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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So, Thursday was GH's lowest rated day last week. Thursday was the day Tracy told Lulu about the abortion, and part of the scene was featured in the Wednesday previews. :o I don't blame our girl, but TPTB might.







Luke has payback on the brain and sets his sights on the Quartermaines, but is he blaming the wrong party? (Kinda icky)

Alcazar is being killed off, leaving Skye/baby latching onto...Luke? (icky)

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Well about the ratings...there were others featured in the previews besides JE...and besides that JMB was featured and isn't she supposed to be popular?

She's popular online...I have no idea what her mail volume is.

The ratings don't usually fluc more than a few points from day to day so I doubt they blame any one person for the ratings that day/week.

BTW sorta OT but a poster at SZ a few days ago told me she sent JE a postcard right after those scenes letting her know how she enjoyed them. She also said she writes Jane and the other vets on a regular basis.

I just thought that was cool.

spoiler talk

about the spoiler...it IS anonymous...but if so: DIE LUKE DIE if you blame Tracy for this. DIE LUKE DIE.

*whew* I feel better now...no wait..DIE LULU TOO. Just for good measure.

spoiler talk over

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It's so quiet here. :(

CONTRACT TALK: All rumors, but with TK and IS supposedly out the door, SoapDish is speculating JE is next, and that Skye/Luke is the plan. But wasn't it nex who pointed out that you can't have a Luke/Skye romance when Skye is saddled with a baby? Makes. No. Sense.

Edit #1: Um, checked the live post at SZ. Bad idea. Dillon is getting reamed out. Edward, I understand, but Dillon? *sends out signal for Tracy* Tracy, come home now. Your son needs you.

Edit #2: Been thinking, and didn't Tracy send some men out to find Luke? Did she actually go with them or what? WHERE is she? And what the hell is the matter with TIIC? ILoveTracyQ, are you FreeTracyFF (something like that) at SoapZone? Because ITA with the Lulu/Luke and Tracy/Dillon commments you made. Why CAN'T we get Tracy/Dillon? Ughhh...*kicks stupid biased writing* They're not even trying to be subtle about this, are they? Psst, Guza. I get it. Luke is the best father (after Sonny, of course), and Tracy is the worst mother. Let's just get TQ onscreen, shall we?

Also...If JE leaves, there will still be a TQ/JE site, right? 'Cause there's so much stuff from over the years that we can include, and even if she's not on GH anymore, I still think she deserves a site. :)

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so for those who watched today....do you think Luke will sue the Q's over the condoms?

I'm glad some of you find stuff to enjoy about the show when Tracy's not on...but the sound of recaps just makes me mad.

LOL Doubt I'll watch.

Yeah...I don't think it's accidental that Luke is there for Lulu and Tracy isn't there for Dillon.

Not accidental at all.

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I missed you all! I tried doing a self-imposed hiatus to coax me into reviewing all of those mvids and fanfics, a lot of which I have seen and loved and not had the mental wherewithal to express myself over...but that didn't work. But I tried. And I failed. And I missed this place. So, tail between legs, I am coming back.

You know what the Q breakfast was missing this morning? -- QUARTERMAINES!!!!

Especially fabulous fiery brunette ones! So...lemme get this strait... Tracy, who is married to Luke, whom she has been searching for for weeks, and is both the grandmother AND stepgrandmother to this baby (*stops and does the math*) and would never voluntarily miss a Quartermaine breakfast (and a chance of being part of a family conflagration -- what fun!) is mysteriously and inexplicably absent.

Yeah, but Alan's there as he has obviously won the monthly pass out of the vet's closet. And so Luke could pot.kettle.black his parenting skills....Ooooooooooh! SO MAD! at that remark. How dare the absentee parent insult the one that was there.


I don't like this new, vendetta against the Q's version of Luke Spencer. I am certainly worried about what he'll say to his wife when he finally sees her, as Tracy really has been levelheaded about this, and Dillon certainly did not deserve any of the abuse he got from Luke.

Do I think he'll sue the Q's...I think this whole storyline could go very badly and end up with everyone else in town in a class action suit against them. With all the one night stands, and possibly Patrick's HIV in the mix...I really think they could spell the end for the Q's if they wanted to. Evil bastards.

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Well I just hate it that TIIC couldn't bother showing Tracy. And I heard about the diss of Luke to Alan.

Hypocritical much?

And I know or think just about everyone else loves Lulu.

But can we get a scene where Luke learns the truth...or at least find out he KNOWS Lulu's part in all of it?

Because I really don't like how she is coming out of this the "victim."

I hope Luke doesn't sue...but that would be just like TIIC to wreck the best couple this show has had in ages....all for the plot point of bringing Laura back.

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tracyluver, I hung out in the breakroom for about 20 minutes but didn't see you there. And kenna, did you get disconnected again? :(

And UGHHHHH to certain posters another board. ILoveTracyQ, I did my best at defending you and your post, but you might want to hustle over there anyway ("Nice to see Luke home" thread). ;)

And yay smirks! I'm so glad you posted again! So, GH had a Q breakfast without most of the Q's, huh? *kicks TIIC*

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