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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy IS *the* spunky Q.

AND she's a danger junkie just like her errant hubby.

Any REAL long time TracyQ fan knows the woman likes her bad boys...and she likes her bad boys mainly because of that element of excitement/danger.

And TG knows it too.....I *loved* his comment in the press about Tracy being able to climb the tower and save Luke which was a refreshing change for him.

Of course our girl needs to know that she can count on Luke to have her back too.....one reason I loved the HS/Helena with a gun/Luke w/the Kevlar vest thing sooo much(what I got to see of it....I missed the whole "Tracy kicks/knocks the gun out of Helena's hands" thing and would very much love to see it if anyone has clips.)

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OT-Sorry for not being around much today. Had some more computer problems, called Dell Support, ran a bunch of tests, and still nothing. It's working for now, but I am seriously afraid to use it, although it's not like I can lose any files, you know? They're all already gone. *shrugs*

Despite my fear, I've looked up some things, so we can play another game. :)

Who Said it?

Other actors on Jane Elliot

"She's a formidable actress. You have to be on top of your game with Jane because otherwise, she's going to bust you for being less than you should be."

"I've love to trade barbs with Jane Elliot. She's a force to be reckoned with."

When asked to describe Jane Elliot in on word, this actor/actress said, "Funny."

"I love Jane Elliot. She's so funny."

"When those two [Jane and Tony] work together…it is the hardest thing in the world not to crack up. I've been in scenes with them where I'm standing there about to pee in my pants. I want to laugh so hard, but you can't. They just take it like it's nothing, and I'm like, 'Oh my god. This is the funniest thing I've ever seen.'"

"I respect Jane Elliot so much and find that I learn so much from her as a person as well as an actor."

"…they brought back Jane Elliot. I loved to tangle with her."

When asked who he/she always wanted to work with but never had the chance, this person said, "Jane Elliot would be one of them."

"I've been able to work with Jane Elliot (Tracy). She's such a feisty character and she's so strong with her presence and her voice."

"She's my neighbor and a really good friend. It's really great to have Jane back in my life…"

"She makes me laugh. She makes me think. She makes me see and appreciate myself."

About whom?

Jane Elliot on other actors

"Our friendship is a great boon to my life. He/she's a kind, gentle, spiritual, perceptive human being, and you can never have too many of those in your life."

"I love working with him/her. [We] have known either other since we were teenagers in New York."

"He/she takes serious risks. That's what makes him/her so great. He/she is willing to put himself/herself out on a limb and find out what doesn't work."

"I like [their] work very much. I enjoy working with them and was extremely proud of the way they kept up with me and Tony."

"…He/she was just captivating. He/she was just so…present and so in the moment."

"He/she seems to be really, really good."

"Fiercely loyal would describe him/her. Willing to go to any length available to prevent the people he/she loves from feeling scared, lonely, or broke."

Don't have the exact quote for the following…

JE said this person is a joy, and that she loves working with him/her.

JE said this person could hold his/her own and that were good thing to come with him/her.


While searching for quotes, LOL, I found this:

JE speaks on Sam's role in the Dead Man's Hand SL:

Jane Elliot, who plays Tracy says, "It's hideous. Sam is the little truck driver, this little toughie who socks people. She tries to have a physical fight with Tracy." But we know how tough Tracy is!

Also ran into this: Deidre Hall gets help from GH Star (in regards to playing Hattie…)

Hall did her homework. "I went to my friend Jane Elliot (Tracy, General Hospital), who is a brilliant actress, and I gave her some Hattie tapes," relates Hall. "I said, 'I have to be her next week.' Jane said, 'Okay. I'd like you not to watch the tapes. Let me see them and then we'll get into it.' I booked her for an acting class, a directing class."

After viewing the tapes, Elliot pronounced that it would be "an adjustment," albeit an easy one. "I won't tell you what it is, because that's an actor's private information," demurs Hall. "But there were several adjustments I made that made it very easy. Then I ran it with Jane."

