it is: Luke/Tracy Video. ILoveTracyQ, you may not like the beginning since Big Alice is featured (as she explains the situation to Edward), but overall, it was a neat video although there is a bit of situational language.

And that's all I got. LOL. Except that it looks like Tracy Q. is not going to be on next week. :(

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*waves to fellow TQ lovers*

I think Tracy's used up her allotment of appearances this month. LOL

Of course she's mainly been window dressing but still,I counted eight episodes so far,so I won't complain. :)

It'd be nice to see her this week,though.

It'd be even more nice to at least hear the Q's talk about Thanksgiving,even if we can't see it.

ETA the video was cute! I wish I had the means and know how to do such a thing.

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*sneaks in*

Hi everyone! :D I suppose 8 episodes is nothing to complain about, but I hope for 11 or so each month, which is about half.

I'm glad you enjoyed the video, ILoveTracyQ. I might be able to teach myself how to make one (I DO have the program on my computer, LOL), but I'm lacking in the creativity department. Plus I would need to upload ALL the clips that I wanted. And something tells me creating videos is a very time consuming process. LOL.

*sneaks out*

ETA: Haven't watched, but I read that Brook and Emily mentioned Thanksgiving today. Brook apparently said that she'll have "turkey sausage on her pizza." :lol: *sigh* Why, TIIC, why can't we have a Q Thanksgiving this year?












I am not liking this "Carly as CEO of ELQ" speculation. Tracy and Ned need to be running the company. But heh. If this SL gets Tracy screentime, then I can't complain...much. ;)

Week of November 28th: Tracy sees an ally in Lulu. (I hope this is the start of something GOOD; Tracy will probably want Lulu to do something "evil" for her.) But here's to hoping!

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I'm glad the writers actually at least gave it a mention,Q Thanksgiving.

Not liking the Carly spoiler,either,although I would like some LW/JE scenes.

The other spoiler....I'm trying to stay positive about it. It should be interesting. Here's hoping it's not a two second plot point.

I think spoiler #2 may directly relate to #1,though.


I think that ***** will seek out **** as an ally, to find out what the lady in spoiler #1 is up to. You know,them being related and all,***** probably figures she can get **** to sort of spy for her.....only she won't phrase it that way. I'd love to see them bond. I'm going to hope for that. I think it would be an unexpected surprise for them both.

Sorry,hope I didn't confuse you,I'm just to lazy to hide the spoiler. LOL

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LOL Ms. Q. :)

Oh,all RIGHT!









Another site is reporting,don't remember which,that Luke is going to try and get Lorenzo's shares to bribe Tracy. For what? A divorce? Probably.

More of the same old stuff? *SIGH*.

Anyway,I think Luke's "partner" is Carly,and Carly double crosses him,and Tracy learns somehow what Luke is doing,and maybe she thinks he's doing it to have ELQ for himself,and she enlists Lulu to help her,(not sure how,by spying on Carly/Luke?)

Anyway,Alice finds out,and tells Lulu that she BETTER side with her dad. Something about Lulu/Tracy making a deal/partnership of their own...what does Lulu want,that she thinks Tracy can give her?

Either way,it doesn't look like Lulu is going to be an innocent victim,but I never thought she would be. However if she double-crosses Tracy...uh-oh. LOL

Should be good,either way. :)







SPOILER DISCUSSION OVER*********************************


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All right. Here goes nothing...LOL











This Luke/Tracy marriage is confusing me. One minute, Luke wants a divorce. But the next minute, he insists that he is enjoying life as "Mr. Tracy Quartermaine." Granted bribing Tracy for a divorce is not definite at this point...I have no idea. LOL. Now...What does Lulu want? A divorce for Luke and Tracy? You posted that at SZ, I believe, and I bet you are correct. Which reminds me...Per Cable Guide Spoilers, you were correct about Tracy asking Lulu to spy on Luke. *claps* I also read that Alice threatens Lulu with bodily harm if she sides with Tracy. Wonderful. [/sarcasm] Lulu may have a mouth on her, but is Alice actually going to threaten to hurt her? Anyway...LOL. I'm just going to hope for some good Tracy/Lulu scenes.











Whew! Before I forget: Happy Thanksgiving! Also...I've written a Q Thanksgiving Fanfic, and I am debating whether or not to share...LOL. Nah. I'll share. I can't post fanfiction though until 3 days after registration. So it won't be posted in time for Thanksgiving, but it should be up this weekend (at Fanfiction.net). Just a heads up if interested. :)

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Happy Turkey Day to you too Ms.Q, and everyone!!

I want Lulu/Tracy to bond,not sure to what degree,but it should be fun seeing what happens.

A few lucky guesses about spoilers so far. *shrug* I'll probably be totally wrong about most others. LOL

Yes,I most certainly want to read your fic,I'll make a note to do that and weigh in with my opinions!


And you know I'll want more,I can tell already. :)

Have a safe holiday,everyone! :D

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Did everyone have a good holiday? I know, I know, the holiday weekend isn't over. ;) No need to rush it. LOL.

ILoveTracyQ and others who are interested: Chapters 1 and 2 are here. I have the fanfiction complete; but you have to wait for the rest. :P Just a side-note, but I had problems with the site earlier. Right now it appears to be up and running, so hopefully the link works for you.

And of course...I'm still lovin' Tracy Q. :D

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*waves to ILoveTracyQ*

Thanks for the compliment; your "so far" is scaring me. ;) LOL. I hope you like the other chapters (speaking of, the next three are up), and feel free to continue to weigh in with your opinions (even if they are not in my favor).

So...Any guesses on how many days Tracy will be on this week? 2? *hopes for at least 3*

ETA: I've uploaded the chapters, but it apparently takes some time before you can view them. Just a heads up.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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