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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms.Q here is what I got so far:



Courtsey of Brianne102


Ohh La La

Courtsey of me :)


Brighter Than Sunshine

Courtsey of me, again!


On Being Quartermaine

Courtsey of Smirks

***waves to LoveThatTracy**

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nex, thanks so much. MinervaFan has volunteered to send me the mvids on a disc, so you don't have to upload those for me anymore. But again, thanks! I love the Saturday video/song and played it like 7 times last night, LOL. And I can't believe I forgot about smirks's On Being Quartermaine masterpiece. And of course, you know I love your vids, especially Ohh La La. :)

Fanfiction Update: Kind of. Went to write more of Oh, Baby last night, but then realized I needed to go back and see what's been happening before I could continue. Unfortunately, by the time I finished reading, I didn't want to write anymore. Been working on another fic though, a Day In the Life one (involves Dillon getting hurt, Tracy having to wait; other characters include Edward, Alan, Monica, Ned, Luke; some Patrick, Robin, Bobbie, Elizabeth; and mentions of Jax, Robert, Skye, and Georgie; I've seen to have forgotten about Lulu for the time being, might have to weaver her in). It's not done, but I've sent what I have to Deb for beta-ing.

Now...We need some EXCITEMENT in here! Oh, I emailed LoveThatTracy last night, and like mercedes, there have been troubles with validation. I'm not sure if sending the "revalidation" message worked or not, but if I hear anything, I'll let you know.

From the games that weren't as big as a success as I hoped, LOL...

The name game: Weasel is AJ.

The quote game: ILoveTracyQ, if you want to answer the "About Whom" ones, feel free. If not, I'll provide the answers later or tomorrow.

Other quotes if interested...

Who Said It?

Hint: Both are NOT GH actors.

"[Jane] really does bring a breath of fresh air. Tracy's very colorful. She can be a [!@#$%^&*] to you on one hand and have you laughing on the other."

"My job is not to rewrite or tell makeup and hair how to do their thing. Jane Elliot (ex-Anjelica, DAYS; Tracy, GH) taught me that. She told me, 'Say your lines, don't bump into the furniture and go home.' They tell me to cut my hair, I cut it. They tell me to dye my hair, I dye it. Fighting about it is too much like work. You should go to work and have a good time or don't go."

About Whom?

After this actor/actress died, JE said she'd never be able to perform with such brilliance again.

Upon returning to GH in 2003, JE said if she could, she'd work with this actor/actress 7 days/week.

"In my next life I want to come back as [this actress] She is the healthiest human being I've ever met in my life. She takes nothing hard. Two days before she delivered her son she did 100 pages of dialogue to cover her maternity leave without so much as a whimper, whine, or complaint. If her husband has to leave town for a few months of training- no problem! If the housekeeper catches the garbage on fire and the fence burns down-no big deal! She's an astonishing human being. We have absolutely nothing in common, but I miss having her to learn from. I miss having her around to remind m e how the other half lives, because I take everything hard."

Aha! I did post it before, LOL. *looks at TQ fans suspiciously* Hmm, not reading every inch of my posts, eh? ;) J/K. It came from an enormous post, and I know how easy it is to skip over things, seeing as I've done it myself. In fact, I've missed entire posts before.

And wow...Another long post, I see. Hope everyone's enjoying the weekend!

Edit: Hmm, it won't let us type the "B word" anymore. I don't use it myself that much, but it was part of a quote, so I kept it in, LOL.

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Did my other post scare everyone? Heh.

Bumping 'cause Bella is lurking in the shadows, LOL. Bella, come on back in. We've missed ya! :D

Also...I put in a request at HellaGood for the those Helena/Tracy/Luke scenes. Geena had the scene of Luke holding Tracy hostage on the Haunted Star, as well as the Charitable Endowment ones, so I'm hoping she has these too.

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Okay I'll give the other questions a whirl.

I think sometimes as far as validations I had to try two or THREE times to get in and be able to post.

So don't get discouraged if you can't. If you try a second and third time to resend your validation and it doesn't work...email the mods and let them know. :)

I don't know who the first person was in the 'Not GH actors' quotes but the second person speaking is Judi EVans who now plays Bonnie on Days and used to play Adrianne.

About the actor/actress that died...I *think* Jane was talking about Gerald Anthony (Marco).

The actor/actress Jane said she wished she could work with seven days a week? Tony Geary?

The actress Jane is referring to in the last quote is Lynn Herring I think.

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If anyone wants the answers to the first round of "About Whom," I have them. Or we can just forget that this game ever existed, LOL.

ILoveTracyQ, Randy Mantooth is the first one. Judi Evans and Gerald Anthony are both correct. *more ice cream for you* The next one is actually Nancy Lee Grahn, and the last one is Mary Beth Evans.







From SoapDish: Tracy confesses to Robert that she doesn't want Luke to leave again. Robert suspects she's jealous of Skye, but Tracy refuses to admit it.

All right. So I made that up. I'm evil. :ph34r:But it could happen, right? It's simple. It's predictable. GH could do it.

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You know my biggest fear about Lacy is that it's becoming Skuke and/or that Tracy is becoming Skye.

Of course logically I know that won't happen because you can "nice" her all you want and Tracy still has a fire and personality that Skye just doesn't have.