Speaking of Hall, anyone know where the quote is of DH, I believe, referring to Jane Elliot as the most brilliant on Daytime, and then she had some other things to add. I've come across several things, but it's mainly Electra Woman/Dyna Girl stuff.

Anyway, whew. Long post, LOL. Here's hoping for Tracy next week!

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I'll be honest this is the only quote that I know. Tony said it about Jane during their interview with SID last summer. :)

Ms.Q so sorry about your computer I hope everything works out!

**waves to LovethatTracy who is lukring, come on in we don't bite**

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Oh, that is SO wonderful. I haven't read it yet, but I will definitely do so.

I am updating the tags at the Ficathon. What I'm doing is creating a tag for every multi-chaptered story, so if you want to find all chapters of "Chances Are" (for example), you'd just click the "chances are" link, and get every chapter posted to the ficathon. It's going to take a while, since some of you are 70 chapters in, but I'll get it there. Have faith in old MinervaFan...eventually, her anal-retentive nature will take charge! Mwahahahaaaa..

ETA: Dayum, ya'll are some prolific people...*looks at MsQ and 4xcrazy specifically*

ETA2: Regency, I'm floored. I am so beyond floored at your newest story. You...oh, I'm so going to age myself as the Grandma Geek I am, but no other words apply here. You GROK Tracy. Complete, comprehensive, soul-level understanding of that character. I'm just...wow. Wow. Ya'll, go read this puppy. If it doesn't have you crying by the end of part one, check your tear ducts. They're clogged.


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I don't know if any of you have read this, but Tracy's (Jane Elliot's) return to GH made Jack Myers' Best of Broadcast in 2003 list in MediaVillage.com. Not only did she make it, but at #8, her return topped shows such as "Joan of Arcadia," "Alias," "Angel," and "The O.C."

8. Jane Elliot's Return to "General Hospital." For reasons known only to ABC Daytime, this showpiece soap opera that once revolved around the lives of doctors and police officers has been allowed to degenerate into a quagmire of violent, misogynistic, anti-climactic stories about tempertantrum-tossing, murderous mobsters and the self-centered sluts who adore them. But just a few weeks ago, in a move of atypical brilliance, the show's producers returned the much-missed character of Tracy Quartermaine to their canvas, and "General Hospital" suddenly became vital again, at least some of the time. Jane Elliot's mercurial performance as Tracy hasn't lost any of the emotional complexity that won her an Emmy for this role more than 20 years ago. And here's a lesson for bamboozled daytime executives who are constantly trying to figure out how to attract young viewers to their soaps: The return of the fifty-something Elliot to "General Hospital" prompted a boost in the show's 18-49 ratings.

I love our girl. I also love when she gets mainstream recognition.

ETA: From the depths of Google.com, we find.....

A synopsis of A Flame in the Wind, Jane's first television gig back in the 1950s.

A recount of actress Leigh Taylor-Young's encounter with 20 year old Jane when they were both struggling actresses in NYC. (Doesn't paint JE in too good a light, but hey, we're archiving history here.) :)

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nex, yep, that was TG. I'm going to see if ILoveTracyQ pops in sometime this weekend before I give the other answers. She'll probably know some of them. Until then, here are some hints if you or someone else wants to guess.

From the "Who Said It" section...

3 quotes came from Lindze Letherman

1 from Alicia Leigh Willis

1 from John Ingle

1 from Rick Hearst

1 from Natalia Livingston

1 from Kimberly McCollough

1 from Wally Kurth

1 from Deidre Hall

*Scott Clifton's praised her several times, but I couldn't fix anything exact.

From the "About Whom" section...

3 quotes about Scott Clifton

2 about Tony Geary

1 about Leslie Charleson

1 about Wally Kurth

1 about Lindze Letherman

1 about Laura Wright

1 about Deidre Hall

*JE has also praised Julie Marie Berman, but once again, couldn't find the exact quote and didn't want to be too far off if I described it.

LoveThatTracy, yes, feel free to come in. We love getting new members! Speaking of members, anyone hear from Keith, kenna, coolkid, or smirks lately? I know smirks has been busy calculating numbers for her SOC Scientific Study of MOST LOVED and MOST HATED GH Character, but I hope she comes in here soon. BTW, Tracy was #2 for Most Loved. Her hubby, Luke Spencer, came in first.

