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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Aww, MinervaFan and ILoveTracyQ, you're ruining my mood, LOL. Great. Now Tracy's going to be a baby-killer for a 2 second-plot point. :rolleyes: *thinks positively* JE is going to be awesome...no matter what. :D

Edit: Um, what if Tracy's making this up to prevent Lulu from getting an abortion? Someone on SoapDish is speculating. GH would totally do it because Tracy's so eviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil, remember? *braces self*

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ILoveTracyQ, I need your help, LOL. If you have the time, can you go to SOC and explain the whole Tracy "kidnapping" Dillon thing? It's in the Dillon/Lulu Conversation Thread. I mean, Paul didn't even bring the authorities into it, did he? Accuse her of kidnapping? No. He was much too busy trying to start a new family with Jenny. :rolleyes:

Edit #1: I tried defending her, but reread it, and it sounded bad, so I didn't post it. *sigh* smirks? ILoveTracyQ? Heh. Oh, and question...Didn't Dillon spend a weekend with Paul/Jenny once upon a time? I'm thinking 1996. There's a possiblity I'm making this up, LOL, because I don't know why Tracy would put him in their custody even for a little bit, but anyway...Maybe I read it somewhere. And then I confused what really happened with what the bios say. Ugh...

Edit #2: ILoveTracyQ, if I haven't told you lately, you're awesome! Thanks for going over to SOC for me.

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Not a problem. That poster hates Tracy anyway so I always get a thrill out of sticking it to her when she disses my girl.

What can I say? I'm petty like that. And it felt GOOD. I might go back and harass her some more.

Calling our girl an "egg donor."


I've got some eggs for ya. :lol: Sunny side UP,baby !

Oh. I have been at work too long. LOL

And YOU are awesome too Ms.Q ! As are ALL Tracy lovers worldwide. :)

And with that grandiose statement....I'm out. I'll check back in later though.

And EEEEEE !!!!! material for JE even if it is filler. Me so happy. :)

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nex, to clear things up, Tracy approached Dillon about the legal maneuver. Dillon didn't ask for her help. He just entered the den, and enter Mama Q. Unfortunately, he didn't tell her why he wanted the baby, how he wanted to be the father he never had, etc. (This dialogue was exchanged between Lulu/Dillon). Basically, Dillon just told his mother that he didn't want to force Lulu into anything while Tracy spouted off injuctions, blah, blah, blah. And the "What about my 3 pregnancies?" line aired in the previews. Hope that helps. :)

Yay! We are all awesome! We don't sound too conceited, do we?

I hope it's all right to mention this here, but I emailed someone from SOC (ILoveTracyQ, I'm sure you know who she is; I just don't want to mention names) and asked her if she wanted to join since she's a big TQ fan. I wasn't trying to recruit SOC's members or pimp this thread; just thought she might be interested. Anyway, she is interested, and once the semester starts to ease up a bit, she's going to register. Yay!

Edit: Page 137!

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BTW MinervaFan since you wrote the little story where Tracy tells Lulu she had an abortion....can you write a little diddy about YOUR version of how the Laura/Luke/Tracy story turns out?

FIgured it can't hurt considering what's going to be said tomorrow.

Unless Tracy says she gave the baby up but I doubt that.

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Welcome back, 4XCrazy. I'm doing all right. :)

I'm worried about what's going to happen tomorrow...I still think it's possible that Tracy's making up the entire thing to get Lulu to have the baby. I hope not, but TIIC would soooooo do that. Ugh.

Heads Up: I'm not going to be home in time to provide Live Updates tomorrow. Probably won't get to watch my tape until sometime after 5-ish, CDT. :(

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*in the break room, if anybody's out there.*

I watched the show tonight. I'm soooooo fracking sick of Edward and that "Tracy can't do anything right" attitude of his. I'm sick of it. I want him to .... oof. I just remembered my next story. :) Okay, never mind. Poor Edward. Poor, poor Edward.

I'm glad they seem to be covering both sides of this abortion issue. I also think the "injunction" scene (short and unsatisfying as it was) was handled much better than it could have been. It did have a tiny odor of Ebil!Twacy, but mostly it seemed like she had been working hard to provide her son with options. And that last comment--something to the effect of "she'll have time to fall in love with her baby"--seemed to be moving us right along in the right direction.

Oh, ILTQ (I think it was ILTQ), you know I would love to do the whole Luke/Tracy/Laura thing. I really would. I may just go there. But I kind of want to see what they do when Luke returns home first.

And Edward needs to be spanked, metaphorically speaking.....

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I'm bacccccckkkkkkk! A week of family hell. I knew it would be bad! But now I'm home and the very first thing I did was watch the six episodes I missed (Last Wed through This Wed.) I did it on fast forward, pausing only for Tracy/Dillion/Lulu -- or anyone remotely related to the pregnancy storyline. Everyone else got a pass (made an occassional stop on alexis, but that's about it).

Before I got to today's preview, I was very very ticked. All of us here think of Tracy as a multi-layered character with real depth and emotion.. and the TQ I just saw was a one dimensional, melodramatic bore. Not good. Not good at all. (although her hair looked really sexy ;) )

But then..... I saw the preview!! I love the fact that Tracy may have had an abortion. I hope she did and isn't lying about it to trick lulu. (It would make her more "real," and less like a cartoon character). What if.............. she manages to convince Lulu to let her raise the baby-- to raise the child the way that she wished she had raised Ned and Dillion. Y'all talk about Tracy wishing she had raised her sons differently. Maybe this is her chance. If this happens, if would make that old spoiler about "Tracy being slammed into motherhood" true!

So in my fantasy world (if i were writing it): Luke comes back, supports Lulu's decision to have an abortion. Tracy finds out about this and they have a crazy heated argument that crosses the line into mad passionate sex (you know, that sort of #*($ happens on soaps all the time, where a hot argument becomes hot sex). She convinces Luke they both made mistakes when it comes to their kids, and that they should raise this child together. He begins to agree.. or at least Tracy and Luke begin to build a "real" relationsihp, and lulu passes into the second trimenster (past abortion stage), when....... ta da: Laura wakes up.

Could happen. Should happen. Might be really fun.

So anyway, while I was gone you have created a "breakroom" (wow!), written tons of fic, and created a new video!! Ms. Q , I am downloading "Almost" right now! And I'm toddling off to read the new fic and check out the breakroom. What Fun!! What a way to come down off of a kooky "vacation." Yeah!

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