But still there's the threat of it because I can't imagine Tracy just sitting still for Luke's comings and goings much longer.

As far as the quote being about NLG..... :blink: .

Even Jane, my fave actress in daytime (and one of my fave actresses ever) can disappoint me with the words outta her mouth sometimes.

Of all the people she could say that about she picked NLG??

Ewww. Just ewwww. I'm disappointed. And in the interest of fairness that's all I'm going to say about that.

Deb I emailed you just those chapters of Solace that I didn't feel would piss you off *too* much...and the Tracy/Victor stuff (which is the only reason for reading it, that and the Tracy/Ned stuff. IMO).

I *really* like the Tracy/Victor relationship in this story.

I *really* would rather Tracy have a guy like this on GH....or a relationship with Luke like this...it sorta is in some ways like Lacy....in *some* ways.

Anyway Deb.....that's my opinion for what it's worth.

It *is* an unfinished story but I think you'll like the later Tracy/Victor stuff.

I hope you will, anyway. :)

And I tried to get into the breakroom but it doesn't like me.



And Staci you know......I'd love more Tracy/Robert interactions. I like their little quasi-friendship they seemed to have started. I'd like to see more...some scenes that are actually NOT about Luke though.

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Regency you should get the "Solace" chapters in your email sometime today.

I reviewed your version of the "Lovely Bones" story at FF.net.

Hmm.....I wish I had some great spoilers or tidbits to share.

We could do the kind of story where one of us starts it and the next person adds on and the next person adds on and on and on......

I'll start: please keep in mind this is off the cuff free writing in which I did no research and honestly have no idea where this story is going:

Tracy's Excellent Adventure

It was during one of Luke’s numerous extended absences that Tracy got into the trouble that lead to the disaster. He had taken off for parts unknown again, and this time Tracy decided she could stay and wait like the good little wifey he had come to expect.

Or,, she could pack her bags and head to parts unknown herself.

Maybe she'd be at the mansion waiting when he got back.

And maybe she wouldn't be.

Had she known at the time she thought this just how unpredictable her safe return would be, she might have paused. But Tracy being Tracy, she kissed her father on the cheek and instructed Dillon on what needing tending to at ELQ, before taking the ELQ jet to France.

The hotel de la Jatte in Paris remembered her well and took her reservation over the phone, having a vacancy in a room overlooking the Seine. Tracy breathed out a sigh as she relaxed on the jet, thinking of shopping and sightseeing and spas and restaurants and even seeing old friends.

Anything but her errant hubby and where he might be and what he might be doing.

When Tracy arrived at the hotel...............

Okay peeps anyone want to pick this up? I'm thinking romance, adventure, intrigue. Ya know.....the stuff Tracy doesn't get on GH.

You can take as many liberties as you want. :)

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....When Tracy arrived at the hotel, she wakled briskly, yet calmly to the check-in counter. She felt more relaxed and rejuvinated than she had in months, years maybe. This trip could be good for her after all, she thought, as the last traces of Luke and her troubled marriage dissipated quickly form her war-torn subconscious. The battle between had and heart had temporarily subsided, and she breathed a cleansing sigh of sloace and tranquility.

As she approached the hotel receptionists, Tracy was accutely aware of the nearly a tangible stare. "To Hell with it, Tracy, live a little.", she prodded her self silently, and she turned to fully face the man who belonged to the set of eyes that were not-so-secretly boring into her.

As she faced the man...

Yeah, that prolly sucked ass but it's the best my feeble 18 year mind could do on short notice. Great idea ILTQ!

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EEEEE !!! No it was great tracyluver.

Heh. :)

And I'll add to that........

she turned to fully face the man who belonged to the set of eyes that were not-so-secretly boring into her.

As she faced the man... ....

Tracy blinked once, then twice....."Victor? Victor Cassadine? Is that you?"

Tracy knew the face. And when he moved she was sure she was right...even after almost thirty years she remembered the gestures and nuances of his body.

Yet the man looked across the room as if he hadn't even heard her, and lifted an arm to flag down the elevator. As he moved to catch it before the doors closed Tracy stood there stunned.

"Vic-" she started to call after him, then shook her head. Maybe she was mistaken.

" I guess I could call Helena up and ask her if her brother in law is in Paris," Tracy thought then snorted.

"Seeing as how we're so close and all."

Tracy turned to the hotel desk and decided the direct approach was safer.

"Can you tell me if you have a guest here by the name of Victor Cassadine?" she spoke in French.

The clerk behind the desk screwed up her face in distaste at Tracy's accent. "We have a strict policy about revealing the names of guests" the clerk responded in English as she shuffled some papers and pointedly kept her eyes on the man behind Tracy.

Tracy huffed, remembering that here she was just another guest and the name Quartermaine meant nothing.

She turned to the elevators to go up to her room.........

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I just beta'd two extremely short stories by Regency. As usual, the quality's through the roof. I think you guys are REALLY going to like one of them, and die-hard LuNacy fans will probably...well, Luke really deserves what he's gonna get in the second one. :)

Regency, I sent you an email with general feedback and will send proofed copies when I have access to my files.

Great job on the instafic, guys. I'll be expecting full-blown fics from you both on the ficathon in no time, right? :D

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