Regency, I'll provide more detailed feedback later, but for now? Wow. Just wow. I really have no words. What you wrote is just incredible! *bows down to you*

MinervaFan, I knew about the Best of Broadcast thing; might've even posted it before, LOL, but I didn't know about the other actress's experience. Yeah, not too good of a light. Heh.

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Never knew about the Best of Broadcast. Too bad TIIC don't take notice of such things unless it's an actor/character THEY want to pimp.

Yes ladies and gents....JE took the ratings from like a 3.0 to 3.6 the week she came back....then people realized the show and her return "story" were crap and stopped tuning in.

I'll never understand why TIIC continue to only pimp about half a dozen characters and no others...especially when it's obvious those actors/characters don't do jack crap to help the ratings.

LoveThatTracy are you the same one from SOC that I PM'd? If so please join us. If not join us ANYWAY...LOL.

We'd love to have ONE MORE Tracy/JE lover in here gushing about our fave.

It's *normally* very peaceful and fun in this thread.

Don't let recent posts put you off. Please. :)

Hmm...about Leigh Taylor young.

Now I'm not going to say that I dare think Jane E is a perfect person or that she doesn't have bad qualities.

SHe I'm sure has mood swings,suffers or has suffered from PMS...jealousy,feelings of superiority, etc etc etc...all those things the rest of us human beings have felt.

But reading that....it seems that's just LTY's opinion. Unless Jane came out and said she didn't want the competition..and I doubt she did, that's just LTY's opinion, or Jane's "friend's" opinion.

Going by Jane in interviews only..she's very savvy, and she probably wanted to meet LTY before she recommended her, to make sure she wasn't recommending a no-talent wannabe.

After all....your own reputation is at stake if you recommend another person for, well, anything.

And that would be my main guess as to why Jane wanted to meet her.

I don't think it had much to do with competition.

If jane were that petty, she just would have said NO..without meeting or knowing her.

Secondly...after meeting her, LTY assumes Jane decided she was no competition. AGain...she could have just not recommended her for whatever reason. Jane obviously saw something in her. Because again JE's own reputation would be at stake if she did so.

Meh. It sounds like crap to me. :) And that's all I'm going to say about that.

The Jane I've read in interviews isn't that petty or small minded.

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nex is right...the first is TG.

The second...Rick H?

The third...LL?

The fourth is ALW

The fifth one is Lindze L

The next...LL?

The next...John Ingle?

The next...Kim Mc?

The next...Natalia L?

The neighbor one...that'd be Wally K.

The next...Deidre Hall

About WHOM:

I know most of these but I'll wait to see what someone else guesses. LOL

And I'm off to read Regency's fic.

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Regency fic talk for those who haven't read it yet I'm treating it like a "spoiler"

Ya know(apologies for going on about this) I 'm still one of those who feels it was OOC for Tracy to have the abortion. Sure the kid at that point in her life would have been an inconveniece...but Tracy in her darkest moments has considered Ned and Dillon both inconveniences.

She had Ned at a very young age (eighteen or so?) and Dillon was unplanned.

She was not prepared or equipped or "enthusiastic" :)..about the prospect of raising either one. She grew up in boarding schools and tucked in by nannies as a child most likely..and thought nothing of doing the same to Ned...although at least Dillon she dragged around with her instead of shipping him off. My point is that she would have automatically done the same with the second aborted child and at that point in her life thought nothing of it. She also...inconvenieces or not...loves both her boys FIERCELY, and would likely give up her life in a heartbeat for either one (and likely would have loved the second child with the same ferocity). So it just doesn't ring true for me.

BUT this being GH...our girl had the abortion just as our girl has done other things I thought were out of character. It's as much a part of her history now as the heart pills incident. Sooo..with that in my mind, I have to say that I LOVED the way Regency reunited Tracy with her child in the story. You know I have my days when I'm hormonal (less and less as I get older) and some things that break others simply don't bother me.

