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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Okay, we have got to schedule a party in the breakroom. That was so much fun last night with so many people there--we should do it more often. I think Regency and LaineyBev714 are actually the same person--:) At least, they are kindred spirits. LOL--olives and femslash, the food of the gods!

So I suppose hoping TQ will be on today is just some sort of exhaustion-induced pipedream, huh? Yeah, probably.

Dudes, another thing that caught me about yesterday--"I knocked on your door this morning...." Why does that strike me as so....sweet? I mean, I'm loving this Tracy. She wants what she wants, but she never, EVUH makes it look like she doesn't care about Lulu. Unlike Edward, she's not reducing the girl to a living incubator for a Quartermaine heir. Unlike Dillon, she's not just focusing on MEMEMEEEE! She's tough, she's frank, but she still checks on the girl in her bedroom first thing in the morning. She still worries about Lulu's health, her eating habits, her emotional stability.

She doesn't want a grandchild. That little spiel about "Granny" was perfect--just perfect. Tracy is not about little children (except maybe her own), this baby would just push her further down the food chain, and it would make her son's life much harder. And she's STILL taking care of the surly daughter of a man who cheats on her and leaves her to deal with all this crap and will probably come back and blame her for the whole thing.

DAYUM, that woman is a class act.

*revels in the joy of TQ*

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***waves to, MF!!!***

I loved TQ yesterday! It was the ONLY good part of my day, yesterday. How about I come to school yesterday only to find that my ex-boyfriend put naked pictures of me up on his e-mail which is on his phone (he has a blackberry) and brought them to school and showed EVERYBODY! You have no idea how humiliating that was for me. I mean, ive never really been shy about my breasts and whatnot but it's always been my choice, it's my body and it mortified me to have the choice to show my body taken away from me. and then i had the ABSOLUTE worse day at work yesterday. I'm a waitress and i almost dropped two big trays twice, and i actually dropped food on this lady. i just went into the cooler and cried. i cried myself to sleep because all i could think about was "does she know?", "has he seen the pictures of me?". so yeah, you have no idea about how much TQ brightened my day. I dont know. Thanx for..erm..listening to me. I cant telll my mom about this you know because then she'd be like "how did he get the pictures" and it'd be all my fault which, actually, it is but whatever. just wanted to say how good i thought her scenes were yesterday. they were awesome.

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tracyluver as humiliating as it is...is there anyone like a school nurse or a teacher you can talk to?

They might be able to do something about it quietly.

Either that..or we could all drive up to your school...and bring the chatroom *bat* with us...and beat him to a pulp.

Whichever works for you. :)

I'm sorry about your day. Bad days SUCK.

MinervaFan I noticed that about Tracy too....also thought it was cool that she said she "knocked" which translates into she IS giving Lulu privacy and respecting it.

I also noticed when Lulu listed off the people who were there for her she said about Tracy "even you" and DIDN'T mention Skye( small squee) and Tracy didn't correct her or interrupt her but DID say she wouldn't feel sorry for someone who could make a list of the people that cared about her...(and Tracy didn't object to being on that list !)

I just thought that scene was the most subtle....Tracy's way of saying w/out saying, that she cares about Lulu. She said it in several ways.

I would have liked more of a reaction, verbally or physically, to Lulu telling Tracy they were nothing alike.

Tracy doesn't have Lulu's self pity streak (thank God)....but we didn't even get a facial reaction shot. What's up with the blocking on the show? We should have gotten facial reactions in several of those moments that we didn't get.'

I thought that the spoilers indicated Tracy WOULD be on today.

Guess we'll see.

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Stopping by the Louisville Slugger Museum to get a big bat to slug tracyluver ex-boyfriend. Sweetie, I'm so sorry about your day--I think a few of us had crappy days yesterday--Mercury's probably in retrograde. Or in hiding....cuz communication was for crap yesterday. (Oh, I got slammed by a supervisor type person for suggesting she call my rep before CANCELLING FIVE OF MY HOSPITAL'S ORDERS without talking to us. Yeah, great day. Thank god for the long weekend....)

ILTQ, you are so right on all counts. I wish they would have given us more reaction shots of TQ, although they made up for it later with that shot of her draped against the door frame staring out into the garden. Nice continuity from Lulu staring out into the garden earlier--both lost in thought, both feeling emotions they would rather not feel. As for the subtlety, I think most of that is from JE's interpretation. The list of people who care could have been a throw-away line, but I don't know--I think JE played it so that it mattered. Course, she plays everything so that it matters.

I hope against hope that she's on today's show. That would be amazing and wonderful. But my lunch break is over now, so I shall big ya'll adieu.

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After what seemed to be forever, I FINALLY got a chance to watch yesterdays show. (a friend of mine is in town and wanted to have dinner and she caught me while on my way home <_< ) In my opinion I thought it was great. MinervaFan, I thought exactly what you thought, it was very "sweet" that Tracy started the conversation by saying that she knocked on her door.

The only problem I did have was how the conversation about her abortion started "what about my 3 pregnancies?" as if Lulu was suppose to know about Tracy's 3rd pg. I DO believe however that Tracy was telling the truth, there was too much hesitation and saddness in her voice when speaking about it for it to be a lie. All in all I thought the whole show was pretty good, with the exception of Sonny and Carly. :P

tracyluver, I am sorry what happened to you, but you know what they say "what goes around comes around" i'm sure your ex will gets whats coming to him.

