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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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hello hello hello!!! How are you all/ I havent been here in sooo long but i had to drop in and shre in the tracy lurve! RL has been the hectic cause of my posting absence but now im back and ready to post! The problem is i dont really know what to say! LOL I would answer the quiz questions but everything the i was going to say has already been said. I miss tracy, but thats nothng new. I really liked the few short scnes (any scene is too short when my Tracy is in it!!) that we got. and WOW! 3 DAYS IN A ROW!!!!! That was like...Christmas come early for me, it was awesome.

Well, im gonna go and see if my brand new movie is in the mail! I ordered Peter Greenway's The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover and I cant wait to watch!!!) Bye all. *prays to the soap gods that tracy is on today*

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*waves to tracyluver. Glad to see you posting. :)

And Keith next time we role play in the chatroom YOU be Luke M'Kay?

I felt really weird after pretending to be Luke Spencer. I can't explain it. I expected to find chest hairs this morning. It was...a strange testosteroney experience. Seriously.

I'll stick to being the woman. I don't know if I can roleplay Tracy though.

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Hair: Curly, but not as good as before.

Wearing: Red jacket...kinda neat...a little flowery, over black. (not a skirt...pants...silly me)

With: Edward, freeloader!Lulu, and possibly a podperson dressed as her son...the younger one. Older one mentioned!

Tone: Tracy may just be the best mother ever.

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Went over to Soapzone, and can't wait to see. Please tell me she is being Good!Tracy instead of Stupid!Selfish!Evil!Tracy. Please.

I'm feeling much better than I was this morning, but a little Tracy Lurve will definitely improve my mood. Work is boring as hell--would be a good time to work on the story (handwriting in a notebook), but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't know what's causing it-maybe I just don't want to go where I'm going.

It's this stupid prompt--Danger. I've started three stories, and all of them tanked. Now Luke and Tracy angst--but I can't get any time to write, and then when I do, I feel bad after writing. Like I want to cry....not dirty or wrong or anything.

I miss chatting with ya'll--it's just been such a strange few days. Hopefully, today's episode will make me all cheery and happy, right? :)

ETA: OT: Tracyluvr, I tried to watch The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover many years ago, but just couldn't get through it. The piece was too disturbing for me, and I felt very bad for days after watching what I did see. I love Helen Mirren, and it kills me that she's in at least one movie I will never be able to watch completely. (Well, yeah, there's also Caligula, but...wow, she's done some disturbing movies, hasn't she?)

Just a little discussion prompt, as if we need them--what character would you like to see Jane play, either in the movies or on stage? Any character, from any film or movie or book? I'll think about it and post my answer later.

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Spoiler for those who haven't seen today's episode










(not very detailed sorry) Tracy comes in and unplugs Lulu's headphones from her i!pod (i think thats what it was) and chastises her for sitting around and missing the first 2 days of college. Blah blah and Edward comes in more blah. next enter Dillon (with glasses, all i have to say is boys n' glasses) and he says he's taking business classes and Edward gets all excited and Tracy's like wtf. talk about him not going to direct anymore and getting into the business world and Tracy's (me too) like "since when" and yeah. Tracy says that if thats what he wants she's all for him doing what makes him happy but she doesn't want another son of hers to give up on his dream to make the family happy. edward's response "you didn't see Ned in those leather pants" ha. (she didn't? hmm maybe he should come back and do it again) anyways blah about more of Dillon saying he wants to be a part of ELQ and edward is like centimeters away from doing a happy dance and Tracy's got this look of a mixture of wtf r u on and i don't believe it. blah blah both Lulu and Dillon leave room and Edward is all happy and tracy tells him not to get too excited cuz Dillon is young and i forget the other word she used lol. Edward tells her not to underestimate his grandson and she tells him not to put his name on the door (? or something like that)-------- yeah sorry if its confusing lol

edited cuz i keep spelling Edward's name wrong lol i think he pissed of my subconscious.

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*waves to everyone*

Good to see a lot of posts! :D

My Very Brief Comments About Today...

Yay! The curls have returned! But as smirks said, it's different than before.

Recycled!Wardrobe (I'm almost sure), but not bad. The jacket is a short one.

TQ didn't get much to do. Edward and Dillon had most of the dialogue, and GH is evil for giving us Lulu/Dillon and Georgie/Dillon one-on-one scenes, but none with his mother.

A NED MENTION!!!!!!!!!! And psst, Edward, she did see him in those leather pants.

LOL at Dillon. Even though I read the spoiler ahead of time, I had no idea he was going to come out dressed with his hair combed, glasses on, wearing a sweater, LOL.

GO TRACY!!! MinervaFan, it's Good!Tracy, not Stupid!Evil!Selfish!Tracy.

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Out of curiousity...

What tv schows would we like to see JE on? Guest star or reguilar, but it has to a show already in exsistance and character + story line that would fit into the show, not something totally made up or a type of thing we think she's be good at (cuz let's face it, that's almost all of them). I have my choices but I'll after others post.

Can't wait to read everyone's upcomin stories. can't wait for oh baby (I know it's taking a while, I'll be patient, but I'm still excited. I also can't wait for MF's new story!!!! we are long overdue (by my standards anyway) for a little Luke and Tracy angst/romance.


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Hmmm...... Desperate Housewives maybe?? lol Although I doubt that would ever happen. Maybe as a relative of one of the characters or maybe even a new neighbor with some dark secrets. Gotta admit, it would be very different from GH.

Maybe she can appear as a guest star on Boston Legal!? (lmao) She can be an opposing lawyer and catch Alan Shore and Denny Crane's attention. lmfao.

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To answer your question, there are a few movies where I can totally see Jane in. The first is Terms of Endearment, I have always loved that movie but the whole mother/daughter love/hate thing would be something Jane could really sink her teeth in. The second movie would be Somethings Gotta Give, I know MF its not your favorite movie but that movie is a great role for any actress over 55 it had drama, comedy and it was sexy. Thas all I could think of at the moment, I can't wait to see what other people say!

**waves to Keaton who is lurking**

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wow, definately didn't read your post earlier. probably should have, would have saved me the trouble of asking the exact same question! So to answer your question and mine... I've said before, I'd love to see her on house. I absolutely love his with Sela Ward's character, but I'd like to see him with JE. He's moved on from his ex, sort of, she could be the new girl that gives her a run for her money and makes him forget all about Sela. I'd also like to see her have some role on Grey's Anatomy, don't really know what, but I'd like it. I'd like her any one of the legal shows, but I'd like it to be a longer thing on any of these shows than a one day walk on role. I would have also liked her in a movie like The Prince of Tides. I wasn't crazy about the movie, but the book was amazing and had much sexier characters (I'm sure the movie would have been different with a ifferent cast, so I'd give it a chance). I think I would have also liked her in... actually, I don't know. I, personally, think she can play any type of role very well, so it's just a matter of what she'd like to do. I'd like to see her in everything!!

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Kind of OT, pop-ups have decided to invade both Internet Explorer and unfortunately, Mozilla Firefox, as well. I'm not sure what's up. But it's getting out of control, and I'm going have to stick to public computers and such. I'll stop in as much as I can, but if I'm not around much the next few days, that's why. Will miss ya! :)

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I'm a little upset, has anybody been over to abc.com? I was bored today so I decided to travel over to the message board (just to look) and I happened to see Lulu's blog. Can I just say that not only do they have "Lulu" refering to Tracy as 'the step monster' but they even have her name spelled incorrectly! *Tracey* :huh: WTH!! You would think abc would at least know the proper spelling of one of their Emmy award winning actresses!?!?!

Sorry, I just needed to vent :blink:

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