I was teary at different parts during the story (strangely dry at the Lila/Tracy moments) but the only time I truly lost it so far has been: the mother/child reunion with Tracy and her little girl...."mama"...oh I blubbered like a baby all over my papers on my desk. Seriously.

And....when Georgie died. And strangely too when Morgan died and Tracy held him. I didn't expect that at all.

But I *loved*, simply *loved* Tracy/Luke.

I have my issues with that man...boy do I ever. And truthfully outside of Lacy I don't find Luke to be all that. I definitely don't get the allure of the character by himself or with Laura. But my girl loves him...and even though Guza and Co suck for treating both JE/Tracy like a smelly afterthought....they will go down in my book with a gold star for being the ones that paired them.

And wow I'm rambling...but Regency I hope there's more to your story. Will all the Q's reunite around the table?

*sniff* I'm getting teary just thinking about it.

Fic spoiler talk over

SD spoiler talk:

I figure if Jane stays they'll go back to Lacy/Skuke...in what capacity I don't know...but I would *love* for the tables to be turned and a mysterious man to come and attempt to sweep Tracy off her feet if Jane stays.

If Jane leaves...what happens will be irrevelant to me unless they recast Tracy.

I doubt I'll mind a recast because Tracy to me is still Tracy and if she becomes unrecognizable I think it'll be mostly due to the writing but I'll probably still watch till the character leaves for good.

I'll miss Jane horribly...but I'm not going to say no to a recast. I think the actress who temporarily replaced Jane when her adoptive daughter was born...Christine Jones..did a great job at imitating Jane's nuances and yet bringing a spark all her own to the character.

Although truthfully if Jane leaves I don't see TIIC recasting Tracy. I could be wrong though.

I *want* Jane to stick around another year or two...but I don't know if I can take her being wasted another year or two..and there lies my quandry.

I *do* think Lacy's future may be up in the air...depending more on Genie and if she does recurring visits more than RC/Skye...because if I'm not mistaken when she re-signed she also re-signed only for one year(which means it's about to run out). I also think that Skye isn't a threat to Lacy. I think Luke is sexually attracted to Skye but I don't think he ever loved her and I think now with her about to have a young child? The chances of Luke being anything more than a protector to this child(possibly a GodFather?) and Skye are slim to none.

If Genie does do the recurring thing we might as well get used to Lacy stalling during those periods.

If she doesn't, and Jane stays...*crosses fingers toes and every other appendage* that Lacy will progress and grow.

SD rumor talk over

*hugs* to all.....I'm likely out of here until tomorrow or even Monday my friends......:)

Do you mean the clip *I* requested with Helena/Luke/Tracy aboard the HS last year?

Yeah you clip peeps out there. Help us out. I taped that(or rather my mom taped that for me) but her VCR messed up and I missed the whole Tracy kicks the gun out of Helena's hand before Helena can shoot Luke in the head thing.

*prays for someone who has the clips to come forward*

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ILoveTracyQ, I think Regency's story is complete. The last part that was posted was Part 2 of 2. And thanks for posting what you did. It made me feel better how the whole Luke/Skye/Tracy thing.

About the clip...I don't have it, but Tracy didn't kick the gun. She just grabbed it. Without the gun as a weapon, Helena ran out. Luke popped up and told Tracy to "get down" and "hit the floor." Then he said something like that "Give me that [the gun], before you get one of us killed!"

I loved the scene, but I wish Luke would've been grateful that she saved his life. I mean, Helena was going to shoot him in the head. If Tracy hadn't done anything, he'd probably he dead. Psst, Luke. A little gratitude would be nice.

Edit: Video Request: If anyone wants to start uploading videos for me, I'll be forever grateful. Oh, does anyone have the Dillon/Tracy "Saturday" one that used to be a YouTube? Other ones to start off (if you have the time): Nana, kenna's Not Ready to Make Nice, I'll Remember, Never Mind, and OhhLala. Thanks in advance! I know how long it takes up to upload videos, and I'm sure it's so much worse for dial-up users.

*waves to everyone who is lurking as a guest*

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