**waves to LaineyBev714**

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So, according to recaps, am I correct in assuming our girl is missing in action?

tracyluver, I am so sorry about what happened. No one deserves to be humiliated like that. :(

nex, I didn't have a problem with it. Lulu knows that Tracy only has 2 children, so when Tracy brought up 3 pregnancies, Lulu would immediately assume she had an abortion. GH probably did it like that for shock value. Of course, they gave it away in the previews anyway, but did you notice how Tracy got the last line before the credits? Yay!

Placing bets...Will Tracy be around when Luke "rescues" his daughter from the evil Quartermaines? I swear, the ABC Hotsheet used the term "rescue." :rolleyes:

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spoiler talk

Yes it said "rescue." :rolleyes:

Let's completely forget that she's not blameless in all this.

The ONLY time I can tolerate her is with Tracy.

And call me crazy but TIIC are going out of their way to make her look and sound blameless. :huh:

I don't have a problem with Luke blaming Tracy ONLY because that means Luke/Tracy scenes..Luke/Tracy angst...Tracy angst...and airtime for Jane.

Even if she's not in the room( and sadly I think she will be and he'll lump them all together) we'll get our confrontation scenes and I can't wait.


spoiler talk over

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Tracy and her family... :wub:

So I guess next week is sort of a win-win situation for us? If Tracy is around, we get angst. If she isn't, Luke won't be able to clump her with the rest of the Q's (err...just Edward, since Alan/Monica/Ned are apparently locked in the attic). Also...If she isn't around, Luke's going to be rather curious, and when he finds out that Tracy went to find him out of her concern for Lulu, Lacy might get a bit closer before BAM! Laura wakes up.

Because it cannot be said enough, it is NOT the condom's fault that Lulu ended up pregnant. It's called sex. Dillon/Lulu had it. The end. Was the condom defective? Yes. But, if Lulu didn't lie in the first place and sleep with Dillon, this wouldn't have happened. Ugh. And on another note, also OT, I was lurking at All Things GQ: The Source today, and it has to really suck for them that GH is doing a teen pregnancy SL, but with Lulu as the pregnant one, and not Georgie. Not that seniority matters on soaps, but I really feel for Lindze Letherman. She's been on GH for how many years? And she gets pushed aside for a newbie. *shrugs*

Hmm, what else do I got? LOL. I'm assuming the weekend will be extra slow with the holiday. Hope everyone's enjoying themselves! :D

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I haven't read the updated chapters yet Ms.Q but will in a minute. I too noticed no Luke or Lulu in the video.

I guessed too that maybe you were just doing the Q's.

I liked it. But I wonder if anyone would be willing to do a Tracy/Lulu vid?

They haven't had a lot of touching scenes but they've had enough scenes together to comprise a vid.

I like Lulu with Tracy...but only with Tracy and only because Tracy doesn't let her get away with the self pity crap.

"I refuse to feel sorry for someone who can make a list of people that care about her."

You tell her Tracy !! :P

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LaineyBev and ILoveTracyQ, thanks for the feedback. I was waiting for someone to view the video and mention that. For being a less than one minute video, I sure had a lot of trouble with choosing clips, LOL. And so here lies the process...

Plan #1: Tracy and the important men in her life: Edward, Alan, Ned, Dillon, Luke (You might see when you pull it up it says TQ_men.) Actually, I do have this version saved. Will post it later if anyone is interested.

Plan #2: Let's include ALL the men in TQ's life (the ones I have clips for): All of the above plus Coleman, Jax (I had the Trax romantic dinner clip, LOL), and Robert.

Plan #3: Let's forget Plan #2 and add females; focus on family...Monica and Lila became part of the video. Lulu also became part of it.

Plan #4: I kind of feel bad for not including Brook Lynn. Unfortunately, the only decent Brook/Tracy scene I have is from the morning of Lila's memorial; not exactly a "tender" moment. What other "tender" TQ scenes can I include? Ooh. Justus hugged Tracy once. Eh. Justus/Tracy weren't close. It'd be weird.

Plan #5: Forget Brook Lynn. Forget Justus. Uh oh. The timing/pattern isn't working out. I have to get rid of 3 clips. I decided to keep it all Quartermaine. Good-bye, Lulu. Good-bye, Luke. Good-bye...Uh oh again. There are no other clips to get rid of, but I had an idea! Lila/Tracy and Edward/Tracy will just have to share the last scene (it's a bit noticeable if you pay attention to the music because the music doesn't change when the clips do). Anyway...That's really the reason I didn't include the Spencers. Technical problems. Heh. And well, that's my story! :D

BTW, the original version was colored, but I changed it to B/W at the last minute, LOL.

Edit: From the chat the other night: General Hospital Video Theatre: Luke & Tracy: Lunacy-- A marriage of deception became a relationship they never saw coming. Join in on showing the "caring" or the "bickering" side of Lunacy.

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spoiler about "Oh BAby"....don't read if you haven't read the updates.

I liked the updates Ms.Q. And I agree it's totally in character for Luke to say it first.

On the show Tracy won't say it first. Not if they write her correctly.

And I liked you kept it that way here.

Oh and thank you for having Luke say it at a time when he didn't feel pressured to.

"Oh Baby" spoiler talk ended.

Anyone got any Tracy scoops?

((echo)) anyone?

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